Wave: GOP Voters At All-Time High...

List of Presidents of the United States by time in office - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For U.S. Presidents, Odds for a Second Term Are Surprisingly Long - The Daily Beast

Is it always about the economy? forget what the talking heads say, what does the data show?

When GHW Bush ran in 1992 people and talking heads kept parroting the lines about war time Presidents and winning wars (Gulf War) made Bush's re-election a guaranteed win.

careful parroting the talking heads and conventional wisdom

Times have changed. Reelection has become almost certain. The Dear Leader is actually in the driver's seat. But it's no lock. Romney still has a chance. Especially with the Independents still somwhat undecided. But i guess we'll see.

Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush...

Almost certain? Definitions count.

Define: almost.

Define: certain

then define: almost certain

Oh calm down there dipshit. We know this fucks with your Obamabot programming, but there's still no need to become hysterical. Get a grip. :)

hysterical? :rofl: hysterical with :laugh2: over how pathetic wingnuts are when they project their thin-skinned emotions on others.

President Obama is looking good with Romney/Ryan as his opponent. The conventional wisdom had anyone but Obama winning, but look what the GOP primaries gave HOPE to.


Yeah, but what does an ignorant dipshit like you know about wisdom? It's your Dear Leader who's actually been projected to be the landslide winner by most pundits. So clearly, you don't know shite about 'Conventional Wisdom.'

Your childish rants about "Dear Leader" and other sophomoric references expose you as what you are...

List of Presidents of the United States by time in office - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For U.S. Presidents, Odds for a Second Term Are Surprisingly Long - The Daily Beast

Is it always about the economy? forget what the talking heads say, what does the data show?

When GHW Bush ran in 1992 people and talking heads kept parroting the lines about war time Presidents and winning wars (Gulf War) made Bush's re-election a guaranteed win.

careful parroting the talking heads and conventional wisdom

Times have changed. Reelection has become almost certain. The Dear Leader is actually in the driver's seat. But it's no lock. Romney still has a chance. Especially with the Independents still somwhat undecided. But i guess we'll see.

Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush...

Almost certain? Definitions count.

Define: almost.

Define: certain

then define: almost certain


These days, reelection has become almost certain. I'll let you interpret that any way you choose. It's not like we're counting on you to interpret anything in a sane rational manner though. I mean, you are silly dipshit after all. :)
hysterical? :rofl: hysterical with :laugh2: over how pathetic wingnuts are when they project their thin-skinned emotions on others.

President Obama is looking good with Romney/Ryan as his opponent. The conventional wisdom had anyone but Obama winning, but look what the GOP primaries gave HOPE to.


Yeah, but what does an ignorant dipshit like you know about wisdom? It's your Dear Leader who's actually been projected to be the landslide winner by most pundits. So clearly, you don't know shite about 'Conventional Wisdom.'

Your childish rants about "Dear Leader" and other sophomoric references expose you as what you are...


Still, your take on 'Conventional Wisdom' proves you're an uninformed dipshit. Your Dear Leader is expected to be reelected by most pundits. That's the 'Conventional Wisdom.'
Times have changed. Reelection has become almost certain. The Dear Leader is actually in the driver's seat. But it's no lock. Romney still has a chance. Especially with the Independents still somwhat undecided. But i guess we'll see.

Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush...

Almost certain? Definitions count.

Define: almost.

Define: certain

then define: almost certain


These days, reelection has become almost certain. I'll let you interpret that any way you choose. It's not like we're counting on you to interpret anything in a sane rational manner though. I mean, you are silly dipshit after all. :)

These days? So if Obama wins over your conventional wisdom, do idiots like you get to redefine what you mean by 'these days'?
Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush...

Almost certain? Definitions count.

Define: almost.

Define: certain

then define: almost certain


These days, reelection has become almost certain. I'll let you interpret that any way you choose. It's not like we're counting on you to interpret anything in a sane rational manner though. I mean, you are silly dipshit after all. :)

These days? So if Obama wins over your conventional wisdom, do idiots like you get to redefine what you mean by 'these days'?

If your Dear Leader loses, Conventional Wisdom will have been bucked. He is fully expected to be reelected by most. But like i said, Romney has a chance. We'll see.
I guess with this termendous increase in repugs, the election is in the bag. Is that what you are saying?

Ya'll needn't worry about those self described rethugs. Hell they would vote for Reagan again if Nancy would let you dig him up. Nancy is still with us,isn't she?

But you know what I mean. You all would vote for the devil if you thought the devil would cut taxes on the wealthiest and could beat Obama.

Run Grover Norquist next time.

Don't think it will happen this time though. A better recruiting pitch might help. And quit pissing off so many women. And minorities.
paulitician, you win no friends and no arguments. question is: why do you bother getting out of bed in the morning .. or are you one of those shut-ins who live in their beds?

I merely pointed out your flawed and uninformed take on current Conventional Wisdom. The current Conventional Wisdom has your Dear Leader winning reelection. So as usual, your own confusion & ignorance has made you look stupid.
paulitician, you win no friends and no arguments. question is: why do you bother getting out of bed in the morning .. or are you one of those shut-ins who live in their beds?

