WATCH OUT! Misleading "Report" on Wilson Prosecutor Flooding the Internet


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There is a new "report" about the prosecutor, Bob McCullough, in the Wilson/Brown case., which is making it's way from one seemingly Brown-supporting publication to another. Some are the same report. Others are similar. They all appear to be bashing the grand jury prosecutor, and suggesting that because he knew that one of the witnesses was lying, that therefore this "builds on a pattern of conduct benefiting Wilson’s defense, that could justify the appointment of a new prosecutor" as Judd Legum of Think Progress puts it.

Legum quite gives away his partisanship here right off the bat, in his title which calls McCullough's statement about lying witnesses > "A Startling Admission.." and adds > "Could Restart the Case Against Darren Wilson" He also quotes a Missouri lawmaker, Karla May, who called Friday for a legislative investigation of McCulloch’s conduct. May said that there is evidence to suggest that McCulloch manipulated the grand jury process from the beginning to ensure that Officer Wilson would not be indicted.” Below this OP is a list of the bad articles like this one from Think Progress, and then a list of ONE good one which tellS the WHOLE story, and shows why the bad articles are bad, and frankly ridiculous. But I'll tell you why right now. It's because the slam-job the Brown fans are tossing around here, is based only on the testimony of what they charge is a pro-Wilson witness, witness number 40 (Shirley McElroy). Problem is the bad "reports" are conveniently missing some vital information. Like the fact that there were MANY witnesses who presented false reports about the Brown shooting. And some of these were anti-Wilson.

Like witness number 22, whose testimony was at first damaging to Wilson, admitted she lied when pressed by investigators. Eventually she told the grand jury, "I just felt like I want to be part of something ... I didn't see what I told the FBI."Testimony from witness 35 might have helped lead to an indictment of Wilson, testifying that Brown was "on his knees" when shot in the head by Wilson. But it wasn't true. The witness admits to making that story up.
In one exchange, the prosecutor asked "Are you telling us the only thing that's true about all of your statements before this is that you saw that police officer shoot him at-point blank range?”
The answer: "yes." I could have probably listed 100 more bad reports, as they are prolific, but the simple thing to remember is that if the report you read, or see on TV, talks only about WITNESS NUMBER 40, Shirley McElroy, and doesn't say a word about the witnesses who reported against Wilson, and later admitted THEY lied, you know where you can dump that report. It looks like the great majority of reports coming forth on this issue, are all anti-Wilson, but don't let that throw you. Doesn't matter if there's a million of them. They are misleading, in many cases, deliberately so, and are trying to change the case from where the prosecutor simply allowed ALL witnesses to testify, into one that gives the impression that the prosecutor slanted the case in Wilson's favor. FALSE! That didn't happen, and these unscrupulous publications won't succeed in distorting the truth, by presenting only an anti-Wilson event, while OMITTING the pro-Wilson parts.


Of course the most important instance of someone lying on the stand was Wilson himself. He told his superior that he did not know that Wilson was suspected of anything, and then later told investigators that he did. Of course the person whose duty it was to point this out to the grand jury neglected to do so.
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if McCollough was corrupt or just grossly incompetent, but in either case, a special prosecutor should be appointed.
Of course the most important instance of someone lying on the stand was Wilson himself. He told his superior that he did not know that Wilson was suspected of anything, and then later told investigators that he did. Of course the person whose duty it was to point this out to the grand jury neglected to do so.
Sober up fuck-witt! The name is 'Brown' not Wilson.
Fuck off you simian piece of monkey shit. Go hang out in the trees with the other Tree Dwellers.
Of course the most important instance of someone lying on the stand was Wilson himself. He told his superior that he did not know that Wilson was suspected of anything, and then later told investigators that he did. Of course the person whose duty it was to point this out to the grand jury neglected to do so.
Sober up fuck-witt! The name is 'Brown' not Wilson.
Fuck off you simian piece of monkey shit. Go hang out in the trees with the other Tree Dwellers.

Actually, your mom likes to climb my tree :finger3:
"Floooding" the internet? Do you idiots know how the internet works?

Good lord... why do people bother with this forum...
There is a new "report" about the prosecutor, Bob McCullough, in the Wilson/Brown case., which is making it's way from one seemingly Brown-supporting publication to another. Some are the same report. Others are similar. They all appear to be bashing the grand jury prosecutor, and suggesting that because he knew that one of the witnesses was lying, that therefore this "builds on a pattern of conduct benefiting Wilson’s defense, that could justify the appointment of a new prosecutor" as Judd Legum of Think Progress puts it.

