Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America

In the nation in which we live there are angry men and boys who seem to believe life is not worth living, for them or others. They plan to exit this life but not alone, and these are those who can easily buy weapons of mass destruction, weapons easy to carry into malls and schools, movie theaters and office buildings and destroy innocent men, women and children with a flick of their finger.

Power tends to corrupt; a gun gives the weak of mind and character the ultimate power - to kill, to murder. Are there legitimate reasons to own, possess and have in one's custody and control a gun? Yes, but not weapons of war, weapons designed to kill massive numbers of human beings; LaPierre's mission in life is not to protect, it is to profit and that is evil.

Well I for one can appreciate that intense and well articulated slice of hyperbole. Weapons of mass destruction? :lol: Weapons of war? :lol:...

Libturds sure have lowered the bar on the definition of the term "weapons of mass destruction."
How far do you believe your Second Amendment Rights reach? Since the Second A. uses the term "Arms" and not guns, I presume you feel your right to own "arms" is unlimited as to form, shape, size and power, is that correct?

If not, and we take the wording of the Second A. literally, what legal right does the government, on any level, have to restrict any 'arm', including nuclear, biological or chemical?

NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?

Arms meant the weapons in use by the military....of ANY time. And if we are to use history as a guide then artillery is OK too. After all the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston was founded in 1638 and they are still with us.

Ancient Honorable Artillery Massachusetts militia AHA Ancients patriotic service organization centennial legion military traditions
NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Hence you believe citizens have the right to have in their possession Nuclear Weapons (and we can presume biological and chemical weapons too).
NBC's are considered artillery, not arms.

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?

Arms meant the weapons in use by the military....of ANY time. And if we are to use history as a guide then artillery is OK too. After all the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston was founded in 1638 and they are still with us.

Ancient Honorable Artillery Massachusetts militia AHA Ancients patriotic service organization centennial legion military traditions

So we're clear, you support every civilian's right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control any "arm" in use by our military forces. Is that correct?
Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Ignorant nonsense.

As the Heller Court correctly reaffirmed, as with other rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions.

And that is exactly why most of the anti-gun legislation is unconstitutional. It is NOT "reasonable". There is nothing reasonable about banning something because someone somewhere doesn't like the way it looks. There is nothing reasonable about banning something because it functions as it was designed to. Gun banns are not new. We had a nation wide ban on "Assault weapons" for 10 years that accomplished absolutely nothing positive. Is there anything reasonable about repeating failed measures and expecting a different result?
Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?

Arms meant the weapons in use by the military....of ANY time. And if we are to use history as a guide then artillery is OK too. After all the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston was founded in 1638 and they are still with us.

Ancient Honorable Artillery Massachusetts militia AHA Ancients patriotic service organization centennial legion military traditions

So we're clear, you support every civilian's right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control any "arm" in use by our military forces. Is that correct?

Other than WMD's, yes. Artillery is a non starter, you need a full crew and a well supplied and supported logistics train to keep it running. Same with tanks. Same with aircraft. In other words everything that fills you with trepidation should be legal for people to own because in the long run, unless they are a well organized group, they can't hurt anyone.
How is he wrong? There's thugs and people that are out to hurt people for no reason.

Don't you want to have your self defense when someone breaks into your home?

Nope, I want to have the ability to protect myself and my family where ever I am, not just at home.
The debate the leftist loons are trying to garner is moot. The laws on the books are laws that law abiding citizens allow to stand. However, there is a real red line colored blind Obama can't see, and that is our current standing under the Second Amendment is non-negoitable.

The line in the sand is drawn by the patriots of freedom

Don't cross it

Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Hence you believe citizens have the right to have in their possession Nuclear Weapons (and we can presume biological and chemical weapons too).

I don't believe they are arms. but as far as biological weapons, and educated individual could make his own. same with chemical weapons. nuclear would be a lot harder. but we have all seen biological and chemical are available on a black market and as rogue nations develop nuclear capabilities, they will be too.
vote for a republican woman and you will lose control of your bodies - 28 years of republican leadership since roe vs wade and women have not lost control of their bodies

blacks, vote republican and you will be held down. funny, blacks fare no better under a democrat, even a black democrat.

talk about fear to get the vote out
Yet, the Right constantly campaigns, makes laws, and posts about abortion, making it impossible for one to get an abortion in a growing number of areas.

Hence the hypocrisy of most conservatives.

