Watching President Biden

Why can't I thumb down an entire thread?

You are trolling, we get that, and it is working, much to your amusement, we're certain; kudos. Now, have you the guts to speak truths about your Biden? Now that you've propped yourself up to lie for him through multiple posts?
If you disagree with me, explain why, instead of whining about it. If you read my posts before you posted your babble, you will have found I did not agree with all Biden said.
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If you disagree with me, explain why, instead of whining about it. If you read my posts before you posted your babble, you will have found I did not agree with all Biden said.

I'd love nothing more than to have a real, mature, reasonable political debate with another human adult on an internet forum. However, doing that in 2021 is not possible. See, you will post links from the media outlets whose output you believe to be true. I will do the same, from opposite leaning sources. You will dismiss my linked information as unreliable (at best), I will do the same with yours. A truly politically neutral and/or unbiased source of journalistic information simply does not exist. I have no time for cutesy make believe debate. A shame to be sure. All that remains then is to snipe at your thread and those of others with relevant anecdotes, random accusations, and half-assed op-eds. Ah, internet life in the golden age . . .
Trumpsters don’t want to watch this. They’ll just wait for their leaders to tell them what they’re supposed to think of the thing they didn’t watch.
Biden is a one term wonder just like Trump and all Trump has to do is flip those States he lost in 2020 and he is President in 2025…

Biden has been lackluster and has failed at the border, infrastructure and getting the transportation and logistics fixed…
He will do it with the all red states making laws with voter suppression.
I'd love nothing more than to have a real, mature, reasonable political debate with another human adult on an internet forum. However, doing that in 2021 is not possible. See, you will post links from the media outlets whose output you believe to be true. I will do the same, from opposite leaning sources. You will dismiss my linked information as unreliable (at best), I will do the same with yours. A truly politically neutral and/or unbiased source of journalistic information simply does not exist. I have no time for cutesy make believe debate. A shame to be sure. All that remains then is to snipe at your thread and those of others with relevant anecdotes, random accusations, and half-assed op-eds. Ah, internet life in the golden age . . .
I respectfully disagree. Mature discussions are possible on-line. It really is no different than discussing politics or any other controversial subject face-to-face. The issue is keeping your emotions or visceral responses in check. Just like in real life, some people are impossible to talk to because they become immediately offended. The question is are you one of them?

As to sources, there is no truly “unbiased sources” because we are all human and have hidden biases and prejudices. There are many in the news media that attempt to give impartial treatment to stories. Likewise, especially in this day and age, there are sources that do not even try to conceal their prejudices and biases.

In other words, questioning one’s sources is fair game though those sources should not be automatically discarded.

As a wise professor once told me, read all sides of an issue regardless of political leanings and somewhere will lie the truth.
He will do it with the all red states making laws with voter suppression.
Yeah, and if you knew that the Democrats could win that way you would root for it.

Fact is in 2020 Trump won Texas without the new laws, so I am not a fan of the new laws but I do agree people like you should show a ID to make sure you are not voting multiple times for those that are dead!
He is handling himself very well.
By pure chance he managed to string together 2 coherent sentences and that's celebrated as a major victory.
That's sad. It's sad they're putting him through this.
Back when Joe was thinking of running Obama told him, "Joe, you don't have to do this." Obama knew.

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