Water thrown on NYC police

The police always have to be in charge even if it means the perpetrators get hurt.

Nothing in this world is black and white where human lives and public safety are at risk.

To believe that police have to be in charge even if it means officers, or innocents, or even perpetrators can get hurt, is incredibly short-sighted.

Uh no. You deleted the statistics and incidents I provided to prove my viewpoint. Try again.

Sounds like you need to be running a major metropolitan police force. You appear to have all the answers.


As I said before, I won't try to second guess the officers on the scene based on a Youtube video clip. Ultimately, that will be done by city government, the media, and arm chair experts like yourself.
They wanted the cops to think it was acid.

Next time it might be acid.
That is what I thought when I first saw the video. I was also surprised the cops didn't grab the dousers and arrest them but I have to agree for the safety of the officers they did the right thing. It was most likely staged by Leftists who were trying to provoke the cops and get videos they could use to attack them. That's what Democrats do, they attack all law enforcement whether it's Cops, ICE or border patrol.
The police always have to be in charge even if it means the perpetrators get hurt.

Nothing in this world is black and white where human lives and public safety are at risk.

To believe that police have to be in charge even if it means officers, or innocents, or even perpetrators can get hurt, is incredibly short-sighted.

Uh no. You deleted the statistics and incidents I provided to prove my viewpoint. Try again.

Sounds like you need to be running a major metropolitan police force. You appear to have all the answers.


As I said before, I won't try to second guess the officers on the scene based on a Youtube video clip. Ultimately, that will be done by city government, the media, and arm chair experts like yourself.

As usual, the person who is right provides overwhelming evidence to support his claim. The fool who is wrong resorts to personal attacks and sarcastic remarks. Congratulations. You saved one or two thugs from getting hurt by police, but you killed 532+ others (mainly blacks) and hurt many businesses in the area who see a drop in business since white people are afraid to leave the suburbs to come to the area. Seriously, educate yourself on the topic.
This fits right in with the neighbors that prevented an illegal from being taken into custody. The criminals are showing what kind of power they can hsve.
Democrats have created the policy that any law enforcement in the black community is racist. It will escalate the type of crime dramatically ..
My question is why? And why weren’t these buttholes arrested?

New York police slam videos showing officers pelted with objects, drenched with water: 'reprehensible'

Videos of New York Police Department officers being doused with water and pelted with objects in separate incidents surfaced on social media on Monday, including one clip that showed officers getting drenched as they were making an arrest.

NYPD officials called the videos “reprehensible.”

In one video, somebody hurled a bucket that hit an officer in the head while he was making an arrest in Harlem. Groups of jeering bystanders could be heard reacting as people continued to splash the officers with water.

“The videos of cops being doused with water and having objects hurled at them as they made an arrest in #Harlem is reprehensible,” NYPD Chief Terence Monahan said in a tweet on Monday.

This is the socialist disease.....deblasio is a socialist and his policies are have been implemented...First, attack the police as the problem.....then, crime escalates because the police stay in their cars......next, businesses flee the city because crime is out of control...then the city turns into crap....and the socialist/democrats sit in their gated communities and demand more power to confiscate more money to fix the crime problem...by letting more criminals out of jail.....
Democrats have created the policy that any law enforcement in the black community is racist. It will escalate the type of crime dramatically ..

Gulliani fixed this crime problem....and now New Yorkers are learning what it means to have democrats run things...
Another article on this...

On the bright side.....as gun murder increases in New York because democrats won't stop actual criminals...the democrats can demand more gun control targeting the victims of violent crime...since actual criminals won't give up their guns and won't suffer consequences for illegal guns....

Nolte: Anarchy In De Blasio's New York as Cops Are Drenched in Water

This is the primary thing people need to keep in mind about what this all means…

If this is happening to police officers, if things in New York are so out of control that a bunch of thugs believe they can assault police officers with impunity, imagine what life is like for everyday citizens. If police officers in the city are this vulnerable to attack, no one in the city is safe… No one.

The response from Mayor de Blasio, the man responsible for neutering the NYPD, was all empty talk.

“Throwing things at an NYPD is not only not acceptable, it can lead to charges. All of those actions can lead to those charges, additional charges. So people have to really understand this serious stuff. Don’t do it, don’t aid and abet it,” Mayor Eunuch said in a statement.

The New York City Police Benevolent Society, however, understands exactly what has happened in New York at the hands of openly anti-police politicians like de Blasio.

“Our anti-cop lawmakers have gotten their wish: the NYPD is now frozen,” the PBA tweeted. “It’s not the fault of these police officers. It’s the end result of the torrent of bad policies and anti-police rhetoric that has been streaming out of City Hall and Albany for years now.”

“We are approaching the point of no return. Disorder controls the streets, and our elected leaders refuse to allow us to take them back. As police officers, we need to draw a line. In situations like this, we need to take action to protect ourselves and the public.”
Democrats have created the policy that any law enforcement in the black community is racist. It will escalate the type of crime dramatically ..

