Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

The TruthMatter's Holy Trolleer Team member RWer strikes again.

66 million suckers and counting

ever growing. and getting ever stronger. and we aren't going to let gun grabbing morons take away our rights. you couldn't exploit sandy hook. even politicians woke up to that fact. a greatly watered down bill you claimed had the support of 85% of the people failed to pass. because politicians found out 85% of the people didn't support it. I'm loving our growing numbers. I'm loving the fact that gun show attendance is up 500%. I'm loving the fact that shelves are empty because manufacturing can't keep up with demand.
What are you laughing at, trolly dipshit? You going to tell us how the NRA, a not for profit advocacy group is in the firearm sales business? You wanna point out the models the NRA sells?

NRA is a thinly veiled lobbyist for the gun industry

There is nothing thinly veiled about it. Firearms advocates need firearms and manufacturers make them. They lobby openly for second A. protection.

At the same time, you troll in the same fashion as a member of TruthMatter's Holy Troller team. And it too, is not thinly veiled.
Yeah the NRA sure is subtle about what they do. One would never know they exist to protect the rights of gun owners and manufacturers. Must have shocked the hell out of RW to learn that.
Obama is going to take your guns

Time to cash in your childs college fund and buy more before Obama comes a knock'n

i'm buying them like mad for cheap right now. lots of people don't want to deal with the hassle of registerring in NY or feel they will be on some kind of watch list. so they are dumping what they have before the april deadline. and they don't care who they dump them too. i wonder how many guns being sold at garage sale right now are ending up in the hands of people they shouldn't end up in. i guess that jackass governors of NY and CT never thought of that one. I'll sell them for a profit afterwards. there is a ton of value in what you can no longer get. I bought my HK 91 new for $389 years ago. I'm getting offers of $5500 for it today. because you can't get them anymore. in a few months, people will be clamoring for unregistered, untracable guns. I'll pick up everyone i can now. and i don't need to spend the college money to do it.

W C Fields was right

yep , people are suckers to be seling out. they don't realize the goldmine they are sitting on.
Are you sure about your claim? Did you research that? The NRA doesn't sell firearms, they are a second A. lobby group on behalf of members. Jeebus.

So of course they wouldn't have any gun makers advertising on their tv show on the Outdoor Channel, would they?

Which in now way constitutes "selling firearms". By your logic, NBC sells cheeseburgers because McDonald's advertises on some of their shows.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Fail...once again.

I knew you'd say that because I know you're an asshole.

If you pay someone to help you sell your product, that someone is selling your product.
So of course they wouldn't have any gun makers advertising on their tv show on the Outdoor Channel, would they?

Which in now way constitutes "selling firearms". By your logic, NBC sells cheeseburgers because McDonald's advertises on some of their shows.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Fail...once again.

I knew you'd say that because I know you're an asshole.

If you pay someone to help you sell your product, that someone is selling your product.

Quick, somebody tell NBC to update their corporate profile. They are now purveyors of cheeseburgers, soft drinks, frozen fish fillets, and shampoo.

Who knew?! :dunno:

"Asshole"...golly, that's a biting retort...were you a ten year old boy on the school playground. :lol:
I look forward to seeing Wayne and Ted on the 25th of April in Indianapolis.

The Second A. protects the First A.! The libs should kiss the feet of Wayne, Ted and others!
So of course they wouldn't have any gun makers advertising on their tv show on the Outdoor Channel, would they?

Which in now way constitutes "selling firearms". By your logic, NBC sells cheeseburgers because McDonald's advertises on some of their shows.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Fail...once again.

I knew you'd say that because I know you're an asshole.

If you pay someone to help you sell your product, that someone is selling your product.

I've never heard the NRA endorse smith &Wesson over remmington, or glock or sturm ruger or any other manufacturer. they don't endorse or sell a product they fight for the constittional right to own that product. They counter the group trying ot take away that right. you want the nra to go away, you go away. as long as you are around we will build a bigger stronger machine than you. and thats how it is going to work
So he is paranoid to recognize there is evil in the world around us and that we are responsible for protecting ourselves and our own?

