Wayne must go' – the staunch NRA supporter out to take down LaPierre

We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

I didn't ask for your nutbag rant. What makes you think those organizations are corrupt? Be specific.

So you admitted it. You are a white supremacist.


You're hallucinating again

But, you won't deny it. ruh roh

I have no reason to deny being a white supremacist. No credible or sane person has made that accusation.

But you condoned the murder of 40 million black infants. Seems pretty clear.
Did you or did you not say you support Planned parenthood?
David Duke would be mighty proud of you
It's alleged that the NY governor is responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 nursing home residents and NYC is dying but the NY AG is interested in dissolving the NRA. Are there any priorities left in NY? I don't recall New York officials demanding that the American Red Cross be dissolved over similar allegations regarding the agency misusing donations intended for Haitian relief after the earthquakes.
Yeah. What a south side of a horse travelling north he be. :aug08_031:
The American Conservative Right has been undeniably detached and silent over the last two decades as obvious
movements looking to undermine, if not completely cripple America have grown stronger.

That same or similar silence was followed by a transformation to an Authoritarian government in places like Venezuela, the European Union, Russia and China to name a few.

The silence is deafening.

"All that was required for the masses to be subjected to the rule of evil men was for good men to do nothing for too long"

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Planned Parenthood was caught selling human body parts but thanks to left wing media pressure they arrested the whistle blowers. The world is upside down when the media becomes an advocate for Marxist rebellion.

NONE of the true criminals ever face the music.

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