Watchdog: Al Jazeera’s Gaza Fatalities Data Indicates Israel Killed Mostly Combatant-


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is interesting to know because the Arabs and their fellow travelers are whining about all the women and children being killed by the Israelis (of course overlooking all the women and children killed by other Arabs in the rest of the Middle East).

Watchdog: Al Jazeera’s Gaza Fatalities Data Indicates Israel Killed Mostly Combatant-Age Males, Not Women or Children

JULY 15, 2014

Joshua Levitt

Data published by Al Jazeera on Monday shows that in its ongoing operation in Gaza Israel killed mainly combatant-age males, not women or children, according to CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, contradicting media reports that tried to paint Israel’s Operation Protective Edge as indiscriminately killing civilians.

In a study published on Monday, CAMERA said that a close read of the data“shows that, as in past hostilities, the fatalities are disproportionately [compared to the overall population] among young males, which corresponds with the characteristics of combatants. Males over 40 years old are also disproportionately represented. Some of the fatalities in those over 40 years of age likely represent senior members of terrorist organizations.”

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From the gaza list of dead, I think it was around 70 that were actually civilian, women and children. 2/3 of the dead were hostiles.
In a highly dense population area, that is to be expected. The majority are not innocents.

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