The only group of people who wouldnt want us to be able to defend ourselves, would be those who have a desire to victimize us. I have no problem with others wanting to defend themselves. I don't want any harm to come to them.
I look forward to seeing Wayne and Ted on the 25th of April in Indianapolis.

The Second A. protects the First A.! The libs should kiss the feet of Wayne, Ted and others!

The First Amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary

The first amendment has protected our freedoms for over 200 years. The second amendment has yet to do so
I look forward to seeing Wayne and Ted on the 25th of April in Indianapolis.

The Second A. protects the First A.! The libs should kiss the feet of Wayne, Ted and others!

The First Amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary

The first amendment has protected our freedoms for over 200 years. The second amendment has yet to do so

yea, the first amendment has done real well for us. 47% of the population on entitlements. 1% of the population controlling 80% of the wealth. people can't afford to live, save, retire. keep flapping your first amendment on a message board and watch your rights and wealth continue to dwindle. patriot act, domestic spying, drones, limits and controls. oh yea. our rights are solid
The TruthMatter's Holy Trolleer Team member RWer strikes again.

66 million suckers and counting

ever growing. and getting ever stronger. and we aren't going to let gun grabbing morons take away our rights. you couldn't exploit sandy hook. even politicians woke up to that fact. a greatly watered down bill you claimed had the support of 85% of the people failed to pass. because politicians found out 85% of the people didn't support it. I'm loving our growing numbers. I'm loving the fact that gun show attendance is up 500%. I'm loving the fact that shelves are empty because manufacturing can't keep up with demand.
Absolutely. Many of us with CCW permits usually have our guns with us at all times. Let's be practical. If a situation arises, the police cannot guarantee that they will be able to get there before the situation escalates into something very serious.
66 million suckers and counting

ever growing. and getting ever stronger. and we aren't going to let gun grabbing morons take away our rights. you couldn't exploit sandy hook. even politicians woke up to that fact. a greatly watered down bill you claimed had the support of 85% of the people failed to pass. because politicians found out 85% of the people didn't support it. I'm loving our growing numbers. I'm loving the fact that gun show attendance is up 500%. I'm loving the fact that shelves are empty because manufacturing can't keep up with demand.
Absolutely. Many of us with CCW permits usually have our guns with us at all times. Let's be practical. If a situation arises, the police cannot guarantee that they will be able to get there before the situation escalates into something very serious.

When every second counts, police are just several minutes away.
66 million suckers and counting

ever growing. and getting ever stronger. and we aren't going to let gun grabbing morons take away our rights. you couldn't exploit sandy hook. even politicians woke up to that fact. a greatly watered down bill you claimed had the support of 85% of the people failed to pass. because politicians found out 85% of the people didn't support it. I'm loving our growing numbers. I'm loving the fact that gun show attendance is up 500%. I'm loving the fact that shelves are empty because manufacturing can't keep up with demand.
Absolutely. Many of us with CCW permits usually have our guns with us at all times. Let's be practical. If a situation arises, the police cannot guarantee that they will be able to get there before the situation escalates into something very serious.

and the bottom line it is a right. a constitutional right. if someone chooses not tou use that right, fine. if someone chooses not to vote fine. but if i was to try to do away with the right to vote because I cose not to vote, i wouild be as wrong as the gun grabbers are today.
ever growing. and getting ever stronger. and we aren't going to let gun grabbing morons take away our rights. you couldn't exploit sandy hook. even politicians woke up to that fact. a greatly watered down bill you claimed had the support of 85% of the people failed to pass. because politicians found out 85% of the people didn't support it. I'm loving our growing numbers. I'm loving the fact that gun show attendance is up 500%. I'm loving the fact that shelves are empty because manufacturing can't keep up with demand.
Absolutely. Many of us with CCW permits usually have our guns with us at all times. Let's be practical. If a situation arises, the police cannot guarantee that they will be able to get there before the situation escalates into something very serious.

