Water And Apple Flavored Vinegar


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
I've been told that mixing these two things together can help a person burn off their belly fat. Is this true? One teaspoon of the vinegar and two teaspoons of water together before every meal is what I was told to swallow.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If it does help, I wish that I knew how many more meals have to start with swallowing the stuff because I did it for the first time last night and it was awful.
You are drinking a mild acid, so be careful not to drink too much. I've read that it can damage tooth enamel so brushing your teeth right away is probably a good idea.
Well, it may put a bad taste in your mouth and cause you not to eat as much.
I've been told that mixing these two things together can help a person burn off their belly fat. Is this true? One teaspoon of the vinegar and two teaspoons of water together before every meal is what I was told to swallow.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If it does help, I wish that I knew how many more meals have to start with swallowing the stuff because I did it for the first time last night and it was awful.

This will be a long one, sorry.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as "target" or "spot" fat reduction. If you lose weight, it will basically come down to calories burned in a day being greater than calories consumed and it will be spread across your body however your body chooses to burn it. Could be your face, your abs (if you are lucky), or your toes.

I have heard that this drink can help increase metabolism slightly, and I've tried it myself (and also with lemon in water), though I don't think this is supported by science. The dangers are in taking too much of this drink as it it acidic. I took some for a stomach ailment and I ended up having a stomach ulcer. I quickly dealt with that by eating raw cabbage, it was a painful experience I won't repeat, but I digress.

For me, I just just cut down on my caloric intake. This includes measuring foods, reading the back of nutritional information and focusing primarily (or only) on amount of calories absorbed.

If I may. What I would do (when I was serious about trying to stay in shape), is use two days of honest eating, no changes to what I would normally do. Be it the chips I eat, pop I drink (soda in USA) or whatever. I would meticulously measure the calories only (sometimes the carbs, but that's not needed), I would calculate it all and then work from that point on down the next month to six weeks.

So, let's say I ate 3000 calories and 3400 calories a day. I don't even know if that's high or low, just a number. The next days I would purposely look to cut out 400-500 calories each day. So I would aim for about 2700-2800 (using the average of 3200 calories a day). This is done by decreasing portions, cutting out or lowering, pop chips, butter, heavy carbs etc. So that would ensure I lose weight.

However, that's not all. If I wasn't going to the gym (which would be ideal), I would simply walk. In particular, soon after dinner so my body would start burning my largest meal immediately. Cutting your calories 400 in a day, and walking for 30 minutes, would ensure approx. 550 calories a day less/burned, or thereabouts from my "normal" eating habits. Do it 7 days a week, that's 3850 calories a week. You need to lose 3500 calories for a pound. So follow this system for a year (it takes dedication of course), that's about 50 pounds lost!

50 pounds lost with ease just by working both sides of the ledger (calories burned, calories consumed). All it took was the mindset. It get's slightly more difficult as you lose more, since your metabolism generally slows down. So, I would learn to drink a big glass of water with my meals. Filling my stomach and sending the message to my body to increase metabolism, even though I don't have more food in me.

Just wanted to share my experience, I hope that helps. Bodybuilders stories online are the best source for this in my opinion as they are constantly adapting their diets for off season to competition season. Year in and year out. We may not be professionals and just looking to stay in shape, by the principles are the same.

All the best!
I've been told that mixing these two things together can help a person burn off their belly fat. Is this true? One teaspoon of the vinegar and two teaspoons of water together before every meal is what I was told to swallow.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If it does help, I wish that I knew how many more meals have to start with swallowing the stuff because I did it for the first time last night and it was awful.

The hilllbillys down here swear by it ....as a quarter of em waddle by

my vinegar has been various old fashioned calisthenics since fereva
It seems like drinking vinegar is the cure du jour. I've been told that it helps reduce arthritis inflammation! Personally I think it's hogwash. As others have said, it is an acid...I look at it this way. I don't add an acid to my garden without checking the PH level first to see if it's needed, I sure wouldn't want to mess with my body's PH.

