Watching CNN interview Trump supporters, they saved their toughest words for John McCain


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress

The buck must never stop at Trump :rolleyes:

Dumb inbreds...
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress

The buck must never stop at Trump :rolleyes:

Dumb inbreds...

He doesn't vote on these bills, he signs them. Obstructionism is coming from too many corners.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress

The buck must never stop at Trump :rolleyes:

Dumb inbreds...

He doesn't vote on these bills, he signs them. Obstructionism is coming from too many corners.
He doesn't do anything about any bills. He asked congress to give him something, ANYTHING to make him look good on healthcare. He's offered no suggestions for it, given no input on it... while at the same time insulting and spitting on people who were ACTUALLY elected with a majority of their constituent's votes, and who HE needs to get bills passed.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that's very fitting. You elected a clown, don't be surprised you ended up with a circus.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

You could save time and just pack your bags and move to Venezuela. That is where the Democrats are headed and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The only hope for America is a successful term by Trump and a re-establishment of American expansion rather than the bleeding of jobs and increasing debt.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Not sure I'm reading you right but many in the GOP still don't get why Trump won or don't want to see it. McCain has finished himself and he is wasting his time if he runs again. Likewise McConnell. Anyone who comes out fully 100% behind Trump, that person will win against anyone who runs against him. The Left can look at it any way they want, consider all Trump supporters troglodytic throwbacks, whatever makes their butt hurt less, but the bottom line is that this country is SICK AND TIRED of the business-as-usual worthless GOP and even more sick of the Leftist loons and their commies at the DNC. We are only beginning to take our country back.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

You could save time and just pack your bags and move to Venezuela. That is where the Democrats are headed and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The only hope for America is a successful term by Trump and a re-establishment of American expansion rather than the bleeding of jobs and increasing debt.

The persistence of the alt-dright dream world. Sad and hilarious at the same time. Alex Jones is that you?
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.
Because mutant-necked McCain is such a treasonous, anti-Trump slimebucket, I hope the pig's cancer is as agonizing as a human body can endure. I'm still trying to decide how to celebrate when that bowel movement McCain is no longer with us.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.

Exactly! Bottom line: I voted for Trump because he had a much more ambitious message for America. The Democrats were simply about more of Obama's treasonous diet of muslim semen.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

You could save time and just pack your bags and move to Venezuela. That is where the Democrats are headed and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The only hope for America is a successful term by Trump and a re-establishment of American expansion rather than the bleeding of jobs and increasing debt.

The persistence of the alt-dright dream world. Sad and hilarious at the same time. Alex Jones is that you?

So anyone who believes in America First, the U.S Constitution, balanced budgets, free market capitalism and not crony capitalism and taxpayer funded boondoggles, anyone who believes in borders and protection of citizens versus open borders and a National flop-house etc etc. Is now a racist, alt-right supporter?

Just how far left have democrats gone? Just over 20 years ago Clinton was talking about illegal immigration and stating that this was unfair to U.S citizens. Now it's "hey, peace and love, everyone welcome (as long as you vote Democrats because we know you will"). How many Americans are unemployed or underemployed? How many on food stamps? Welfare? How many illegal immigrants are on welfare? Working jobs illegally and not paying taxes (again, illegally)?

Just how much debt is enough to ensure the ruin of future generations and with it, protection of individual freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Sorry, I'm not alt-right, Conservative or Liberal. I'm that guy who represents what America once was, a libertarian who believes in hard work, free market capitalism, fair competition. I believe accumulating wealth is ones Right if they can earn it legally. I believe in small government who has a role to defend it's citizens and administer the function of government and then should get the hell out of the way so that individual talents and pursuits can be realised. Government should support the country, not be a growth industry for nepotism, free cash for lobbyist, donors, hanger-ons and friends.

$20T in 8 years and some still want more. Hell, why only $10T, why didn't Obama borrow, 15T or $20T?!? If you consider yourself a liberal, just who do you think will be holding the bag if and when the system goes belly up due to economic exploitation of America and future generation?

