Watching the Brown robbery video I see entitlement of full display

In general, any collective statement that makes a sweeping generalization, of any person or group based on their race, is considered "racist."
Fine. So, how is post #3 "racist", then?

I know you people like that word, but it just isn't working like it used to.
Hi Rotagilla:
First of all, can we start with discussing what is a 'group generalization'
and then we can talk about "racial bias" which is ONE TYPE of generalization.

Even for you to respond to me as "YOU PEOPLE" is already pegging and labeling as a
member of some "group" you imagine in your head that I may not even be a part of.

As a matter of fact, I tend to criticize liberal overuse of the race card, as you are complaining about.
But I don't go around making an equally "blanket statement" which is making the same mistake.

When I address a particular liberal, or con or whoever, I hold THAT PERSON responsible
for their own statement. I don't say "YOU PEOPLE" are doing that etc.

So can we start with an agreement NOT to peg "one person" as "representing a whole group or class."

After we agree on that distinction, we can discuss how this "blanket grouping"
applies to racism, sexism, religious stereotypes, political labels, etc. etc. etc.

There are many ways this labeling thing can be applied to individuals and groups.

I probably AGREE with you that people are making as many anti-white racist statements
while complaining about black or other minority stereotypes.

But the way to correct this is NOT to do the same thing.

So with your statement, because you made a group statement about
"African Americans" IN GENERAL, that is what starts people arguing
over what is or what is not a "fair generalization."

So that's what will get your statement picked apart.

Otherwise, I'd probably agree with your sentiment as I criticize
the liberals and Democrats for this trend in dependency on govt
instead of addressing the root cause of poverty and victim mentality.

The correct way to address the problem is one person at a time,
not blaming the wrong people, like me you false assume are part of the victim propaganda
which I oppose as you do as well.

Sorry I gave you the wrong impression, but your response
gives us the opportunity to discuss the projection of bias, so I am grateful we can resolve this.

Yours truly,
See what you got for shadow-boxing and trying to find common ground?

Shoulda just smacked him good and hard. That's all they understand.
Hi Rotilla: Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.
You were the one making a blanket statement towards me as YOU PEOPLE.

And YES I will agree it becomes meaningless when everyone realizes that everyone makes generalizations.

I agree with the sentiment of what you are saying
but just disagree with how you are saying it, which comes across as grouping people together.

That was my point. And yes, our political system of labeling by party encourages this
and does make it meaningless. We need to correct point by point and not assume or associate people by group.

That is my point. It does not or should not be called "racist" but should be addressed on the whole
and not just jump on someone if their statement is racially biased without also going after people
who make blanket statements about "Republicans" etc. All such generalizations and projections
should be addressed individually and not just jump on the race card. I agree with you on that!

Sorry we failed to communicate, Rot. I probably agree with you 88-95% and we are just miscommunicating.

No offense intended and especially none against you personally.
Sorry if what I said came across that way, which is the point of this discussion.

Yours truly, Emily

In general, any collective statement that makes a sweeping generalization, of any person or group based on their race, is considered "racist."
Fine. So, how is post #3 "racist", then?

I know you people like that word, but it just isn't working like it used to.
Hi Rotagilla:
First of all, can we start with discussing what is a 'group generalization'
and then we can talk about "racial bias" which is ONE TYPE of generalization.

Even for you to respond to me as "YOU PEOPLE" is already pegging and labeling as a
member of some "group" you imagine in your head that I may not even be a part of.

"You people" means those who like to use the word as a weapon to disparage white people..

As soon as I see the word I have a fair idea about the persons agenda. The word has lost it's effect.
We've been called racist for..ANYTHING that negroes don't like us doing/saying to the point of I don't GAF anymore...See "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

See, if EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is "racist"..then NO ONE is because it has become meaningless.

As a matter of fact, I tend to criticize liberal overuse of the race card, as you are complaining about.
But I don't go around making an equally "blanket statement" which is making the same mistake.

When I address a particular liberal, or con or whoever, I hold THAT PERSON responsible
for their own statement. I don't say "YOU PEOPLE" are doing that etc.

So can we start with an agreement NOT to peg "one person" as "representing a whole group or class."

After we agree on that distinction, we can discuss how this "blanket grouping"
applies to racism, sexism, religious stereotypes, political labels, etc. etc. etc.

Right.ok..word games and turning "literal" now that is convenient. are right,,but if you need to use THAT as an excuse to wander around like this...go ahead.

How do you like THIS definition of the stupid word?

A continuously variable term, vague, indefinite and meaningless enough to be able to be used in whatever situation the user wants in order to disparage white people.

There are many ways this labeling thing can be applied to individuals and groups.

I probably AGREE with you that people are making as many anti-white racist statements
while complaining about black or other minority stereotypes.

But the way to correct this is NOT to do the same thing.

Pretending to not understand that I was obviously not referring to every person on the face of the earth
so you could have an excuse to write a dissertation is pretty disingenuous..You miss the forest so you can look at a tree.

