Watch "Peaceful Protesters" Argue Over Burning Down Portland Courthouse

The funny thing is how easily it must be to infiltrate these idiots...I'll bet there are dozens of undercover officers in that group alone....
I don't know who that black dude with the dreadlocks is, and I cannot understand what he is saying due to terrible microphone... but from what it appears... kudos to that guy. It takes ENORMOUS bravery to step in there and stop the fucking snot nosed anarchists. Good on him.
You want to see the value of an alpha male? Skip to 2:18 and watch one in action.
Love what he said - "doing dumb shit like this is all they talk about on the news".
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Watching the Socialist mayor getting gassed and kicked to the curb by the ones he appeased never gets old.

I've been through the gas chamber in the military on numerous occasions. This was tear gas light. I would give the scum a heavier dose...and worse. Make me governor of Oregon for a fucking week. I will run the communist back to San Francisco where they came from in 1980's and 1990's to fuck-up a good state.
This is what passes as Peaceful Protest to the clowns on the left.

This was the night before the Feds gassed the Mayor leading the riots.

I can't even watch a full minute of that crap. The Feds ought to surround these asses with water canons and blast them right into the walls of that building to put that fire out or whatever they are trying to light and knock the shit out of all of them with the canons until they are nearly drowned. Then gather their asses all up, arrest them as felons and beat them with rubber hoses in prison. Then drag their sorry worthless asses back to the building and make them scrub every last bit of that crap off the stone, then charge them as felons, fine them and when they get out, do 2 years community service. Then hunt down all these kid's fathers and kick his asses too for not raising a better child.
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What an idiot.
His problem is his own stupidity thinking he had a single thing in common with these morons.
They are anarchist. Losers, societies worst. All they want to do is tear shit up. It's like trying to reason with a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.
What a complete moron.
I don't know who that black dude with the dreadlocks is, and I cannot understand what he is saying due to terrible microphone... but from what it appears... kudos to that guy. It takes ENORMOUS bravery to step in there and stop the fucking snot nosed anarchists. Good on him.
You want to see the value of an alpha male? Skip to 2:18 and watch one in action.
Love what he said - "doing dumb shit like this is all they talk about on the news".
I keep telling everyone it's not minorities that are responsible, the white privilege on the left is in deep trouble and they need minorities to take the heat for them cuz they [white privilege] certainly see themselves as above all this.
I don't know who that black dude with the dreadlocks is, and I cannot understand what he is saying due to terrible microphone... but from what it appears... kudos to that guy. It takes ENORMOUS bravery to step in there and stop the fucking snot nosed anarchists. Good on him.
You want to see the value of an alpha male? Skip to 2:18 and watch one in action.
Love what he said - "doing dumb shit like this is all they talk about on the news".
I keep telling everyone it's not minorities that are responsible, the white privilege on the left is in deep trouble and they need minorities to take the heat for them cuz they [white privilege] certainly see themselves as above all this.
Well.... except the basement loser trying to set fire was also black... oops.
I don't know who that black dude with the dreadlocks is, and I cannot understand what he is saying due to terrible microphone... but from what it appears... kudos to that guy. It takes ENORMOUS bravery to step in there and stop the fucking snot nosed anarchists. Good on him.
You want to see the value of an alpha male? Skip to 2:18 and watch one in action.
Love what he said - "doing dumb shit like this is all they talk about on the news".
I keep telling everyone it's not minorities that are responsible, the white privilege on the left is in deep trouble and they need minorities to take the heat for them cuz they [white privilege] certainly see themselves as above all this.
Well.... except the basement loser trying to set fire was also black... oops.
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