Watch live: Bernie hosts "Cancel Student debt" town hall with special progressive guests to pressure President cancel student debt

We shouldn't stop at student debt though, all debt should be eliminated.
Yes, by being paid back by the person who borrowed it. Grow the fuck up and stop dreaming of being a deadbeat. The money you borrowed belongs to someone who was willing to help you out when you wanted something you didn't work for.
Yes, by being paid back by the person who borrowed it. Grow the fuck up and stop dreaming of being a deadbeat. The money you borrowed belongs to someone who was willing to help you out when you wanted something you didn't work for.
It really sounds like you love corporate strangleholds huh.
Only to the ignorant.
Why do you think all debt should be eliminated?
If I bought a house last year and still owe, say, $350,000 on it, you think I should just get to keep it without paying the balance to the original owner?
I used a credit card to put $80 into my gas tank earlier. Should the gas station owner just be forced to give me free gas?
WTF is wrong with you?
Only to the ignorant.
Why do you think all debt should be eliminated?
If I bought a house last year and still owe, say, $350,000 on it, you think I should just get to keep it without paying the balance to the original owner?
Yes. Though I mean since you love debt so much you could continue paying on it anyways I guess.
If 700 US billionaires could become nearly $2 trillion richer during the pandemic and Trump could provide over $1 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1% and profitable corporations, please don't tell me we can't cancel all $1.8 trillion in student debt for 45 million Americans.

YES WE CAN! period. end of discussion.

Yes we can! And, no we shouldn't!

Why cancel student debt? Those people knowingly signed an agreement for their debt, they saw the terms and conditions, it's common knowledge student debt is actual debt, and they signed up knowing full well it is debt.

So you're saying "you can wrack up as much debt as you want but you shouldn't be responsible for it. The tax payers should pay off your debt".

What about my mortgage? Doesn't that mean the government should pay off my house for me? Or my car payments? What about my credit card debt?

Student loans are an agreement. It's a contract. People are responsible for their decisions they make in life.
Only to the ignorant.
Why do you think all debt should be eliminated?
If I bought a house last year and still owe, say, $350,000 on it, you think I should just get to keep it without paying the balance to the original owner?
I used a credit card to put $80 into my gas tank earlier. Should the gas station owner just be forced to give me free gas?
WTF is wrong with you?
Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

Well....there is a recent commercial that embodies that same don't have to be responsible for the fiduciary promises you make.

This is the commercial: "There's a secret the credit card companies don't want you to don't have to pay back all of what you owe!"


You signed an agreement, charged up the balances.....and now you're going to steal what you agreed to pay?????

In one way or another, Democrat/Liberal policy is based on theft of this sort, whether progressive taxation, socialism, Occupy Wall Street, or the latest......promising that American workers will pay for healthcare for illegal aliens.

Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'
Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'

If you borrow money, be a man or be a bitch. Your choice will determine how you're treated in life.
Have a nice night, regardless.
He is a troll and you’re feeding him. Obviously debt must be repaid. That’s how our society works.
If 700 US billionaires could become nearly $2 trillion richer during the pandemic and Trump could provide over $1 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1% and profitable corporations, please don't tell me we can't cancel all $1.8 trillion in student debt for 45 million Americans.

YES WE CAN! period. end of discussion.

Just because we CAN do something doesn't mean we SHOULD do something.
In this case, we should NOT cancel student debt. period. end of discussion.

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