Water thrown on NYC police

Cops aren't made of sugar, a little water won't hurt... I've got a lot worse things thrown at me.

You don't have to arrest someone on the scene to lay charges. It's on video. They've been ID'd. They can be picked up anytime when the odds are in the police's favor.

Why rush into a scene that will turn into a full-blown riot when you don't have to?

Grab them later.

Work smart, not hard.

You have a point. Them sheriffs here have that down to a science. They can swoop in 20 deep, no exaggeration, grab a dude, and be gone in 2 minutes. :eek: Probably less.

I've seen it happen and was like "WTF?!" :eek:

One of the coolest new tactics I've seen is paint ball guns for riot situations. Instead of rushing into a mob and risking officer (and public) safety by trying to grab a violent offender. You light him up with a paint ball. It shows up great on the high def video. You mark him, identify him, and get him when the crowd thins out and it's safe to do so.

Would a bullet to the head not sufficiently mark for them retrieval later?
How is dumping a bucket of water on the head of a policeman not considered assault? ... :dunno:
yeah, how is it considered assault.

Throw a few hundred buckets of water on cops to the point they stop worrying about it being anything but water...

Then hit them all at once with buckets of sulfuric acid.

Want to know what sulfuric acid does to human flesh?

Let's ask the Brits, who seem to have a severe problem with throwing acid.

Acid's horrifying effects on human flesh and clothes revealed in shocking photos
Of course it was assault, it could be a bucket of acid, it’s like pointing a toy gun at cops.. kiss your ass good bye.. shoot em

right-----but if it is just water-------whether at a citizen or a cop----cops in NY
tend to ignore it-------they GOT THEIR HANDS FULL-----it is true that some
no-good-niks take advantage of the fact
Do you think law enforcement officials need to be respected?

You don't need to respect law enforcement ... but you do need to comply with them. Not doing so will have... repercussions.
Cops aren't made of sugar, a little water won't hurt... I've got a lot worse things thrown at me.

You don't have to arrest someone on the scene to lay charges. It's on video. They've been ID'd. They can be picked up anytime when the odds are in the police's favor.

Why rush into a scene that will turn into a full-blown riot when you don't have to?

Grab them later.

Work smart, not hard.
I second all of this. Timing and approach both are everything.

God bless you always!!!

It's going to be worse when Trump gets re-elected.

it is unrelated to Trump------democrat that I am-----it is actually too many years
of DEMOCRAT in NY-----and that which NY democrat HAS BECOME
Doesn't matter, NYC is full of people who continuously vote in Democrats to handle their local affairs and then turn around and blame their problems on Trump and/or Republicans in national office. They think they're smarter than they really are, those NYC clowns.

not all people from NY are anti-trump-----but that DEMOCRAT thing dies hard
Harlem , which BTW is called "Mecca" by devout American muslims, should be designated as a "no-go" area for law enforcement.

Really, if the community doesn't welcome the police, they should just stay in the donut shops IMHO.

Don't go where you ain't wanted
This is where the left has brought us to today.
Street punks feel emboldened now, knowing they'll likely be allowed to get away with something like this.
I still do not see any police law/corrections around that ph uked with people showing up to help their brothers in need. You azzes have destroyed many people and there is a vicious hatred for you. For many people the scales of justice is not even. And the memories are long and will not be forgotten. This nation has a problem. Saying that, police in the area of that city need to slow up their response time and so much more. If this is what the people want, then give it to them. Don't worry. The cop TV dramas will still have the wise azz responses by the actors who play them to make us all laugh. Hollywood is losing control of something they helped to create. How about TV shows where the citizens ph uk with law/corrections/judicial people. To men who promote their job in a fair way, good luck to you.
Harlem , which BTW is called "Mecca" by devout American muslims, should be designated as a "no-go" area for law enforcement.

Really, if the community doesn't welcome the police, they should just stay in the donut shops IMHO.

Don't go where you ain't wanted

NYPD needs to do what the Chicago PD does. Let the Hutu and the Tutu's shoot the shit outta each other and the neighborhood, then roll in and pick up the bodies, then split.
I still do not see any police law/corrections around that ph uked with people showing up to help their brothers in need. You azzes have destroyed many people and there is a vicious hatred for you. For many people the scales of justice is not even. And the memories are long and will not be forgotten. This nation has a problem. Saying that, police in the area of that city need to slow up their response time and so much more. If this is what the people want, then give it to them. Don't worry. The cop TV dramas will still have the wise azz responses by the actors who play them to make us all laugh. Hollywood is losing control of something they helped to create. How about TV shows where the citizens ph uk with law/corrections/judicial people. To men who promote their job in a fair way, good luck to you.
the way you reduce crime is to have police with high morale. that uniform should be respected, just like we respect the folks who threw the water.

The fault is with the Democrat Candidate for President of the United States, Mayor Bill de Blasio. The mayor has proven time and again that he is not behind law enforcement and those officers knew that de Blasio would throw the officers under the bus without a moment's hesitation.

What message has been sent, by de Blasio, to every street thug in New York City?
Democrats prove every day how they are pro-criminal. and stupid people do not get it.

The fault is with the Democrat Candidate for President of the United States, Mayor Bill de Blasio. The mayor has proven time and again that he is not behind law enforcement and those officers knew that de Blasio would throw the officers under the bus without a moment's hesitation.

What message has been sent, by de Blasio, to every street thug in New York City?

I agree with you on everything you said. At the same time, as a man with self worth, I’ve walked out of high paying jobs for less.

And get this I saw this on Inside Edition and 65% of people said police did the right thing by not retaliating and 35% said it’s embarrassing.
If you're a cop in NY why step outside the precinct building? Fuck it, let NY burn. Take your training and weapons back home and protect your own family. Fuck the rest. Don't even respond to the calls.
Billy de Blaiso is the walking talking example of incompetence. NY will and are receiving exactly what they deserve in spades. Big bill without knowing it is promoting anarchism at the expense of law and order. Regretfully to say when thugs run the streets they run the city. What the hell is wrong with NY? How is it that they tolerate this crap.
I’ve never seen such blatant disrespect and absolutely no retaliation from a officer of the law. As a man I blame the officer as a American the Left is my enemy. Simply Good and Evil. Bad and Good [emoji631]

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