They advocate for ‘states’ rights’ when it comes to things they oppose, such as the right to privacy or equal protection of the law; then oppose ‘states’ rights’ when states enact gun control measures determined to be Constitutional.
Problem is libtarded dimwits and it seems the scotus doesn't know what is constitutional or not.
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Ignorant nonsense.

As the Heller Court correctly reaffirmed, as with other rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions.

the heller court are not the framers. the 2nd amendment is unlimited and subject to no restrictions. gun grabbers are losing this argument and the clock is going to be turned back. face facts, you couldn't exploit the deaths of school children to have a law passed you claimed 85% of the public supported. you shot your wad and lost. gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the united states. the gun industry is the fastest growing industry. The NRA is the fastest growing lobby. Gun friendly politicians are about to become the fastest growing group in congress. courts will become gun friendly. the tide is against you
A libtard or a libtard court wouldn't know what is constitutional or not, idiots.
The NRA is the NAMBLA of the 2nd Amendment.

They are the Westboro Baptist of gun rights.

the reality of the situation is, everyday the arguments of those like hazelnut grow weaker and the NRA grows stronger. hazelnuts voice is heard by a few who don't really care what he has to say, while the NRA's voice is heard loud and clear in Washington.
Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?

Arms meant the weapons in use by the military....of ANY time. And if we are to use history as a guide then artillery is OK too. After all the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston was founded in 1638 and they are still with us.

Ancient Honorable Artillery Massachusetts militia AHA Ancients patriotic service organization centennial legion military traditions

So we're clear, you support every civilian's right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control any "arm" in use by our military forces. Is that correct?

as did the framers
The NRA is the NAMBLA of the 2nd Amendment.

They are the Westboro Baptist of gun rights.

the reality of the situation is, everyday the arguments of those like hazelnut grow weaker and the NRA grows stronger. hazelnuts voice is heard by a few who don't really care what he has to say, while the NRA's voice is heard loud and clear in Washington.

Thank God for that!

Hazlnut Nightmarishly Naive Vision Of America

Pipeline workers find mass grave of Jews killed by Nazis

Luke Harding in Moscow
The Guardian, Tuesday 5 June 2007

A mass grave holding the remains of thousands of Jews executed by the Nazis during the second world war has been discovered in southern Ukraine by workers digging pipelines.

The workers stumbled upon the remains by chance last month in the village of Gvozdavka-1, near the Black Sea port of Odessa, Jewish leaders said yesterday."


framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Hence you believe citizens have the right to have in their possession Nuclear Weapons (and we can presume biological and chemical weapons too).

I don't believe they are arms. but as far as biological weapons, and educated individual could make his own. same with chemical weapons. nuclear would be a lot harder. but we have all seen biological and chemical are available on a black market and as rogue nations develop nuclear capabilities, they will be too.

And even if they were arms they would likely be determined dangerous and unusual and not in common use by the courts, and their possession therefore would not be entitled to Constitutional protections, in accordance with Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Really? And the signers of the Constitution knew that? Who would have thunk.

So "arms", in your opinion meant muskets, capable of three balls per minute, not cannon. Is that correct?
framers expected the citizens to be as well armed as the government. they placed no restrictions or limitations

Hence you believe citizens have the right to have in their possession Nuclear Weapons (and we can presume biological and chemical weapons too).

It amazes me when government supremacists raise this issue. It was the US government who first thought of using WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION as part of its arsenal.

But as far as individuals are concerned , it is very hard to believe that the ALL the citizens of country XYZ have injured you and that as a result thereof you have a right to wipe out its entire population.

Hence you believe citizens have the right to have in their possession Nuclear Weapons (and we can presume biological and chemical weapons too).

I don't believe they are arms. but as far as biological weapons, and educated individual could make his own. same with chemical weapons. nuclear would be a lot harder. but we have all seen biological and chemical are available on a black market and as rogue nations develop nuclear capabilities, they will be too.

And even if they were arms they would likely be determined dangerous and unusual and not in common use by the courts, and their possession therefore would not be entitled to Constitutional protections, in accordance with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

yea , I know. in your world the biased courts rule the world, not the governing document of the land. you would live in a world that is governed by the whims of individuals. what happens when these courts start ruling , Jews are second class citizens, or blacks have no rights? Gays should be sterilized. Think it can't happen? it has many times over. that is why the framers established a governing document where they clearly took the long arm of government out of the decision making process. the amendments are to protect personal rights from government, not to allow government redefine our rights as it suits them.

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