I merely pointed out your flawed and uninformed take on current Conventional Wisdom. The current Conventional Wisdom has your Dear Leader winning reelection. So as usual, your own confusion & ignorance has made you look stupid.

there you go again...

I guess with this termendous increase in repugs, the election is in the bag. Is that what you are saying?

Ya'll needn't worry about those self described rethugs. Hell they would vote for Reagan again if Nancy would let you dig him up. Nancy is still with us,isn't she?

But you know what I mean. You all would vote for the devil if you thought the devil would cut taxes on the wealthiest and could beat Obama.

Run Grover Norquist next time.

Don't think it will happen this time though. A better recruiting pitch might help. And quit pissing off so many women. And minorities.

Man, this Dem-Bot nutter actually managed to spew every single tired DNC Talking Point in one post. Bots are so ignorant and predictable. But waddayagonnado ay?
paulitician, you win no friends and no arguments. question is: why do you bother getting out of bed in the morning .. or are you one of those shut-ins who live in their beds?

and so the question remains :eusa_angel:

Your assertion that Romney was the favorite going into this Election is inaccurate. That's why i said you don't know shite about Conventional Wisdom. The incumbent is the expected winner. A Romney win would be bucking the Conventional Wisdom. Lesson over. Class dismissed.
I guess with this termendous increase in repugs, the election is in the bag. Is that what you are saying?

Ya'll needn't worry about those self described rethugs. Hell they would vote for Reagan again if Nancy would let you dig him up. Nancy is still with us,isn't she?

But you know what I mean. You all would vote for the devil if you thought the devil would cut taxes on the wealthiest and could beat Obama.

Run Grover Norquist next time.

Don't think it will happen this time though. A better recruiting pitch might help. And quit pissing off so many women. And minorities.

No, actually charlie brown would be a better choice than obama, or so would bugs bunny. To make it so bad, by seeing the intelligence of obama voters they would probaly vote for them. It's also funny you bring up the made up war on women rant again. Lol, so predictable!
I guess with this termendous increase in repugs, the election is in the bag. Is that what you are saying?

Ya'll needn't worry about those self described rethugs. Hell they would vote for Reagan again if Nancy would let you dig him up. Nancy is still with us,isn't she?

But you know what I mean. You all would vote for the devil if you thought the devil would cut taxes on the wealthiest and could beat Obama.

Run Grover Norquist next time.

Don't think it will happen this time though. A better recruiting pitch might help. And quit pissing off so many women. And minorities.

No, actually charlie brown would be a better choice than obama, or so would bugs bunny. To make it so bad, by seeing the intelligence of obama voters they would probaly vote for them. It's also funny you bring up the made up war on women rant again. Lol, so predictable!

It's standard stale Dem-Bot programming. "He a Racist!!" "He hate da Women!!" "He hate da po folk!!" Blah Blah Blah. Same ole same ole.
Just thought i'd post this for all the Dem-Bot nutters who keep posting their stupid "The Republican Party is Dead" threads.


According to new research released today by Rasmussen, more voters identify themselves as Republican than ever in the last 8 years. More importantly, by a 4 point margin, more voters identify as GOP than Democrat. This is the largest spread between the parties ever. Worse for Democrats, the number of voters who identify with their party is also approaching an historic low.

In August, 37.6% of voters identified themselves as Republican. That is up from 34.9% in July. By contrast, just 33.3% of voters identify themselves as Democrats. That is very near their historic low in February, when 32.4% of voters identified as Democrat. The 4.3 margin in favor of the GOP is the biggest gap ever between the parties. In November 2010, when the GOP won a landslide in the mid-term elections, their advantage was just 1.3 points.

Immediately prior to Obama's inauguration, the Democrat party held a nearly 9 point edge over Republicans. Over 41% of voters called themselves Democrats then, compared to around 32% who were Republicans. It is a stunning reversal as Obama heads into reelection.

The last time GOP was close to this level was September 2004. President Bush went on to win reelection two months later, with an electorate that was evenly split. Even then, more voters called themselves Democrats then, but the party's advantage over the GOP was just over 1 point.

Most of the polls this year are based on the assumption that the Democrats will have a numerical advantage on election day. Many media polls assume even that the electorate in November will be more Democrat than it was in 2008. Based on these results, that event is close to mathematically impossible...

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Wave: GOP Voters at All-Time High
I identify myself more republican than democrat. Considering I have conservative tendencies.

I'm still not going to vote for Willard.
paulitician, you win no friends and no arguments. question is: why do you bother getting out of bed in the morning .. or are you one of those shut-ins who live in their beds?

and so the question remains :eusa_angel:

Your assertion that Romney was the favorite going into this Election is inaccurate.
That's why i said you don't know shite about Conventional Wisdom. The incumbent is the expected winner. A Romney win would be bucking the Conventional Wisdom. Lesson over. Class dismissed.

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