Gulliani fixed this crime problem....and now New Yorkers are learning what it means to have democrats run things...
Yes but the more blacks scream of racism and riot the more they pay al Sharpton to convince blacks it’s republicans fault.
My question is why? And why weren’t these buttholes arrested?

New York police slam videos showing officers pelted with objects, drenched with water: 'reprehensible'

Videos of New York Police Department officers being doused with water and pelted with objects in separate incidents surfaced on social media on Monday, including one clip that showed officers getting drenched as they were making an arrest.

NYPD officials called the videos “reprehensible.”

In one video, somebody hurled a bucket that hit an officer in the head while he was making an arrest in Harlem. Groups of jeering bystanders could be heard reacting as people continued to splash the officers with water.

“The videos of cops being doused with water and having objects hurled at them as they made an arrest in #Harlem is reprehensible,” NYPD Chief Terence Monahan said in a tweet on Monday.
Right now...having water thrown on you this summer is a good thing.
How is dumping a bucket of water on the head of a policeman not considered assault? ... :dunno:
yeah, how is it considered assault.

Throw a few hundred buckets of water on cops to the point they stop worrying about it being anything but water...

Then hit them all at once with buckets of sulfuric acid.

Want to know what sulfuric acid does to human flesh?

Let's ask the Brits, who seem to have a severe problem with throwing acid.

Acid's horrifying effects on human flesh and clothes revealed in shocking photos
Lovers of selves
Lovers of money
Disobedient to their parents
Without love
Without self-control
Not lovers of the good
Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

This is a checklist of people in the last days---tell me we're not there. From 2 Timothy 3
How is dumping a bucket of water on the head of a policeman not considered assault? ... :dunno:
yeah, how is it considered assault.

Throw a few hundred buckets of water on cops to the point they stop worrying about it being anything but water...

Then hit them all at once with buckets of sulfuric acid.

Want to know what sulfuric acid does to human flesh?

Let's ask the Brits, who seem to have a severe problem with throwing acid.

Acid's horrifying effects on human flesh and clothes revealed in shocking photos
Of course it was assault, it could be a bucket of acid, it’s like pointing a toy gun at cops.. kiss your ass good bye.. shoot em
How is dumping a bucket of water on the head of a policeman not considered assault? ... :dunno:

Sweetums, I ASSURE you-----the cops in New York have a lot more with which
to contend than water flinging. An arrest is not a simple affair. NYC is not
How is dumping a bucket of water on the head of a policeman not considered assault? ... :dunno:
yeah, how is it considered assault.

Throw a few hundred buckets of water on cops to the point they stop worrying about it being anything but water...

Then hit them all at once with buckets of sulfuric acid.

Want to know what sulfuric acid does to human flesh?

Let's ask the Brits, who seem to have a severe problem with throwing acid.

Acid's horrifying effects on human flesh and clothes revealed in shocking photos
Of course it was assault, it could be a bucket of acid, it’s like pointing a toy gun at cops.. kiss your ass good bye.. shoot em

right-----but if it is just water-------whether at a citizen or a cop----cops in NY
tend to ignore it-------they GOT THEIR HANDS FULL-----it is true that some
no-good-niks take advantage of the fact
Cops aren't made of sugar, a little water won't hurt... I've got a lot worse things thrown at me.

You don't have to arrest someone on the scene to lay charges. It's on video. They've been ID'd. They can be picked up anytime when the odds are in the police's favor.

Why rush into a scene that will turn into a full-blown riot when you don't have to?

Grab them later.

Work smart, not hard.

I guess you missed the bucket that was thrown right at the officer's head at point blank range? Screw risking a riot. The police need to control the scene wherever they go. They are either in control or being controlled. Your attitude is ultimately what is going to make matters worse for the black community and everyone involved. We either have law and order or we don't.

we don't FANG. but the matter is very complex
It's going to be worse when Trump gets re-elected.

it is unrelated to Trump------democrat that I am-----it is actually too many years
of DEMOCRAT in NY-----and that which NY democrat HAS BECOME
Doesn't matter, NYC is full of people who continuously vote in Democrats to handle their local affairs and then turn around and blame their problems on Trump and/or Republicans in national office. They think they're smarter than they really are, those NYC clowns.
How is dumping a bucket of water on the head of a policeman not considered assault? ... :dunno:
yeah, how is it considered assault.

Throw a few hundred buckets of water on cops to the point they stop worrying about it being anything but water...

Then hit them all at once with buckets of sulfuric acid.

Want to know what sulfuric acid does to human flesh?

Let's ask the Brits, who seem to have a severe problem with throwing acid.

Acid's horrifying effects on human flesh and clothes revealed in shocking photos
Of course it was assault, it could be a bucket of acid, it’s like pointing a toy gun at cops.. kiss your ass good bye.. shoot em

right-----but if it is just water-------whether at a citizen or a cop----cops in NY
tend to ignore it-------they GOT THEIR HANDS FULL-----it is true that some
no-good-niks take advantage of the fact
Do you think law enforcement officials need to be respected?

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