We are all HIV equal

You tell us, you started the topic.

If you actually want to discuss something, I suggest you initiate some discussion deeper than posting a link and adding nothing of substance.

This is way cooler than a RC plane:

These threads are an embarrassment - please post an actual OP.

The HIV Equal campaign allows people to be recognized as an individual status while acknowledging the need for full-frontal disclosure in terms of the other status that we all have. We are all affected by HIV, but it can be difficult to relate to the issues that continue the spread of the virus. The only way we are ever going to achieve an elevated understanding of what HIV is today is to place a human face on the topic, lighten the mood around the discussion and realize that we are all human, all equal.

Maybe they are saying that they want to have open dialog about HIV?

I don't know - the article is hard to follow. I can't understand why you would have started a thread about something YOU did not understand, either.
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Would you care to explain what HIV equal means?
You started the topic, you try. You still haven't shown the slightest ability to discuss your own topics.

Until you then I'd recommend Mark Gormley:

Stop replying to my topics if you refuse to participate

Stop posting crap! You start these threads because you hate gays and you think that all gays are HIV +.

You need to do better than a link if you want to have discussion, otherwise you are just stirring the pot.

I at least offered up my own interpretation of the link - what have YOU contributed?

I think that what they are attempting to do just flat out doesn't make any sense.

There, how's that?
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The Advocate is a gay publication. HIV equal means that even if someone doesn't have HIV they should still participate in spreading HIV awareness.
Stop replying to my topics if you refuse to participate

Stop posting crap! You start these threads because you hate gays and you think that all gays are HIV +.

You need to do better than a link if you want to have discussion, otherwise you are just stirring the pot.

I at least offered up my own interpretation of the link - what have YOU contributed?

I think that what they are attempting to do just flat out doesn't make any sense.

There, how's that?
So these stories need to be ignored, right? Because you want them hidden. You don't want people to know that they exist. Because you have an agenda to push. So what if you hide things, and lie. You have an agenda. Nobody can know the truth. Because facts get in the way of your agenda. Got it.
The Advocate is a gay publication. HIV equal means that even if someone doesn't have HIV they should still participate in spreading HIV awareness.

Unless you've been living under a fucking rock since 1984, you are very aware of HIV. I think the issue is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Which is hate speech to liberals.

Fags can't be expected to use condoms. Fags engage in highly risky behaviors, hence why they have BY FAR AND AWAY, the highest risk for getting HIV.
Wtf is the matter with you people today?

He started the thread with a question. Do you idiots understand that a question implies that he doesn't know? Either answer his question or GTFO.

Buncha dumbasses.
Stop replying to my topics if you refuse to participate

He does have a point there.

Not really as I am participating. What are YOU here for? What was YOUR big contribution?

Katzndogz actually answered the question and THIS was the response -

Wtf is the matter with you people today?

He started the thread with a question. Do you idiots understand that a question implies that he doesn't know? Either answer his question or GTFO.

Buncha dumbasses.

I would suggest that YOU may want to contribute or leave, yourself.

The Advocate is a gay publication. HIV equal means that even if someone doesn't have HIV they should still participate in spreading HIV awareness.

Unless you've been living under a fucking rock since 1984, you are very aware of HIV. I think the issue is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Which is hate speech to liberals.

Fags can't be expected to use condoms. Fags engage in highly risky behaviors, hence why they have BY FAR AND AWAY, the highest risk for getting HIV.

HIV transmission: 1 in 900 sex acts transmits virus

Published January 13, 2012MyHealthNewsDailyFacebook26 Twitter182 Gplus1
A heterosexual person infected with HIV will transmit the virus to their partner once in every 900 times the couple has unprotected sex, according to a new study conducted in Africa.

However, the exact number of sexual acts that are needed to transmit the virus can vary tremendously depending on the amount of the virus in the infected person's blood, said study researcher James Hughes, of the University of Washington in Seattle.

In fact, the amount of virus in the blood is the single most important factor in determining whether HIV is passed between sexual partners, the study found. For every tenfold increase in the concentration, there is about a threefold increase in the risk of transmission during a single sexual act.

People with very high blood concentrations of the virus (such as those who very recently acquired the infection) may need to have sex only 10 times to transmit the virus, Hughes said. "The average can be a little deceptive," Hughes said.

The new findings reinforce the idea that the best methods for reducing HIV transmission are those that decrease the concentration of the virus in the blood, as can be done with antiretroviral drugs, Hughes said. A study published last year found the drugs could reduce the transmission of HIV between partners by 96 percent.

The new study also confirmed condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV infection, reducing the risk of transmission by 78 percent. Male circumcision reduced the risk of HIV transmission by 47 percent.
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Well, I probably would have contributed, but you guys kind of derailed the thread, didn't you? I haven't even gotten around to reading the article, my attention was instead turned to defending novasteve, which is actually kind of an odd position to find oneself in.

At least I didn't just visit the thread with the intent of bashing novasteve, which I suspect is why some people even visit his threads. His antigay viewpoints don't really bother me. I'm not antigay, but I'm not really "pro" gay either. I just don't care, really.

Doesn't help much that a gay coworker/friend of mine recently decided to throw a hissy fit and demean me in front of other coworkers. And then never apologized, but just went back to his usual phony smiling and hugging a couple days later. But I have his number now. Makes me wonder if it's a characteristic of gay people to be two-faced. My husband thinks it is. But whatever, I won't judge other gay people based on this one guy's bullshit.
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Well, I probably would have contributed, but you guys kind of derailed the thread, didn't you? I haven't even gotten around to reading the article, my attention was instead turned to defending novasteve, which is actually kind of an odd position to find oneself in.

At least I didn't just visit the thread with the intent of bashing novasteve, which I suspect is why some people even visit his threads. His antigay viewpoints don't really bother me. I'm not antigay, but I'm not really "pro" gay either. I just don't care, really.

So, you are just here for the same reasons that you are accusing ME of doing? Derailing the thread? Nice.

Meanwhile, these types of articles are mostly just showcases for someone to feign sympathy, while actually hogging the spotlight off the tragedy of AIDS and onto themselves.

Yeah, I have to agree, what the fuck does this even mean. I had to go and read two more articles about this in addition to the one you posted, and I'm starting to understand it a bit.

The HIV Equal Campaign has a goal of promoting HIV testing, of taking the fear out of HIV testing. Of showing that regardless of our HIV status, we are all equally valuable.

The hope is that as young people see their role models in the HIV Equal Campaign photos, they will want to become part of the movement as well. Everyone who has their photo taken must be tested for HIV.

They want to bring awareness of HIV and HIV testing to the forefront and help to smash the stigma associated with HIV. Apparently, younger people are more vulnerable to being infected with HIV, so this campaign hopes to encourage them to get tested.

I still don't understand the term "HIV Equal." Because if I'm looking for sexual partners, the one who tests negative and the one who tests positive are NOT equal. The one who tested negative is a better choice, is superior to the one who tested positive. Duh. But I guess what the campaign means is that they are equal in other regards, they are valuable people even if they test positive.

But aside from the confusing name of the campaign, I think it has a good purpose in encouraging people to get tested.
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