Watch Live...Trump speaks in Ohio at 7 PM ET, Mike Lindell & JD Vance will also speak

And it will be just as forgettable as all of his other ones.
Like it or not, the only thing Trump can do right now is hurt the Republican party...oh wait....WINNING!! :auiqs.jpg:

Democrats have destroyed this society.

This fucked up comment/threat inspired my signature. If they want to call the police on me call then police and I'll go peacefully,.. but I would rather go out like a courageous lion than the worthless insect that sits in the white house right now.
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Has there ever been more than one day voting before Covid? Or mail-in-votes? That's why I still sort of believe that the pandemic was planned.
It was sent, by us, to Wuhan, to be honed to do the most damage and released 17 days before Trump took office.
There was no bat involved. Just Obama, Fauci and Wuhan, China...
TRUMP: "Could you imagine somebody wanting open borders? Either you're stupid, or you hate our country."
Hey Trump. The word caravan has been used since the 15th century but sure, go ahead and tell your cult you came up with that word

Trump on voter fraud: "How about Wisconsin? Historically, people don't vote in nursing homes very much, or at a very low level. In Wisconsin [nursing homes], almost 100% voted."
Trump acknowledged that JD "said some bad Shit about me" --but if he went by that standard, there would be nobody to endorse. GREAT MOMENT

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