Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

The Right has obviously learned that fear gets their voters out.

vote for a republican woman and you will lose control of your bodies - 28 years of republican leadership since roe vs wade and women have not lost control of their bodies

blacks, vote republican and you will be held down. funny, blacks fare no better under a democrat, even a black democrat.

talk about fear to get the vote out
Yet, the Right constantly campaigns, makes laws, and posts about abortion, making it impossible for one to get an abortion in a growing number of areas.
Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

The man has guaranteed himself preferred housing in hell.

Really? It's well documented that private civilians kill twice as many bad guys as cops do.

It is also well documented that the government has no obligation to protect you. You can call the cops if someone is breaking into your home, and they can say, "sorry we're busy",
ad you're on your own.

He was merely stating the facts as every normal person knows them to be.

Normal people fight terrorists, drug cartels and "killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease " ???

Actually, normal people trust their government to do that.....Not NRA members

No they don't as a general rule. However, seeing's how you are far more likely to be attacked by some gang banger, or other common criminal, than by a terrorist here in the States it is proper that anyone who cares to take care of themselves be allowed to do so.

That's the problem with progressivism, you guys think that laws should be centered on the lowest common denominator, you feel as if the normal people ARE the lowest common denominator, so you feel that you can control (and in fact feel entitled to) every aspect of peoples lives.

The level of arrogance that you people exhibit is astonishing. Every aspect of government control has been shown to be inefficient or corrupt and yet you all still think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I don't care that you have decided that you're too incompetent to take care of yourself. But I DO care when you make that assumption of me.
Obama is going to take your guns you know

It's a human right for everyone to be able to defend themselves. There's really messed up people walking around you and you never know when it will happen.

Would you agree with that?

"there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

You are on your own to fight terrorists, drug cartels and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against power grids or vicious waves of chemicals?

You and your gun are our sole defense against that? We don't need no stinking Gubmint?

Do you believe the police will be there if you are ever caught up in a act of violence against you? Do you think they can be everyplace all the time. Do you feel you are stable enough to defend yourself with a weapon if necessary? Do you depend on someone else to protect you and your family? Remember "Nobody really needs a gun until they REALLY need a gun" then not having one can be deadly. I'll choose life.
Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

The man has guaranteed himself preferred housing in hell.

He's accurate. You're a delusional propagandist. End of story.
Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

The man has guaranteed himself preferred housing in hell.

Wayne is right.. Since the police have no legal obligation to come to your aid, who will protect you and your family at the same level of defense the police would come with?


Hazlnut Nightmarishly Naive Vision Of America

Pipeline workers find mass grave of Jews killed by Nazis

Luke Harding in Moscow
The Guardian, Tuesday 5 June 2007

A mass grave holding the remains of thousands of Jews executed by the Nazis during the second world war has been discovered in southern Ukraine by workers digging pipelines.

The workers stumbled upon the remains by chance last month in the village of Gvozdavka-1, near the Black Sea port of Odessa, Jewish leaders said yesterday."

Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

The man has guaranteed himself preferred housing in hell.
He will be right there with the dimwits and obamatrud then
They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

If not, and we take the wording of the Second A. literally, what legal right does the government, on any level, have to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical?

NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

The man has guaranteed himself preferred housing in hell.

He’s clearly insane.

So much so that even the likes of the NRA wouldn’t allow him to continue to head the organization.

He’s kept on to appease the lunatic fringe.
The Right has obviously learned that fear gets their voters out.

vote for a republican woman and you will lose control of your bodies - 28 years of republican leadership since roe vs wade and women have not lost control of their bodies

blacks, vote republican and you will be held down. funny, blacks fare no better under a democrat, even a black democrat.

talk about fear to get the vote out
Yet, the Right constantly campaigns, makes laws, and posts about abortion, making it impossible for one to get an abortion in a growing number of areas.

name one area you can't get an abortion or face up to your lies
How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

If not, and we take the wording of the Second A. literally, what legal right does the government, on any level, have to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical?

NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations
Well, we've tried the bans and that was a failure. We've done the background checks now on almost a universal level, seeing how a true universal on it is impossible, since there will always be a black market. We've tried victim zones...er, gun free zones, and all kinds of other failures.

So it seems we'd be best served enjoying the large and natural decrease in violent crime that we've experienced and stop the emotional wailing when it happens, and do our best to have each individual able to protect themselves in the event they need to.

How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.

They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

The New York ‘SAFE’ Act was upheld as Constitutional by a Federal court. You may disagree with the ruling, but as a fact of law it is not ‘un-Constitutional’ until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.
NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Ignorant nonsense.

