Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

I look forward to seeing Wayne and Ted on the 25th of April in Indianapolis.

The Second A. protects the First A.! The libs should kiss the feet of Wayne, Ted and others!

The First Amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary

The first amendment has protected our freedoms for over 200 years. The second amendment has yet to do so

yea, the first amendment has done real well for us. 47% of the population on entitlements. 1% of the population controlling 80% of the wealth. people can't afford to live, save, retire. keep flapping your first amendment on a message board and watch your rights and wealth continue to dwindle. patriot act, domestic spying, drones, limits and controls. oh yea. our rights are solid

What does that have to do with either the first or second amendment?
How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.

They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

If not, and we take the wording of the Second A. literally, what legal right does the government, on any level, have to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical?

NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.
In the nation in which we live there are angry men and boys who seem to believe life is not worth living, for them or others. They plan to exit this life but not alone, and these are those who can easily buy weapons of mass destruction, weapons easy to carry into malls and schools, movie theaters and office buildings and destroy innocent men, women and children with a flick of their finger.

Power tends to corrupt; a gun gives the weak of mind and character the ultimate power - to kill, to murder. Are there legitimate reasons to own, possess and have in one's custody and control a gun? Yes, but not weapons of war, weapons designed to kill massive numbers of human beings; LaPierre's mission in life is not to protect, it is to profit and that is evil.

Well I for one can appreciate that intense and well articulated slice of hyperbole. Weapons of mass destruction? :lol: Weapons of war? :lol:

And it isn't just angry men who do the killing. There are all types out there who maim and kill, by stabbing people, by using their hands, hitting them with vehicles, poisoning them, etc...

Thank you for pointing out the obvious.: Human beings are the most dangerous of all of the animals and we, as individuals have not only a right but an obligation to protect ourselves and our families.

Yet we cannot know the who, when, where and why of those who kill innocents in mass, we can and should be able to have some control over the how. And this is where reasoned debate ought to occur.

You cannot have reasoned debate when one side ignores the obvious, and pushes ahead with an agenda that has little reason behind it.

First, and foremost, when the bad guys attack, whether they be terrorists, robbers, or just plain thugs, it is highly unlikely that government, in any helpful form, will be present. The victims of the attack are on their own, and must try to survive on their own.

Second, we cannot have both a free nation and a nation safe from terrorists or other bad guys. Our freedoms give them the cover they need in order to exist among us. That means we live in a dangerous world, and must live accordingly.

Third, honest, law abiding citizens are honest, law abiding citizens, and of little threat, whether they be armed with a sling shot or a rocket launcher. The bad guys are a threat because they can create weapons at will, and use them at their convenience. The point here is that we are safer amid 10,000 law abiding citizens with heavy weapons, than we are amid two unarmed bad guys with evil intentions.

Once the gun grabbers come to terms with the above truth, we can have a debate about an armed population and public safety.
How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.

They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

Do we take the wording of the Second A. literally? If so, the government has no legal authority have to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical. And if you do agree the Second A. is not to be taken literally, what limits on arms do you propose?

yes, the right shall not be infringed. it does not say the right shall be at established limits set by the government
The First Amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary

The first amendment has protected our freedoms for over 200 years. The second amendment has yet to do so

yea, the first amendment has done real well for us. 47% of the population on entitlements. 1% of the population controlling 80% of the wealth. people can't afford to live, save, retire. keep flapping your first amendment on a message board and watch your rights and wealth continue to dwindle. patriot act, domestic spying, drones, limits and controls. oh yea. our rights are solid

What does that have to do with either the first or second amendment?

your first amenment hasn't protected our rights as you claimed
Using fear to talk people into buying more guns? What could motivate someone to do that?

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems, and Beretta USA Corporation. Other supporters from the gun industry include Cabala's, Sturm Rugar & Co, and Smith & Wesson.

The NRA also made $20.9 million — about 10 percent of its revenue — from selling advertising to industry companies marketing products in its many publications in 2010, according to the IRS Form 990.

Additionally, some companies donate portions of sales directly to the NRA. Crimson Trace, which makes laser sights, donates 10 percent of each sale to the NRA. Taurus buys an NRA membership for everyone who buys one of their guns. Sturm Ruger gives $1 to the NRA for each gun sold, which amounts to millions. The NRA's revenues are intrinsically linked to the success of the gun business.