So with your statement, because you made a group statement about
"African Americans" IN GENERAL, that is what starts people arguing
over what is or what is not a "fair generalization."

At this point after dragging through all your english teacher doubletalk I have no idea what I said about "african"-americans anyway..If you'd just addressed THAT, you'd have saved us both some time..

So that's what will get your statement picked apart.
"picked apart"..LMAO..nit picked as an excuse to drag the whole thing WAAAY off topic and make it about ME...
You're complaining about the view of the ocean as the titanic sinks..Now give me your english teacher assessment of THAT comment.

Otherwise, I'd probably agree with your sentiment as I criticize
the liberals and Democrats for this trend in dependency on govt
instead of addressing the root cause of poverty and victim mentality.

The correct way to address the problem is one person at a time,
not blaming the wrong people, like me you false assume are part of the victim propaganda
which I oppose as you do as well.

Sorry I gave you the wrong impression, but your response
gives us the opportunity to discuss the projection of bias, so I am grateful we can resolve this.

Yours truly,

Right whatever..The only thing "resolved" was your need to "correct" me..


Now..any time you want to discuss some facts and not your impressions of me, let me know.
In general, any collective statement that makes a sweeping generalization, of any person or group based on their race, is considered "racist."
Fine. So, how is post #3 "racist", then?

I know you people like that word, but it just isn't working like it used to.
Hi Rotagilla:
First of all, can we start with discussing what is a 'group generalization'
and then we can talk about "racial bias" which is ONE TYPE of generalization.

Even for you to respond to me as "YOU PEOPLE" is already pegging and labeling as a
member of some "group" you imagine in your head that I may not even be a part of.

As a matter of fact, I tend to criticize liberal overuse of the race card, as you are complaining about.
But I don't go around making an equally "blanket statement" which is making the same mistake.

When I address a particular liberal, or con or whoever, I hold THAT PERSON responsible
for their own statement. I don't say "YOU PEOPLE" are doing that etc.

So can we start with an agreement NOT to peg "one person" as "representing a whole group or class."

After we agree on that distinction, we can discuss how this "blanket grouping"
applies to racism, sexism, religious stereotypes, political labels, etc. etc. etc.

There are many ways this labeling thing can be applied to individuals and groups.

I probably AGREE with you that people are making as many anti-white racist statements
while complaining about black or other minority stereotypes.

But the way to correct this is NOT to do the same thing.

So with your statement, because you made a group statement about
"African Americans" IN GENERAL, that is what starts people arguing
over what is or what is not a "fair generalization."

So that's what will get your statement picked apart.

Otherwise, I'd probably agree with your sentiment as I criticize
the liberals and Democrats for this trend in dependency on govt
instead of addressing the root cause of poverty and victim mentality.

The correct way to address the problem is one person at a time,
not blaming the wrong people, like me you false assume are part of the victim propaganda
which I oppose as you do as well.

Sorry I gave you the wrong impression, but your response
gives us the opportunity to discuss the projection of bias, so I am grateful we can resolve this.

Yours truly,
Why don't you tell that to Rev. Al.? You know. The leader of the Black community.
Hi Rotilla: Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.
You were the one making a blanket statement towards me as YOU PEOPLE.

And YES I will agree it becomes meaningless when everyone realizes that everyone makes generalizations.

I agree with the sentiment of what you are saying
but just disagree with how you are saying it, which comes across as grouping people together.

That was my point. And yes, our political system of labeling by party encourages this
and does make it meaningless. We need to correct point by point and not assume or associate people by group.

That is my point. It does not or should not be called "racist" but should be addressed on the whole
and not just jump on someone if their statement is racially biased without also going after people
who make blanket statements about "Republicans" etc. All such generalizations and projections
should be addressed individually and not just jump on the race card. I agree with you on that!

Sorry we failed to communicate, Rot. I probably agree with you 88-95% and we are just miscommunicating.

No offense intended and especially none against you personally.
Sorry if what I said came across that way, which is the point of this discussion.

Yours truly, Emily

Thanks, Ms. Emily
Appreciate the polite reply and I apologize for being harsh.
I shouldn't have automatically lumped you in with the agitators and I should have been more polite myself.
I (and most white people) am/are tired of being called "racist" whenever an opponent can't come up with anything else to counter an argument.
They've used the word up and not many people care anymore. They see through that ploy.

We can go point by point, but no one can deny the amount of aid, the twisting of gvt regulations to funnel money to what has become a predominantly parasite class of generational welfare abusers.

..add in the disproportionate black crime rates, the massively disproportionate black on white crime rates and you end up with black fatigue. We're tired of it.
We can't give any more...No matter what we do it's never enough for the perpetually aggrieved "protected class"
At this point the divide is too far and the history of hatred is too deep.

"racism" can be ended easily.
Allow the blacks to separate from all of us evil whites so they can achieve the heights they aspire to with no white man ever interfering ever again.

Stop the hate.

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