and the bottom line it is a right. a constitutional right. if someone chooses not tou use that right, fine. if someone chooses not to vote fine. but if i was to try to do away with the right to vote because I cose not to vote, i wouild be as wrong as the gun grabbers are today.

but what about the children? Surely you have to think of th echildren!!!
ever growing. and getting ever stronger. and we aren't going to let gun grabbing morons take away our rights. you couldn't exploit sandy hook. even politicians woke up to that fact. a greatly watered down bill you claimed had the support of 85% of the people failed to pass. because politicians found out 85% of the people didn't support it. I'm loving our growing numbers. I'm loving the fact that gun show attendance is up 500%. I'm loving the fact that shelves are empty because manufacturing can't keep up with demand.
Absolutely. Many of us with CCW permits usually have our guns with us at all times. Let's be practical. If a situation arises, the police cannot guarantee that they will be able to get there before the situation escalates into something very serious.

When every second counts, police are just several minutes away.

a few months ago we were unloading our guns from my car going to shoot on private property. a state trooper drove by. called for back up. we had two state troopers going through our stuff for 45 minutes looking for a violation to the NY safe act. so 45 minutes later, two state troopers left frustrated. but they were tied up from doing their jobs for 45 minutes each. making america safer.
The Right has obviously learned that fear gets their voters out.

vote for a republican woman and you will lose control of your bodies - 28 years of republican leadership since roe vs wade and women have not lost control of their bodies

blacks, vote republican and you will be held down. funny, blacks fare no better under a democrat, even a black democrat.

talk about fear to get the vote out
Using fear to talk people into buying more guns? What could motivate someone to do that?

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems, and Beretta USA Corporation. Other supporters from the gun industry include Cabala's, Sturm Rugar & Co, and Smith & Wesson.

The NRA also made $20.9 million — about 10 percent of its revenue — from selling advertising to industry companies marketing products in its many publications in 2010, according to the IRS Form 990.

Additionally, some companies donate portions of sales directly to the NRA. Crimson Trace, which makes laser sights, donates 10 percent of each sale to the NRA. Taurus buys an NRA membership for everyone who buys one of their guns. Sturm Ruger gives $1 to the NRA for each gun sold, which amounts to millions. The NRA's revenues are intrinsically linked to the success of the gun business.

The NRA Foundation also collects hundreds of thousands of dollars from the industry, which it then gives to local-level organizations for training and equipment purchases.

The NRA Has Sold Out To The Gun Industry To Become Their Top Crisis PR Firm - Business Insider
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Well, we've tried the bans and that was a failure. We've done the background checks now on almost a universal level, seeing how a true universal on it is impossible, since there will always be a black market. We've tried victim zones...er, gun free zones, and all kinds of other failures.

So it seems we'd be best served enjoying the large and natural decrease in violent crime that we've experienced and stop the emotional wailing when it happens, and do our best to have each individual able to protect themselves in the event they need to.

How does one stop the "emotional wailing" of the parents in Newtown, CT? Is there a pill, or is that pill in your opinion the right of every citizen to be armed at all times? Do you believe such a policy would eliminate "emotional wailing"? It seems to me untrained and emotionally charged citizens standing their ground after a minor traffic accident, our upset by loud music, is sufficient for chaos to rule, not law or justice.

Your 'logic' seems to suggest we can't control the how. I believe we can, and we should engage in reasoned debate on licensing, types of weaponry, size of magazines and types of ammo, etc.

They can wail all they want and they should be comforted in their time of distress, but passing unconstitutional, second A. laws that do NOT solve any problems and turn law abiding citizens into criminal because people are having emotional meltdowns is completely illogical.

NY banned the AR15 essentially. You know what happened? The manufacturer changed the firearm to conform tot he new ridiculous law. All the bans and "controls" in the world do not stop criminals from carrying out criminal activity. And hurting law abiding citizens because of a bad apple is seriously emotionally charged nonsense.

You can wail and cry all you want, but you have no right to infringe on my rights because of your loss. Period.

How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

Do we take the wording of the Second A. literally? If so, the government has no legal authority to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical. And if you do agree the Second A. is not to be taken literally, what limits on arms do you propose?
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