Watch: Palestinian girl tries to provoke Maccabi fans in Milan

Isn't it the Guardian that is biased in favor of the Arabs?

The Guardian folks have tingles running down their legs when it concerns Ayrabs. Yes.

It almost seems like some 16-year old is posting now for the Boiler Room group. Maybe the Boiler Room Gang is enlisting them at a young age. What do you think?
I've noticed that a number of the boiler room gang are not posting today and poor old Monte has to bear the brunt. Perhaps the gang is in a period of re-education and retraining or they could be enjoying about 25 lashes each for their ineptitude lately. Then again, their handlers might be under a bit of strain from headquarters for a poor production quota and they're worried about their jobs. It's not easy these days of the electronic media to pump out propaganda. Especially when you don't believe what you're pushing.
The old blame the victim trick.
No, dear. Many times a child is killed or wounded by Palestinian fire and it's a given that Israel is the guilty party. It's a convenient charge.

No son, quite the opposite occurs, the Palestinians are accused when the IDF are the culprits. It is the usual propaganda, very well done, mind you, with the complicity of the Western media.

You argue just for arguments sake. Perhaps you have heard the name Durrah? If you have, you probably still think IDF had magic bullets and bend around corners in mid flight, not just guns that shoot around corners.
US and Western media will rarely report on the IDF murders of Palestinian children for fear of being labeled anti-Israel. The only "news" you accept is Israeli propaganda.

United Nations CRC/C/ISR/CO/2-4

Convention on the
Rights of the Child

"(a) Palestinian children being shot by the State party’s military near the Gaza
border whilst collecting building material to support their families in the reconstruction of
their homes, 30 such cases having been reported over the reporting period;

(b) The rise in the number of children from the OPT being subjected to attacks
by settlers in the West Bank, four of them having been killed since 2008 and hundreds
injured over the reporting period. The Committee notes with concern that in most of the
cases Israeli military forces not only fail to intervene to prevent violence and to protect
children, but also bring support to those committing violence....."

Lets see if I can educate you child, I know it will be almost inpossible.

The gazans know the rules in regards to encroaching on the land designated as no mans land, enter it at your own peril. The same rules apply to any military designated no mans land everywhere in the world, I cant enter a military establishment without being challenged by armed personnel with orders to shoot. It has happened to me when I drove past a US military camp in the UK while using a Ham Radio, I was stopped by armed guards who cocked their semi automatics and aimed them at me. I was asked to get out of my car and sit in the back of a panel truck with armed guards. I was taken to an underground installation were I was questioned about my radio transmitters in my car. On production of my licence details the officer made enquiries and apologised for the way I was treated, I told him I understood and that I should have known better. I was then given a tour of the installation and shown the large radar arrays in operation that are part of the Dew Line. I was escorted back to my car and allowed to continue my journey. Because I posed no threat I was not fired on, the gazans pose a threat so they are fired on. AND FOR THE RECORD the najority of those "children" are seen as adults by the Palestinians.
Do you even know what a murder is??

to them dead is dead and they avoid the circumstances, even if measures were taken to limit or prevent serious injury and/or death. Too often IDF are blamed when in fact it was palestinian fire.

The old blame the victim trick.

So even when the evidence is produced that proves it was the Palestinians that killed the children, or that the children were killed in Syria or Lebanon it is still blame the victim. You really are brainwashed into believing the ISLAMONAZI LIES
The old blame the victim trick.
No, dear. Many times a child is killed or wounded by Palestinian fire and it's a given that Israel is the guilty party. It's a convenient charge.

No son, quite the opposite occurs, the Palestinians are accused when the IDF are the culprits. It is the usual propaganda, very well done, mind you, with the complicity of the Western media.

The al dura case is just one example of Palestinians blaming the IDF for a murder that never happened and was behind a concrete wall. So obvious once it was examined that many media outlets had to apologise and pay fines

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"Western media are biased against Arabs, parrot government views and have a negative influence on western understanding of the region..."

'Western media biased against Arabs' | Media | MediaGuardian

From your link , which sums it up for all to understand

Marc Lynch, a professor of political science at America's Williams College, said: "After 9/11 a lot of Americans were not responding to the Arabic media, but to what they were being told about the Arabic media.

"The gap between how Arabs and Americans understand the world is enormous ... We need a real dialogue. Americans need to listen to Arabic media and vice-versa. We need Americans on Arab media," he said.

So it is a two way street and not all one way as you are trying to make out
No, dear. Many times a child is killed or wounded by Palestinian fire and it's a given that Israel is the guilty party. It's a convenient charge.

No son, quite the opposite occurs, the Palestinians are accused when the IDF are the culprits. It is the usual propaganda, very well done, mind you, with the complicity of the Western media.

You argue just for arguments sake. Perhaps you have heard the name Durrah? If you have, you probably still think IDF had magic bullets and bend around corners in mid flight, not just guns that shoot around corners.

Must have been some bullet that could fly half a mile go round two corners and then hit a boy sheltering behind a drum . A bit like the alleged Israeli rocket that flew up into the air and then targeted an ambulance, flew down removed the roof air vent and then entered the ambulance and killed all the people inside without causing any damage.

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