Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

How is he wrong? There's thugs and people that are out to hurt people for no reason.

Don't you want to have your self defense when someone breaks into your home?

No, they want us to rely on understaffed police departments, who can't be everywhere and certainly can't be everywhere in time.

The left sounds the alarms on a daily basis when they demand gun control to make us safer. They are the hypocrites because they make it sound like legal gun owners are out there posing a threat. They ignore the very reason there are so many legal gun owners.

Yes, drug cartels have taken over the southern border and they didn't stop there. Yes, gangs are out of control and most major cities face big problems with violence due to them. Yes, there are muggers, rapists and idiots playing the knock out game or gang initiations. Yes, home invasions have increased over the years. Yes, it can be a dangerous world and it's clearly worse in some areas.

Yes, terrorists exist. And they can walk through the southern border with ease.

What are the odds most of us will ever need a gun? That's not clear, but we also don't know the exact odds of being in a car accident, yet we still buckle up. We lock our doors at night. We do a lot of things because we want to stay as safe as possible should the worst happen. Nothing is foolproof. You can still die while buckled up. You can still die of smoke inhalation even though you have smoke detectors. But death is a certainty if a psychopath intent on killing you breaks into your home and you have no way to defend yourself.

Obama and all the politicians are surrounded by security people with guns. Are they paranoid? No, they feel their lives are valuable and they don't want to die. Maybe they could consider the fact that the rest of us feel the same way, only we can't afford to hire people and are using our RIGHT to take care of security ourselves. Fuck the liberals who disregard our rights to chase their delusional dreams.
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I just love how the NRA just keeps bitch slapping these left wing gun grabbers. It has sent them completely over the edge.
I just live how the NRA just keeps bitch slapping these left wing gun grabbers. It has sent them completely over the edge.

the more these gun grabbing lunatics bitch, the stronger the NRA gets. Membership is up, donations are up. The people whose rights they protect are growing faster than ever. It has to be very frustrating for them to watch the NRA steamroll over their perverted dreams
I can turn a pressure cooker into a weapon of war or mass destruction. SO ease up on the hyperbole and lets stick to reality, yeah?

True, and those who killed and maimed runners and spectators at the Boston Marathon also shot and killed an MIT police officer. BTW, hyperbole is a legitimate tool, it is honest and provides special emphasis when making a point.

It's unfortunate that so many on your side of the argument rely on half-truths, innuendo, rumor and lies of commission and omission to try and make a point. There are honest tools of rhetoric and dishonest ones - those without the facts use the latter.
I can turn a pressure cooker into a weapon of war or mass destruction. SO ease up on the hyperbole and lets stick to reality, yeah?

True, and those who killed and maimed runners and spectators at the Boston Marathon also shot and killed an MIT police officer. BTW, hyperbole is a legitimate tool, it is honest and provides special emphasis when making a point.

It's unfortunate that so many on your side of the argument rely on half-truths, innuendo, rumor and lies of commission and omission to try and make a point. There are honest tools of rhetoric and dishonest ones - those without the facts use the latter.

Those are specialties of your progressive crowd. Hyperbole is rarely an effective, legitimate, mode of argumentation save when ridiculing a particularly idiotic point.
Every legitimate criminological study ever completed has shown that an armed populace is safer than those which are not.

Private citizens kill TWICE as many bad guys than peace officers on a yearly basis. Private citizens also halt more crimes than peace officers do. Your arguments are specious in light of factual data.
We should just call it "Nutters' Paradise"…. or Wayne's World.

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