Watch the Liar in Chief encourage violence


Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.

Fringe Retards

That is scary stupid when Trump zombies think Clintons and Obamas sent bombs to themselves.

Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.

Fringe Retards

That is scary stupid when Trump zombies think Clintons and Obamas sent bombs to themselves.
They didn't send bombs to themselves. They found some dimwit that they could convince it was a good idea to send them fake bombs.
Ah, more fake news from the usual parrots, Democrats projecting yet again. Wonder why they quit running those Maxine Waters ' sound bites', or Eric Holder's racist claims that he 'couldn't find anything illegal about his wonderful Back Panthers harassing white voters at polls in Philly', or putting a bounty on Zimmerman's head, or Obama trying to railroad an innocent man into prison for defending himself against some violent black thug, among many many other encouragements to violence and hate crimes?

Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.

Fringe Retards

That is scary stupid when Trump zombies think Clintons and Obamas sent bombs to themselves.
They didn't send bombs to themselves. They found some dimwit that they could convince it was a good idea to send them fake bombs.

Yes. The FBI magically found the guy immediately, but yet didn't catch the very same crazy guy in the act of building multiple bombs for weeks. yeah right ... sounds credible ...
Are you saying that's not Trump saying those things?
Fake News! Even you know that! Duh!
What's fake news? The video of Trump?

Maybe you're kidding.

Trump is a dispicable human the he*l did this liar become president? I didn't know there were so many degenerates voting...
He became President because YOU PEOPLE are even more despicable. It isn't hard to understand, even for people like you.

You cannot denegrate, name-call, and verbally attack an entire group of people without there being consequences.

Shitforhair has already said there would be violence if the gop loses the mid terms so stfu with the you people bullshit

So go ahead and post this 'news'; my guess is you're just another retarded piece of shit parroting rubbish while hoping to provoke a lot of violence yourself, a typical Democrat.

Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.

Fringe Retards

That is scary stupid when Trump zombies think Clintons and Obamas sent bombs to themselves.
They didn't send bombs to themselves. They found some dimwit that they could convince it was a good idea to send them fake bombs.

And the evidence of that is....nonexistent?
Yes. The FBI magically found the guy immediately, but yet didn't catch the very same crazy guy in the act of building multiple bombs for weeks. yeah right ... sounds credible ...

They "magically" found him because he sent 14 fucking bombs and left a finger print on one of them

Why didn't thet catch him before he sent the bombs?


You retards will say ANYTHING...literally anything to defend Trump's hate filled rhetoric and the results of that rhetoric

ABCNews? Seriously? :th_believecrap:
You mean:

Fox News? Breitbart? Seriously?

Like trump said.....don't believe what you read and see. Believe what he tells you. I think Hitler said the same thing...
Oh yeah, Trump and Hitler have a lot in common, huh. Idiot.
You want Trump to turn into Mr. Rogers and it's not going to happen! Trump has been savagely attacked by liberals and the main stream media ever since he was nominated. He gives as good as he gets. You want civility? Try being more civil yourself!

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