Watching CNN, former GOP Mia Love...thankfully she was voted out, she is dumb as a stump (or just dishonest)

Smokin' OP rightwinger Care4all

Says nothing about Pelosi or McConnell does it?

The president has covid, Fauci has covid, states are fighting over illegal aliens dumped in cities, lefties claim that humanity is doomed over climate change, gas prices are still high and inflation is creeping up but a "shockedcnadian" worries about somebody named Mia Love. WTF?
That’s odd

Because on Jan 6, as he watched his mob attack the Capitol, TRUMP refused to call out the National Guard……Pence had to do it
You need flashbacks every day before Jan. 6 for several years. If what you say of Trump is true, then Progs and Repub elitists caused it. If it was true. Right or wrong, Trump doesn't take shit. The things that went on in the White House and the Congress we do not know much of it. But we are at war again. Again, and again and again...
We will never know if Trump could have stopped them….he never tried

We do know that if Trump had not created the stolen election lie and demanded his followers do something about it…..Jan 6 would never have happened

Yet, pretending that the hasty re-writing of state election laws, which relaxed the verification procedures for absentee voting, had no bearing on the Biden victory, when he received over 70 percent of those votes, is intellectually dishonest and, worse, will cause future electoral chaos. It now appears that voting remotely, like most everything else we do, will become part of our lives.

That doesn’t mean there was fraud (nor does it mean that the election was free of illegal voting), but it does mean that many ballots that were tabulated, in a pre-COVID-19 election year, would have been tossed aside: those missing information, improperly postmarked and sealed and, in some cases, corrected by poll workers where signature authentications were nonexistent. There were also a host of other modifications and permissive, voter-friendly standards across the country.

Also, there were glaring statistical anomalies — more ballots were returned that didn’t reconcile with registration rolls; rejection rates were considerably lower than usual. There was ballot harvesting and mobile drop-off centers. Voters received ballots without requesting them. And multiple ballots were sent to the same people. (I know — I was one of them. I made a copy of the second one, and I remain convinced, despite reassurances otherwise, that my first ballot was already counted. President Biden, you’re welcome.)
Still waiting for you to show where Pelosi turned down any request for National Guard

Are you admitting you made it up?
So, you're saying that the House Sargent at Arms didn't bother to consult Pelosi? Why wasn't she important enough to be "in the loop"?


Yet, pretending that the hasty re-writing of state election laws, which relaxed the verification procedures for absentee voting, had no bearing on the Biden victory, when he received over 70 percent of those votes, is intellectually dishonest and, worse, will cause future electoral chaos. It now appears that voting remotely, like most everything else we do, will become part of our lives.

That doesn’t mean there was fraud (nor does it mean that the election was free of illegal voting), but it does mean that many ballots that were tabulated, in a pre-COVID-19 election year, would have been tossed aside: those missing information, improperly postmarked and sealed and, in some cases, corrected by poll workers where signature authentications were nonexistent. There were also a host of other modifications and permissive, voter-friendly standards across the country.

Also, there were glaring statistical anomalies — more ballots were returned that didn’t reconcile with registration rolls; rejection rates were considerably lower than usual. There was ballot harvesting and mobile drop-off centers. Voters received ballots without requesting them. And multiple ballots were sent to the same people. (I know — I was one of them. I made a copy of the second one, and I remain convinced, despite reassurances otherwise, that my first ballot was already counted. President Biden, you’re welcome.)
All woulda, coulda, shoulda

Yet, with a record of over 150 million votes cast, very few were found to be fraudulent despite multiple audits, recounts and court challenges.
All woulda, coulda, shoulda

Yet, with a record of over 150 million votes cast, very few were found to be fraudulent despite multiple audits, recounts and court challenges.

Because people like you resist any investigation. Makes a person wonder what people like you are hiding.
So, you're saying that the House Sargent at Arms didn't bother to consult Pelosi? Why wasn't she important enough to be "in the loop"?

So, you're saying that the House Sargent at Arms didn't bother to consult Pelosi? Why wasn't she important enough to be "in the loop"?

Show where Pelosi or McConnell were briefed on Capitol security

I will wait
Now she'll get what she deserves from the Manson Girls for just being honest about her opinion.
Show where Pelosi or McConnell were briefed on Capitol security

I will wait
you're the one that says they weren't. I merely asked why, in your opinion, they weren't consulted. Were they so disengaged that the House and Senate Sargent at Arms didn't feel it worth the time to try to get their input? Was it negligence? C'mon, don't be shy, tell us why you think it wasn't important for Pelosi and/or Schumer to be informed of the threat and the offer of the National Guard.

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