Trump is not perfect because he's fighting a massive uphill battle. That's the predicament you are facing, Trump was and is the only one to deliver because he is not beholden to anyone. How you cannot see this is beyond me. Even Democrats with any self awareness can see why Trump is the chosen leader.
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If Trump wants to look good.....

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.

Exactly! Bottom line: I voted for Trump because he had a much more ambitious message for America. The Democrats were simply about more of Obama's treasonous diet of muslim semen.

Trump had nothing for middle class workers whose biggest problem is stagnant wages.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Not sure I'm reading you right but many in the GOP still don't get why Trump won or don't want to see it. McCain has finished himself and he is wasting his time if he runs again. Likewise McConnell. Anyone who comes out fully 100% behind Trump, that person will win against anyone who runs against him. The Left can look at it any way they want, consider all Trump supporters troglodytic throwbacks, whatever makes their butt hurt less, but the bottom line is that this country is SICK AND TIRED of the business-as-usual worthless GOP and even more sick of the Leftist loons and their commies at the DNC. We are only beginning to take our country back.
Thread winning comment!
As a recently converted Trump supporter, I believe that John McCain should be executed.
If Trump wants to look good.....

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
Your plan would result in stagflation. Carter tried it.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

You could save time and just pack your bags and move to Venezuela. That is where the Democrats are headed and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The only hope for America is a successful term by Trump and a re-establishment of American expansion rather than the bleeding of jobs and increasing debt.

The persistence of the alt-dright dream world. Sad and hilarious at the same time. Alex Jones is that you?

So anyone who believes in America First, the U.S Constitution, balanced budgets, free market capitalism and not crony capitalism and taxpayer funded boondoggles, anyone who believes in borders and protection of citizens versus open borders and a National flop-house etc etc. Is now a racist, alt-right supporter?

Just how far left have democrats gone? Just over 20 years ago Clinton was talking about illegal immigration and stating that this was unfair to U.S citizens. Now it's "hey, peace and love, everyone welcome (as long as you vote Democrats because we know you will"). How many Americans are unemployed or underemployed? How many on food stamps? Welfare? How many illegal immigrants are on welfare? Working jobs illegally and not paying taxes (again, illegally)?

Just how much debt is enough to ensure the ruin of future generations and with it, protection of individual freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Sorry, I'm not alt-right, Conservative or Liberal. I'm that guy who represents what America once was, a libertarian who believes in hard work, free market capitalism, fair competition. I believe accumulating wealth is ones Right if they can earn it legally. I believe in small government who has a role to defend it's citizens and administer the function of government and then should get the hell out of the way so that individual talents and pursuits can be realised. Government should support the country, not be a growth industry for nepotism, free cash for lobbyist, donors, hanger-ons and friends.

$20T in 8 years and some still want more. Hell, why only $10T, why didn't Obama borrow, 15T or $20T?!? If you consider yourself a liberal, just who do you think will be holding the bag if and when the system goes belly up due to economic exploitation of America and future generation?

Trump is not perfect because he's fighting a massive uphill battle. That's the predicament you are facing, Trump was and is the only one to deliver because he is not beholden to anyone. How you cannot see this is beyond me. Even Democrats with any self awareness can see why Trump is the chosen leader.

Stagnant wages for workers is the problem.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

It shows how cults work. Trump had no policies to be enacted when he was elected. It was simply because people hated Clinton more. Blame everybody but Trump for Trump's failures.

McCain won easily in Arizona while Trump won by a much narrower margin. I wonder if that 1 guy is on Pelosi's payroll. He is doing everything he can to destroy the Republican Party. Anyone who gets behind Trump in battleground states will either lose the primary or general.
If Trump wants to look good.....

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
Your plan would result in stagflation. Carter tried it.

Costs are held at 2009 levels for 10 years. Business deductions are only employee deductions. No stagflation.

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