You'd have better results with weight reduction from drinking a tall glass of water before a meal. You'll slosh a little but you will probably eat less because you'll feel less hungry.
You want to eat less at mealtime? Drink a glass or two of water prior to piling on your plate. You'll feel fuller and eat less.
Every message is appreciated y'all. Scrambled eggs and two bags of happy meal fruit from McDonald's has been my breakfast. The rest of the day, what I eat is two sandwiches with just either a few ham or turkey slices in the middle, a can of chicken noodle soup without the additional can of water, a banana, and a few grapes, so them four slices of sandwich bread is my only bread. A Crystal Light drink or sugar free tea with Splenda added have been my drinks. Monday through Friday, I am on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I've been on this diet since June 1st and I have lost almost 40 pounds so far, about 38 to be exact. My hope is to be another 40 pounds lighter if not 50 by Thanksgiving.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. With today being Labor Day, instead of two sandwiches, I had two beef hotdogs. I have most definitely stayed away from cereal and I have never been into them energy drinks. Water weight is the reason why I have not been drinking any water or adding the additional water to my cans of soup. Another thing that I have stayed away from is milk because of the carbs that are there. One thing that I have learned is that skim milk is no different than 2% milk where the carbs are concerned. 11 grams are in both kinds that I have seen at my local grocery store, Food City.
Every message is appreciated y'all. Scrambled eggs and two bags of happy meal fruit from McDonald's has been my breakfast. The rest of the day, what I eat is two sandwiches with just either a few ham or turkey slices in the middle, a can of chicken noodle soup without the additional can of water, a banana, and a few grapes, so them four slices of sandwich bread is my only bread. A Crystal Light drink or sugar free tea with Splenda added have been my drinks. Monday through Friday, I am on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I've been on this diet since June 1st and I have lost almost 40 pounds so far, about 38 to be exact. My hope is to be another 40 pounds lighter if not 50 by Thanksgiving.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. With today being Labor Day, instead of two sandwiches, I had two beef hotdogs. I have most definitely stayed away from cereal and I have never been into them energy drinks. Water weight is the reason why I have not been drinking any water or adding the additional water to my cans of soup. Another thing that I have stayed away from is milk because of the carbs that are there. One thing that I have learned is that skim milk is no different than 2% milk where the carbs are concerned. 11 grams are in both kinds that I have seen at my local grocery store, Food City.
Might wanna read the label on those hotdogs. Most hotdogs use binders that are carbs...
Every message is appreciated y'all. Scrambled eggs and two bags of happy meal fruit from McDonald's has been my breakfast. The rest of the day, what I eat is two sandwiches with just either a few ham or turkey slices in the middle, a can of chicken noodle soup without the additional can of water, a banana, and a few grapes, so them four slices of sandwich bread is my only bread. A Crystal Light drink or sugar free tea with Splenda added have been my drinks. Monday through Friday, I am on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I've been on this diet since June 1st and I have lost almost 40 pounds so far, about 38 to be exact. My hope is to be another 40 pounds lighter if not 50 by Thanksgiving.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. With today being Labor Day, instead of two sandwiches, I had two beef hotdogs. I have most definitely stayed away from cereal and I have never been into them energy drinks. Water weight is the reason why I have not been drinking any water or adding the additional water to my cans of soup. Another thing that I have stayed away from is milk because of the carbs that are there. One thing that I have learned is that skim milk is no different than 2% milk where the carbs are concerned. 11 grams are in both kinds that I have seen at my local grocery store, Food City.

Congratulations. That's a great deal of weight to lose.
^^^ Thank you! :) :) :)

Every message is appreciated y'all. Scrambled eggs and two bags of happy meal fruit from McDonald's has been my breakfast. The rest of the day, what I eat is two sandwiches with just either a few ham or turkey slices in the middle, a can of chicken noodle soup without the additional can of water, a banana, and a few grapes, so them four slices of sandwich bread is my only bread. A Crystal Light drink or sugar free tea with Splenda added have been my drinks. Monday through Friday, I am on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I've been on this diet since June 1st and I have lost almost 40 pounds so far, about 38 to be exact. My hope is to be another 40 pounds lighter if not 50 by Thanksgiving.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. With today being Labor Day, instead of two sandwiches, I had two beef hotdogs. I have most definitely stayed away from cereal and I have never been into them energy drinks. Water weight is the reason why I have not been drinking any water or adding the additional water to my cans of soup. Another thing that I have stayed away from is milk because of the carbs that are there. One thing that I have learned is that skim milk is no different than 2% milk where the carbs are concerned. 11 grams are in both kinds that I have seen at my local grocery store, Food City.
Might wanna read the label on those hotdogs. Most hotdogs use binders that are carbs...
I only had them for today and only four grams of carbs were in each of them.

God bless you two always!!!

I've been told that mixing these two things together can help a person burn off their belly fat. Is this true? One teaspoon of the vinegar and two teaspoons of water together before every meal is what I was told to swallow.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If it does help, I wish that I knew how many more meals have to start with swallowing the stuff because I did it for the first time last night and it was awful.

This will be a long one, sorry.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as "target" or "spot" fat reduction. If you lose weight, it will basically come down to calories burned in a day being greater than calories consumed and it will be spread across your body however your body chooses to burn it. Could be your face, your abs (if you are lucky), or your toes.

I have heard that this drink can help increase metabolism slightly, and I've tried it myself (and also with lemon in water), though I don't think this is supported by science. The dangers are in taking too much of this drink as it it acidic. I took some for a stomach ailment and I ended up having a stomach ulcer. I quickly dealt with that by eating raw cabbage, it was a painful experience I won't repeat, but I digress.

For me, I just just cut down on my caloric intake. This includes measuring foods, reading the back of nutritional information and focusing primarily (or only) on amount of calories absorbed.

