WATCH LIVE: Charges against Jussie Smollett dropped, attorneys say

He most of told them that he was doing a scene in his show. That everybody was actors. The studio probably has came up with false documents. Saying that they had a permit from the city to pull this stunt.
where is any of this being reported?

that said - this is bullshit. he did it, he was found to have lied, finish it.

Guess he was not found to be lying after all.

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Wrong, dipshit! Moochelle pulled strings for him!
Charges against actor Jussie Smollett have been dropped, his attorneys said Tuesday.

WATCH LIVE: Charges against Jussie Smollett dropped, attorneys say
Gay Black Privilege.
It is that he has connection with the Clinton News Network (CNN). They has more power than the President.


Don Lemon Says He Texts Jussie Smollett Every Day Following Attack
Document this bitch...Jussie is walking free, w/nothing but community service.
No one is surprised you cannot prove your lies designed to make Jussie Smollett look like a poor misunderstood innocent guy. So you take his hand and now you are both pulled in the mud and notorious liars. Good job.
I sure hope they find those thugs in the MAGA hats who beat up the black fag.
Actually, it turns out that any payments made to the brothers were for self-defense classes.

Basically, the charges have come apart. Nothing more, nothing less.

Read it and weep racist CON$.
This is an outright lie. Are the Russians paying you? If so, they're getting screwed - 'cause you suck.

Assistant State Attorney Joe Magats:
"We stand behind the investigation, we stand behind the decision to charge him and we stand behind the charges in the case. The mere fact that it was disposed of in an alternative manner does not mean that there were any problems or infirmities in the case or the evidence."
Let me guess. The boy has something that the authorities need and this was the only way that they could get their hands on it. Am I right?

God bless you always!!!

Rahm Emanuel is real close friends with the Obama's. But he gets on stage pretending that he was against this ruling. He is trying to make that he didn't have any involvement with this decision, just to make sure that the Chicago police dept will trust him. If he loses their trust, that anyone can come to Rahm's home and rob him. Because if he calls them for help. That the cops will take a very long time to come. You can see it in his face that he is full of it.

Obama may think he's smart, but he just destroyed the Left's "victim" platform completely.

I don't want to hear another word from them about black rights, gay rights, or whatever. That ship has been torpedoed.
Obama may think he's smart, but he just destroyed the Left's "victim" platform completely.

I don't want to hear another word from them about black rights, gay rights, or whatever. That ship has been torpedoed.
That is what the Globalist wants you to think.It is to hate everyone. To see each other as enemies. So that they divide and then come in an attack each group one at a time. There will be no group helping out the other group at all because they created tension between the groups. But they don't want these groups to join forces when they starts their attacks. But forget about all of these tricks that they are playing to divide us. And just focus on the Globalist.Smollett was pardoned by the governor or Obama. Obama made it legal for the NDAA to spread false propaganda on the citizens. And so it was just an PSYOP operation. And since Smollett has done it before they dropped the investigation of Russia colluding. And so that state of emergency that Obama has started right before Pres.Trump entered the White House, is over. And the PSYOP's operation has been closed. But they are trying to reopen the Russian colluding investigation so that their PSYOP operation can stay in effect.

Jussie Smollett Has Not Been Exonerated. We Need The Truth.

Document this bitch...Jussie is walking free, w/nothing but community service.
The key to credibility is to be able to recognize pieces of shit on your own side and call them out for what they are. Not to cover for them....
He tried to pull a false flag victimization....his rep is tarnished forever.... so he got away with did OJ.....that means nothing.,

Wow. A white kid defends himself against white attackers and he is a racist. A black guy runs over people

Wow, Jussie Smollett apparently has some white privilege.

There is no such thing as white privilege.

Right now all that exists is black privilege and democrat privilege.

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