The NRA Foundation also collects hundreds of thousands of dollars from the industry, which it then gives to local-level organizations for training and equipment purchases.

The NRA Has Sold Out To The Gun Industry To Become Their Top Crisis PR Firm - Business Insider

yep, the NRA gets stronger every day. get used to it, its going to roll right over you gun grabbers
Absolutely. Many of us with CCW permits usually have our guns with us at all times. Let's be practical. If a situation arises, the police cannot guarantee that they will be able to get there before the situation escalates into something very serious.

and the bottom line it is a right. a constitutional right. if someone chooses not tou use that right, fine. if someone chooses not to vote fine. but if i was to try to do away with the right to vote because I cose not to vote, i wouild be as wrong as the gun grabbers are today.

but what about the children? Surely you have to think of th echildren!!!
Absolutely. We need to teach our children about gun safety, no question there. For those of us who have guns in our homes, at some point when we feel our children are old enough, as parents, it's our responsibility to teach our children how to safely handle a gun.

Teach your children these basic firearms safety rules:

Always assume that a gun is loaded, even after you have personally unloaded it.


Never handle a firearm unnecessarily.

Never accept a firearm from another person unless they have shown it to be unloaded in front of you. Never assume.

Always verify the unloaded condition of a firearm.

Never throw, drop, or otherwise mishandle a firearm.

When encountering a strange gun (say lying in the street), do not pick it up. Contact an adult (preferably a law enforcement officer) as soon as possible. When possible, keep other children away from the gun. Do not make any assumptions about a "found" weapon.

When firing at a range, always keep the gun pointed down range, towards the targets.

A firearm is not a toy. Do not treat it like one.

Do not show off firearms to friends and schoolmates. And, do not tell friends and schoolmates that there are firearms in the house. Do not take a firearm from its place without a parent present.

Always use proper ear and eye protection when at the range.

A firearm is not a status symbol, or indicator of strength. Do not use it as one.

Whenever you are in doubt about a firearm, do not touch it. Get an adult to check it for you.

Remember, it is our right to keep and bear arms, but it is also our responsibility to do so safely. It only takes one little mistake to cause a big accident.

Let them know that firearms are capable of bodily injury, destruction and possibly death if misused. Do not "soft-soap" the truth. Apply the same principles as Driver's Education courses in the schools do.

Start your children off right by showing them the ropes about guns. This includes showing them the proper procedures for unloading, verifying and handling a firearm. Where available, a certified instructor should be used to teach proper shooting and safety technique.

Make sure to show your children how to clean and care for a firearm. A dirty, or abused gun is more dangerous than any other.

Encourage your children to learn these safety rules, and to follow them. One method that helps is to take them to the range (once they are old enough to handle a firearm) and let them shoot. Another method is to use airguns in early training and safety education. This will not only further strengthen the other lessons, but will also serve to remove the mystique that has been put up around firearms. It is this mystique that leads to most firearms accidents today.

Remember, nothing is as good as education, and open, honest discussion.

When there are many children visiting, secure your firearms in a proper lock-box, safe, or unreachable location that you can monitor. Keep all spare ammo separate from the guns.

If your child is alone in the house regularly, consider getting a small safe or lockbox to keep your firearms in when you are not there.

Be sure to follow all of the rules you set for your children. If you violate any of them, the child will feel uncomfortable in following your example.

Child Safety - Taurus International
Gun fights aren't known for their rationality.

Wtf are you talking about? Do YOU even know?
I will spoon feed you. When people point guns at each other, they are rarely rational, and when they argue guns with each other, they are also rarely ration. Gun fights tend not to be rational.

What utter nonsense! A gun is a tool, and most honest folks who use guns use them rationally. When people point guns at one another, you can bet your purple bippie that at least one of them has a rational reason for doing so.
Wtf are you talking about? Do YOU even know?
I will spoon feed you. When people point guns at each other, they are rarely rational, and when they argue guns with each other, they are also rarely ration. Gun fights tend not to be rational.