If I may. What I would do (when I was serious about trying to stay in shape), is use two days of honest eating, no changes to what I would normally do. Be it the chips I eat, pop I drink (soda in USA) or whatever. I would meticulously measure the calories only (sometimes the carbs, but that's not needed), I would calculate it all and then work from that point on down the next month to six weeks.

So, let's say I ate 3000 calories and 3400 calories a day. I don't even know if that's high or low, just a number. The next days I would purposely look to cut out 400-500 calories each day. So I would aim for about 2700-2800 (using the average of 3200 calories a day). This is done by decreasing portions, cutting out or lowering, pop chips, butter, heavy carbs etc. So that would ensure I lose weight.

However, that's not all. If I wasn't going to the gym (which would be ideal), I would simply walk. In particular, soon after dinner so my body would start burning my largest meal immediately. Cutting your calories 400 in a day, and walking for 30 minutes, would ensure approx. 550 calories a day less/burned, or thereabouts from my "normal" eating habits. Do it 7 days a week, that's 3850 calories a week. You need to lose 3500 calories for a pound. So follow this system for a year (it takes dedication of course), that's about 50 pounds lost!

50 pounds lost with ease just by working both sides of the ledger (calories burned, calories consumed). All it took was the mindset. It get's slightly more difficult as you lose more, since your metabolism generally slows down. So, I would learn to drink a big glass of water with my meals. Filling my stomach and sending the message to my body to increase metabolism, even though I don't have more food in me.

Just wanted to share my experience, I hope that helps. Bodybuilders stories online are the best source for this in my opinion as they are constantly adapting their diets for off season to competition season. Year in and year out. We may not be professionals and just looking to stay in shape, by the principles are the same.

All the best!
Lately I have been burning at least 125 calories when I am on the treadmill and two days ago, my mom told me that my behind has gotten smaller which I never thought about until then. :D :D :D

God bless you and my mom always!!!


P.S. So far, the only place that I have really noticed a difference in is my face.
I've been told that mixing these two things together can help a person burn off their belly fat. Is this true? One teaspoon of the vinegar and two teaspoons of water together before every meal is what I was told to swallow.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If it does help, I wish that I knew how many more meals have to start with swallowing the stuff because I did it for the first time last night and it was awful.

This will be a long one, sorry.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as "target" or "spot" fat reduction. If you lose weight, it will basically come down to calories burned in a day being greater than calories consumed and it will be spread across your body however your body chooses to burn it. Could be your face, your abs (if you are lucky), or your toes.

I have heard that this drink can help increase metabolism slightly, and I've tried it myself (and also with lemon in water), though I don't think this is supported by science. The dangers are in taking too much of this drink as it it acidic. I took some for a stomach ailment and I ended up having a stomach ulcer. I quickly dealt with that by eating raw cabbage, it was a painful experience I won't repeat, but I digress.

For me, I just just cut down on my caloric intake. This includes measuring foods, reading the back of nutritional information and focusing primarily (or only) on amount of calories absorbed.

If I may. What I would do (when I was serious about trying to stay in shape), is use two days of honest eating, no changes to what I would normally do. Be it the chips I eat, pop I drink (soda in USA) or whatever. I would meticulously measure the calories only (sometimes the carbs, but that's not needed), I would calculate it all and then work from that point on down the next month to six weeks.

So, let's say I ate 3000 calories and 3400 calories a day. I don't even know if that's high or low, just a number. The next days I would purposely look to cut out 400-500 calories each day. So I would aim for about 2700-2800 (using the average of 3200 calories a day). This is done by decreasing portions, cutting out or lowering, pop chips, butter, heavy carbs etc. So that would ensure I lose weight.

However, that's not all. If I wasn't going to the gym (which would be ideal), I would simply walk. In particular, soon after dinner so my body would start burning my largest meal immediately. Cutting your calories 400 in a day, and walking for 30 minutes, would ensure approx. 550 calories a day less/burned, or thereabouts from my "normal" eating habits. Do it 7 days a week, that's 3850 calories a week. You need to lose 3500 calories for a pound. So follow this system for a year (it takes dedication of course), that's about 50 pounds lost!

50 pounds lost with ease just by working both sides of the ledger (calories burned, calories consumed). All it took was the mindset. It get's slightly more difficult as you lose more, since your metabolism generally slows down. So, I would learn to drink a big glass of water with my meals. Filling my stomach and sending the message to my body to increase metabolism, even though I don't have more food in me.

Just wanted to share my experience, I hope that helps. Bodybuilders stories online are the best source for this in my opinion as they are constantly adapting their diets for off season to competition season. Year in and year out. We may not be professionals and just looking to stay in shape, by the principles are the same.

All the best!
Lately I have been burning at least 125 calories when I am on the treadmill and two days ago, my mom told me that my behind has gotten smaller which I never thought about until then. :D :D :D

God bless you and my mom always!!!


P.S. So far, the only place that I have really noticed a difference in is my face.
The calorie readouts on exercise machines are usually not very accurate. However, it is a good way of keeping score of how much exercise you do on that particular machine.

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