As the Heller Court correctly reaffirmed, as with other rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions.
"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

Terrorists: True.
Home Invaders: True, since the beginning of civilization.
Drug Cartels: True
Car-jackers: True, used to be horse thieves for the past 4,000 years.
Knockout-gamers: True.
Rapers: True since the dawn of mankind.
Haters: True (see knockout game for [mostly] black on white crime)
Campus Killers: True. Virginia Tech, true.
Airport Killers: TSA shooting, true.
Oregon Shopping Mall: True. Stopped by armed citizen.

Power Grid Vulnerability: Largest target of terrorists, true. Government cannot help you for months in this situation.

WMD's smuggling: True, second largest terrorist threat. Government cannot help you for months in this situation either.

Disease/Plague: True, third largest terrorist threat is hijacked/pirated smallpox or something worse. Government would actually have the DUTY and RIGHT to quarantine and kill many infected citizens, as would healthy citizens and local militias that would HAVE to arise in suburban/rural areas where government can't attend to.

@halznut Are you saying that none of these things are true? What's it like to have you head buried in the sand? Name just one of those things that aren't true?
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How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.

They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

The New York ‘SAFE’ Act was upheld as Constitutional by a Federal court. You may disagree with the ruling, but as a fact of law it is not ‘un-Constitutional’ until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.

a new governor will come in and toss it. most people ignore it anyway. registration is almost non existent. a black market is growing that has no respect for the law
The Right has obviously learned that fear gets their voters out.

vote for a republican woman and you will lose control of your bodies - 28 years of republican leadership since roe vs wade and women have not lost control of their bodies

blacks, vote republican and you will be held down. funny, blacks fare no better under a democrat, even a black democrat.

talk about fear to get the vote out
Yet, the Right constantly campaigns, makes laws, and posts about abortion, making it impossible for one to get an abortion in a growing number of areas.

Hence the hypocrisy of most conservatives.

They advocate for ‘states’ rights’ when it comes to things they oppose, such as the right to privacy or equal protection of the law; then oppose ‘states’ rights’ when states enact gun control measures determined to be Constitutional.
Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Ignorant nonsense.

As the Heller Court correctly reaffirmed, as with other rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions.

the heller court are not the framers. the 2nd amendment is unlimited and subject to no restrictions. gun grabbers are losing this argument and the clock is going to be turned back. face facts, you couldn't exploit the deaths of school children to have a law passed you claimed 85% of the public supported. you shot your wad and lost. gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the united states. the gun industry is the fastest growing industry. The NRA is the fastest growing lobby. Gun friendly politicians are about to become the fastest growing group in congress. courts will become gun friendly. the tide is against you
I will spoon feed you. When people point guns at each other, they are rarely rational, and when they argue guns with each other, they are also rarely ration. Gun fights tend not to be rational.

I see your problem. You have a logic deficiency. Your statement doesn't logically follow the post you quoted. You'll need to work on that.
My logic is perfect. You can't have a rational discussion about guns in this country because Americans aren't rational.

Move to Red China or Cuba then, where every one is a rational and law abiding communist.
vote for a republican woman and you will lose control of your bodies - 28 years of republican leadership since roe vs wade and women have not lost control of their bodies

blacks, vote republican and you will be held down. funny, blacks fare no better under a democrat, even a black democrat.

talk about fear to get the vote out
Yet, the Right constantly campaigns, makes laws, and posts about abortion, making it impossible for one to get an abortion in a growing number of areas.

Hence the hypocrisy of most conservatives.

They advocate for ‘states’ rights’ when it comes to things they oppose, such as the right to privacy or equal protection of the law; then oppose ‘states’ rights’ when states enact gun control measures determined to be Constitutional.

abortion is still legal. there are no laws banning abortion. hence the hypocrisy of liberals. btw, in the war on women, the only confirmed kill belongs to a democrat. Ted Kennedy
The NRA does not sell guns. Your ignorance is showing.

Are you sure about that? Did you research that?

Are you sure about your claim? Did you research that? The NRA doesn't sell firearms, they are a second A. lobby group on behalf of members. Jeebus.

If a first amendment group had advertisement/sponsors from CNN, Fox, MSNBC and HLN, USA TODAY, Washington Times, New York Times, would you claim that their message was corrupted by their donors?

Is making money bad? Is making money in the pursuit of a good (and constitutionally protected) cause, anathemic to the cause itself (and no, I didn't mean the word 'antithetic.' Vote online to make Anathemic a word today!)?
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