Watch the Liar in Chief encourage violence

Before 2016 this would have worked on most of America. I just love how this is not working now, and it's not going to work.

Scared yet?

We recognize your tactics and we are using them. You didn't own the Steve Scalise shooter; we're not going to own this guy. The Democrats have been foisting "violent rhetoric" since 2016 and before. I don't need to list it. The hypocrisy stinks so bad you had to come up with a term to cover for your stench: "whataboutism".

We used to cover and cower under your attacks but no more. You don't own crap and anymore, neither do we. You don't take ownership for even the mainstream beliefs of YOUR OWN PARTY, let alone your nutjobs.

We certainly shall not take ownership of nutjobs with rap sheets a mile long.


Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.

Your blue wave is still dead. Enjoy that too.
The Trump MAGA bomber at a Trump rally.


Bombing Suspect Cesar A. Sayoc Charged with 5 Felonies
Treyvon Martin a racist homophobe, Obama's son!

You stutter with like the idiot you are....

You stutter with like the idiot you are....

Right :lmao:

I think you don't know what political hyperbole is. :)

I think you are a lying Trumpette....

You stutter with like the idiot you are....

You stutter with like the idiot you are....

Right :lmao:

I think you don't know what political hyperbole is. :)

I think you are a lying Trumpette....

Think what you want, but it doesn't make it true.
Trump is a dispicable human the he*l did this liar become president?
Because next to the left, President Trump literally looks like Mother Theresa. If only you would take an objective look at your own side, you’d be appalled.
He just invited Putin to the White House. Who unsurprisingly has a long history of violence against journalists.
Remember when you nitwits cheered after MaObama did the same thing? You people worshipped MaObama for his Putin administration and desire to “repair” relations. But when President Trump attempts to improve relations, all of you cry like fragile ‘lil snowflakes.
Are you saying that's not Trump saying those things?
Fake News! Even you know that! Duh!
What's fake news? The video of Trump?

Maybe you're kidding.

Trump is a dispicable human the he*l did this liar become president? I didn't know there were so many degenerates voting...
He became President because YOU PEOPLE are even more despicable. It isn't hard to understand, even for people like you.

You cannot denegrate, name-call, and verbally attack an entire group of people without there being consequences.
Tell it to Maxine Waters.
Trump and his base are the greatest terrorist threat to America! Who knew that America would be destroyed from within by homegrown terrorists - incited and led by a sitting U.S. president?!
Stop acting like a dumb dog or bitch
Here is the ultimate Liar in Chief doing what he does best - trying to divide the nation once again...

Biggest asshole in the world. He should just go away and concentrate on his ignorant self, bitch wife and bad kids.

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