Watched Michael Steele explain why Republicans hate Christie.

the left hated Christy before his and Obama love affair...called him all kinds of cute names, like tub o lard, fattso, etc

but once he groveled for Obama and put down his own party, they now love love love love him

they are such two faced frkkien hypocrites and all around just pathetic people

Don't forget "Crispie". That's my favorite. Crispie has pretty much the same positions as Cuccinelli. The same awful positions. The same failed economy policies all Republicans have.

The difference is that Crispie has a certain amount of charisma, he comes across as likable and feisty and he worked with the president. He was rewarded.

new jersey bond rating downgrade

State Loses Nearly 12,000 Jobs In July, Bucking Growth Trend - New Jersey News - New Providence-Berkeley Heights, NJ Patch

Look at all the Red States. 150 years of conservative rule and every single one is a mess. Crispie is doing to New Jersey what Republicans have done to the other states they control.
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You still have Republicans saying Obama wasn't born here and somehow sent telegrams for a fake birth announcement in Hawaii. As if his being president was somehow all a sinister plot that started at least 50 years ago.

And I'm talking Republicans in congress. Not just the sheeple.

And these right wingers have the nerve to criticize me?

hey Dean....since i caught you on the run from the thread..."What Is A Reasonable Republican to the Left"..... were you said i was a racist.....remember that? come you did not take me up on my challenge to you?....i notice you kinda...disappeared....problems?...something you could not prove?....chicken shit?...what?...

What was it you said to have earned that title? Do I have to go look?
you tell me your the one who said it.....let me at least turn the music on before you start dancing.....but i cant back what you said up with one of your exalted links so you will stay away from what i said....gotcha Dean....not only fucking integrity......
the left hated Christy before his and Obama love affair...called him all kinds of cute names, like tub o lard, fattso, etc

but once he groveled for Obama and put down his own party, they now love love love love him

they are such two faced frkkien hypocrites and all around just pathetic people

Don't forget "Crispie". That's my favorite. Crispie has pretty much the same positions as Cuccinelli. The same awful positions. The same failed economy policies all Republicans have.

The difference is that Crispie has a certain amount of charisma, he comes across as likable and feisty and he worked with the president. He was rewarded.

new jersey bond rating downgrade

State Loses Nearly 12,000 Jobs In July, Bucking Growth Trend - New Jersey News - New Providence-Berkeley Heights, NJ Patch

Look at all the Red States. 150 years of conservative rule and every single one is a mess. Crispie is doing to New Jersey what Republicans have done to the other states they control.
California once a great Economy....after 30 years of people with your mind set running things.....did not take long to run it into the ground....
Remember, Michael Steele? The guy to took the Republican Party to victory in 2010?

He said Republicans hate Christie like they hated Rick Scott. Both had the nerve to actually touch Obama. Scott was driven out of the GOP. But Republicans aren't able to get to Christie the same way.

Hilarious. Christie is against gays, against women's rights, doesn't care about the poor. His state's bond rating was lowered. He hasn't brought in any jobs after promising. Hates unions. All the things Republicans think of as "good government". Yet he had the nerve to "touch" the black guy in the WHITE House.

No wonder the Confederate Right Wingers hate him.

You're thinking of Charlie Christ, not Rick Scott. Republicans generally like the latter man. They definitely don't like weasels who suck up to Obama.
Remember, Michael Steele? The guy to took the Republican Party to victory in 2010?

He said Republicans hate Christie like they hated Rick Scott. Both had the nerve to actually touch Obama. Scott was driven out of the GOP. But Republicans aren't able to get to Christie the same way.

Hilarious. Christie is against gays, against women's rights, doesn't care about the poor. His state's bond rating was lowered. He hasn't brought in any jobs after promising. Hates unions. All the things Republicans think of as "good government". Yet he had the nerve to "touch" the black guy in the WHITE House.

No wonder the Confederate Right Wingers hate him.

why are you so obsessed with obama's skin color? i never read or hear about obama's skin color except for far left wing hacks like yourself...
rdean does have a point. The republicans want to far to the extreme.

Touching the president shouldn't be seen as wrong.

Verbally fellating the president on national TV in the hopes of getting disaster relief should be.
Remember, Michael Steele? The guy to took the Republican Party to victory in 2010?

He said Republicans hate Christie like they hated Rick Scott. Both had the nerve to actually touch Obama. Scott was driven out of the GOP. But Republicans aren't able to get to Christie the same way.

Hilarious. Christie is against gays, against women's rights, doesn't care about the poor. His state's bond rating was lowered. He hasn't brought in any jobs after promising. Hates unions. All the things Republicans think of as "good government". Yet he had the nerve to "touch" the black guy in the WHITE House.

No wonder the Confederate Right Wingers hate him.

Rick Scott?
Remember, Michael Steele? The guy to took the Republican Party to victory in 2010?

Yes I do I also recall that 2010 victory was in large part due to the Tea Party wave that was sweeping the nation at that time something else I remember is that the 2008 and 2012 Republican Presidential nominees were not what one would consider Tea Party favorites. Though the Tea Party movement did not start until after the 2008 election I think it's safe to say they would not have been huge McCain backers and we know they weren't big Romney backers yet these were considered the types who would be more moderate and appeal to a wider segment of the population and both lost ironic.
Remember, Michael Steele? The guy to took the Republican Party to victory in 2010?

He said Republicans hate Christie like they hated Rick Scott. Both had the nerve to actually touch Obama. Scott was driven out of the GOP. But Republicans aren't able to get to Christie the same way.

Hilarious. Christie is against gays, against women's rights, doesn't care about the poor. His state's bond rating was lowered. He hasn't brought in any jobs after promising. Hates unions. All the things Republicans think of as "good government". Yet he had the nerve to "touch" the black guy in the WHITE House.

No wonder the Confederate Right Wingers hate him.

why are you so obsessed with obama's skin color? i never read or hear about obama's skin color except for far left wing hacks like yourself...

he is obsessed with Republicans skin color too.....whatever he wants to say about Republicans he can say without mentioning color but he does.....the guy is a fucking first class bigot who thinks his shit dont stink....its a character flaw....

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