Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

Paranoia sells

You mean like that you're not smart enough to work for a company that pays you the highest wage you can get so government needs to do that for you, you won't save enough for retirement so government should do it for you, you can't get medical coverage on your own so government should do it for you, those evil companies will take advantage of your being black, female, gay, Hispanic or else on your own so government needs to do it for you?

Yeah, paranoia does sell...
Wayne LaPierre is a gun salesman. If you view everything he says from that perspective, and with his motivation in that job,

everything he says makes perfect sense,

actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Ironically, their gun control efforts are akin to the fruitless efforts of the War on Drugs, or prohibition. But you are right. Using his logic, Obama is a gun salesman.
Wayne LaPierre is a gun salesman. If you view everything he says from that perspective, and with his motivation in that job,

everything he says makes perfect sense,

actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n
Well, we've tried the bans and that was a failure. We've done the background checks now on almost a universal level, seeing how a true universal on it is impossible, since there will always be a black market. We've tried victim zones...er, gun free zones, and all kinds of other failures.

So it seems we'd be best served enjoying the large and natural decrease in violent crime that we've experienced and stop the emotional wailing when it happens, and do our best to have each individual able to protect themselves in the event they need to.

How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.
how does one stop the emotional wailing of every one lost in a car accident, or killed by a drunk driver? bullied in school until they commit suicide? who is crying for the million + babies a year aborted? 4 million babies born a year, over a million aborted. one in 4 wiped out.
Look folks, don't argue with the left wing morons who claim the NRA is an arm of the gun manufacturers. Who cares? What is good for the gun makers is good for the gun owners and freedom loving Americans.
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Wayne LaPierre is a gun salesman. If you view everything he says from that perspective, and with his motivation in that job,

everything he says makes perfect sense,

actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

The TruthMatter's Holy Trolleer Team member RWer strikes again.
Wayne LaPierre is a gun salesman. If you view everything he says from that perspective, and with his motivation in that job,

everything he says makes perfect sense,

actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

Blah blah blah moron. Ever have an original thought?
Wayne LaPierre is a gun salesman. If you view everything he says from that perspective, and with his motivation in that job,

everything he says makes perfect sense,

actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Proving that Wayne sells the sizzle, not the steak!
Like folks, don't argue with the left wing morons who claim the NRA is an arm of the gun manufacturers. Who cares? What is good for the gun makers is good for the gun owners and freedom loving Americans.

Well, unfortunately, TruthMatter's Holy Trollers Team continues to expand. There are few sane "liberals" left on the site. Pretty soon we're going to have to start debating each other on issue we agree because any opposition in the room is nothing btu a bunch of intellectually bankrupt trolls.

Well, we've tried the bans and that was a failure. We've done the background checks now on almost a universal level, seeing how a true universal on it is impossible, since there will always be a black market. We've tried victim zones...er, gun free zones, and all kinds of other failures.

So it seems we'd be best served enjoying the large and natural decrease in violent crime that we've experienced and stop the emotional wailing when it happens, and do our best to have each individual able to protect themselves in the event they need to.

How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.
how does one stop the emotional wailing of every one lost in a car accident, or killed by a drunk driver? bullied in school until they commit suicide? who is crying for the million + babies a year aborted? 4 million babies born a year, over a million aborted. one in 4 wiped out.
4 million born, 5 million wiped out actually. One million by us, four million more by nature, or God if you prefer. Life is a cruel eh?
Are you sure about that? Did you research that?

Are you sure about your claim? Did you research that? The NRA doesn't sell firearms, they are a second A. lobby group on behalf of members. Jeebus.

So of course they wouldn't have any gun makers advertising on their tv show on the Outdoor Channel, would they?

Which in now way constitutes "selling firearms". By your logic, NBC sells cheeseburgers because McDonald's advertises on some of their shows.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Fail...once again.
actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

The TruthMatter's Holy Trolleer Team member RWer strikes again.

66 million suckers and counting

What are you laughing at, trolly dipshit? You going to tell us how the NRA, a not for profit advocacy group is in the firearm sales business? You wanna point out the models the NRA sells?

NRA is a thinly veiled lobbyist for the gun industry

There is nothing thinly veiled about it. Firearms advocates need firearms and manufacturers make them. They lobby openly for second A. protection.

At the same time, you troll in the same fashion as a member of TruthMatter's Holy Troller team. And it too, is not thinly veiled.
Wayne LaPierre is a gun salesman. If you view everything he says from that perspective, and with his motivation in that job,

everything he says makes perfect sense,

actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

i'm buying them like mad for cheap right now. lots of people don't want to deal with the hassle of registerring in NY or feel they will be on some kind of watch list. so they are dumping what they have before the april deadline. and they don't care who they dump them too. i wonder how many guns being sold at garage sale right now are ending up in the hands of people they shouldn't end up in. i guess that jackass governors of NY and CT never thought of that one. I'll sell them for a profit afterwards. there is a ton of value in what you can no longer get. I bought my HK 91 new for $389 years ago. I'm getting offers of $5500 for it today. because you can't get them anymore. in a few months, people will be clamoring for unregistered, untracable guns. I'll pick up everyone i can now. and i don't need to spend the college money to do it.
actually obama is a gun saleman. 66,000,000 sold since he started his anti gun push. The gun industry is no a $35,000,000,000 industry, the fastest growing industry in america. Every gun manufacturer is expanding capacity, building new factories, and they are all being built in gun friendly states.

A black market has slowly been creeping into the states with strict gun laws. and they don't care about background checks or who they sell to at all. the only thing gun grabbers have done is created a situation with less control.

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

i'm buying them like mad for cheap right now. lots of people don't want to deal with the hassle of registerring in NY or feel they will be on some kind of watch list. so they are dumping what they have before the april deadline. and they don't care who they dump them too. i wonder how many guns being sold at garage sale right now are ending up in the hands of people they shouldn't end up in. i guess that jackass governors of NY and CT never thought of that one. I'll sell them for a profit afterwards. there is a ton of value in what you can no longer get. I bought my HK 91 new for $389 years ago. I'm getting offers of $5500 for it today. because you can't get them anymore. in a few months, people will be clamoring for unregistered, untracable guns. I'll pick up everyone i can now. and i don't need to spend the college money to do it.

W C Fields was right

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