What utter nonsense! A gun is a tool, and most honest folks who use guns use them rationally. When people point guns at one another, you can bet your purple bippie that at least one of them has a rational reason for doing so.
Guns are for killing things, usually people. By the time you are in a gun fight you are no longer in a rational situation.
yea, the first amendment has done real well for us. 47% of the population on entitlements. 1% of the population controlling 80% of the wealth. people can't afford to live, save, retire. keep flapping your first amendment on a message board and watch your rights and wealth continue to dwindle. patriot act, domestic spying, drones, limits and controls. oh yea. our rights are solid

What does that have to do with either the first or second amendment?

your first amenment hasn't protected our rights as you claimed

What does anything you posted have to do with the first amendment?
Go back and read it and get back to me
You left wing nut gun grabbers lose battle after battle after battle. The NRA has made fools of you and your president. You idiots have become so unglued by the constant butt whipping the NRA has been handing you that rationality and logic has fled from your minds. It's entertaining to watch and make fun of.


What are you laughing at, trolly dipshit? You going to tell us how the NRA, a not for profit advocacy group is in the firearm sales business? You wanna point out the models the NRA sells?

NRA is a thinly veiled lobbyist for the gun industry

The gun industry doesn't need a lobbyist, thinly veiled, or otherwise. Gun owners do, and it is the NRA that does the job for us. However, I fully understand that vilifying the opposition is a left wing strategy, and practiced by every left wing nut job in the country. The NRA, the Tea parties, etc.. Gotta create that paranoia.
Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty":

The man has guaranteed himself preferred housing in hell.
Well, he's just looking on the dark side. On the other side, there are
peacemakers, welcome wagon people, physicians, pharmacists, bus and taxi services, philanthropists, teachers, pilots, industries and shops, pediatricians, the founders, architects, gardeners, fresh produce, antibiotics, vitamins, and a market that prospers Americans. We are protected somewhat by great fire departments and firemen, great police departments and detectives, jurists, jurors, and those who work hard to ensure that people are treated equally under the laws of the land. We have more good than bad, great entertainment, community benefits, hospitals, and asylums for promoting and healing all good things for human beings.

For every tornado, there are a thousand rainbows, and people love to give others a second chance most anywhere you go. :)

Life is a box of chocolates, mostly good, but you never know which one you're getting, according to Tommy Hanks' character, Forrest Gump.
What are you laughing at, trolly dipshit? You going to tell us how the NRA, a not for profit advocacy group is in the firearm sales business? You wanna point out the models the NRA sells?

NRA is a thinly veiled lobbyist for the gun industry

The gun industry doesn't need a lobbyist, thinly veiled, or otherwise. Gun owners do, and it is the NRA that does the job for us. However, I fully understand that vilifying the opposition is a left wing strategy, and practiced by every left wing nut job in the country. The NRA, the Tea parties, etc.. Gotta create that paranoia.

They create fear, and that fear gets them votes.
How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.

They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

Do we take the wording of the Second A. literally? If so, the government has no legal authority to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical. And if you do agree the Second A. is not to be taken literally, what limits on arms do you propose?

it is to be taken literally. That's right, the government has no constitutional authority to limit a united states citizen's ability to own whatever arms the industry puts forth. on the other hand, you will have a hard time finding nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. the reason? The government is the one who hires contractor companies to create these, and they are the demand feed for their production. And government has used these devices on civilians not only here, but across the world. But you want to limit what an individual citizen can own?

Yeah, I get it. And I'm not with you on that hypocrisy.
I will spoon feed you. When people point guns at each other, they are rarely rational, and when they argue guns with each other, they are also rarely ration. Gun fights tend not to be rational.

What utter nonsense! A gun is a tool, and most honest folks who use guns use them rationally. When people point guns at one another, you can bet your purple bippie that at least one of them has a rational reason for doing so.
Guns are for killing things, usually people. By the time you are in a gun fight you are no longer in a rational situation.

Once again, nonsense! Self defense, with or without a gun, is not irrational.
something you libertraitors know all about, you shit-for-brains invented it and use it extensively in this current regime. :up:

Obama is going to take your guns you know

No he is not,but ass hats like yourself would let him if you could.

Actually yes they are coming for our guns. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow. It may not even be Obama but you and I and even the left wing nuts know that that is the end game. The goal of all this is disarming Americans.
And the far left fear mongering propaganda continues to roll on, once again making the all the far left supports, hypocrites.

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