Legum quite gives away his partisanship here right off the bat, in his title which calls McCullough's statement about lying witnesses > "A Startling Admission.." and adds > "Could Restart the Case Against Darren Wilson" He also quotes a Missouri lawmaker, Karla May, who called Friday for a legislative investigation of McCulloch’s conduct. May said that there is evidence to suggest that McCulloch manipulated the grand jury process from the beginning to ensure that Officer Wilson would not be indicted.” Below this OP is a list of the bad articles like this one from Think Progress, and then a list of ONE good one which tellS the WHOLE story, and shows why the bad articles are bad, and frankly ridiculous. But I'll tell you why right now. It's because the slam-job the Brown fans are tossing around here, is based only on the testimony of what they charge is a pro-Wilson witness, witness number 40 (Shirley McElroy). Problem is the bad "reports" are conveniently missing some vital information. Like the fact that there were MANY witnesses who presented false reports about the Brown shooting. And some of these were anti-Wilson.

Like witness number 22, whose testimony was at first damaging to Wilson, admitted she lied when pressed by investigators. Eventually she told the grand jury, "I just felt like I want to be part of something ... I didn't see what I told the FBI."Testimony from witness 35 might have helped lead to an indictment of Wilson, testifying that Brown was "on his knees" when shot in the head by Wilson. But it wasn't true. The witness admits to making that story up.
In one exchange, the prosecutor asked "Are you telling us the only thing that's true about all of your statements before this is that you saw that police officer shoot him at-point blank range?”
The answer: "yes." I could have probably listed 100 more bad reports, as they are prolific, but the simple thing to remember is that if the report you read, or see on TV, talks only about WITNESS NUMBER 40, Shirley McElroy, and doesn't say a word about the witnesses who reported against Wilson, and later admitted THEY lied, you know where you can dump that report. It looks like the great majority of reports coming forth on this issue, are all anti-Wilson, but don't let that throw you. Doesn't matter if there's a million of them. They are misleading, in many cases, deliberately so, and are trying to change the case from where the prosecutor simply allowed ALL witnesses to testify, into one that gives the impression that the prosecutor slanted the case in Wilson's favor. FALSE! That didn't happen, and these unscrupulous publications won't succeed in distorting the truth, by presenting only an anti-Wilson event, while OMITTING the pro-Wilson parts.


All they have is lies when the truth doesn't support their narrative.
There is a new "report" about the prosecutor, Bob McCullough, in the Wilson/Brown case., which is making it's way from one seemingly Brown-supporting publication to another. Some are the same report. Others are similar. They all appear to be bashing the grand jury prosecutor, and suggesting that because he knew that one of the witnesses was lying, that therefore this "builds on a pattern of conduct benefiting Wilson’s defense, that could justify the appointment of a new prosecutor" as Judd Legum of Think Progress puts it.

Legum quite gives away his partisanship here right off the bat, in his title which calls McCullough's statement about lying witnesses > "A Startling Admission.." and adds > "Could Restart the Case Against Darren Wilson" He also quotes a Missouri lawmaker, Karla May, who called Friday for a legislative investigation of McCulloch’s conduct. May said that there is evidence to suggest that McCulloch manipulated the grand jury process from the beginning to ensure that Officer Wilson would not be indicted.” Below this OP is a list of the bad articles like this one from Think Progress, and then a list of ONE good one which tellS the WHOLE story, and shows why the bad articles are bad, and frankly ridiculous. But I'll tell you why right now. It's because the slam-job the Brown fans are tossing around here, is based only on the testimony of what they charge is a pro-Wilson witness, witness number 40 (Shirley McElroy). Problem is the bad "reports" are conveniently missing some vital information. Like the fact that there were MANY witnesses who presented false reports about the Brown shooting. And some of these were anti-Wilson.

Like witness number 22, whose testimony was at first damaging to Wilson, admitted she lied when pressed by investigators. Eventually she told the grand jury, "I just felt like I want to be part of something ... I didn't see what I told the FBI."Testimony from witness 35 might have helped lead to an indictment of Wilson, testifying that Brown was "on his knees" when shot in the head by Wilson. But it wasn't true. The witness admits to making that story up.
In one exchange, the prosecutor asked "Are you telling us the only thing that's true about all of your statements before this is that you saw that police officer shoot him at-point blank range?”
The answer: "yes." I could have probably listed 100 more bad reports, as they are prolific, but the simple thing to remember is that if the report you read, or see on TV, talks only about WITNESS NUMBER 40, Shirley McElroy, and doesn't say a word about the witnesses who reported against Wilson, and later admitted THEY lied, you know where you can dump that report. It looks like the great majority of reports coming forth on this issue, are all anti-Wilson, but don't let that throw you. Doesn't matter if there's a million of them. They are misleading, in many cases, deliberately so, and are trying to change the case from where the prosecutor simply allowed ALL witnesses to testify, into one that gives the impression that the prosecutor slanted the case in Wilson's favor. FALSE! That didn't happen, and these unscrupulous publications won't succeed in distorting the truth, by presenting only an anti-Wilson event, while OMITTING the pro-Wilson parts.



who cares? People who get info they want on the internet will not believe otherwise.

Just look at people who believe all sorts of things about Obama that they found on the internet.

I wonder if get...

oh never mind

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