Water - a gift from God - a human right

I grew up in a time that water wasnt any sort of issue. You turned the tap and it came out costing next to nothing.
Then Thatcher privatised it and the price started going up and then there were shortages.
The main problem being the need to service the private investors.
Water is a right and should be owned and controlled by the people and not the corporations.

And then the neo marxists saw a way to gain wealth and security by allowing EU firms to buy in and start putting up prices. Now we have a problem with the south not wanting reseviors but still wanting water, and the pipe work being old cant cope. The costs are mounting and no one seems to want to pay for the water transportation
Yes that well known neo marxist Thatcher, and her soviet friends, sold off our water in order to give tax cuts to her right wing mates.:banghead:
Sounds like the individual citizens just ceded their right to water to the government. Lock, stock, and barrel. This could be a really useful bit of legislation to control people with...
No, the government is protecting the peoples rights. Water has been turned into a profit making enterprise over the past few years. This action rectifies that. Its a great day in Slovenia.

Aren't you the one that complained about you not being allowed to exploit your water supply and sell it at inflated prices to the English. Now you are complaining about water being exploited
Wales should control its own water and England should control its own. That would be fantastic.
Not really.

No country that permits government to control the resources is civilized.
No civilized country would allow essential resource to be transferred from the people (i.e. the state) to corporations or entrepreneurs.
I grew up in a time that water wasnt any sort of issue. You turned the tap and it came out costing next to nothing.
Then Thatcher privatised it and the price started going up and then there were shortages.
The main problem being the need to service the private investors.
Water is a right and should be owned and controlled by the people and not the corporations.

And then the neo marxists saw a way to gain wealth and security by allowing EU firms to buy in and start putting up prices. Now we have a problem with the south not wanting reseviors but still wanting water, and the pipe work being old cant cope. The costs are mounting and no one seems to want to pay for the water transportation
Yes that well known neo marxist Thatcher, and her soviet friends, sold off our water in order to give tax cuts to her right wing mates.:banghead:

After her you dolt, when the neo marxists gained power and followed the lead set by unelected eurocrats in Brussells.

But what about the southern softies that dont want a ready supply of drinking water on their doorsteps, but want it piping at our expense to them so they can have their views.

My view of my water source

The world gets better every day dont you think ?'

Seeing this sort of news; No the world isn't getting better. It's racing to the highest levels of stupidity and insanity I can imagine.

We've had water wars here in the USA... during the time period called "The Old West". Individual land owners cut off access to water sources on their property, with full legal right to do so. Often causing violent responses from other property owners who had no water on their property.

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