We are going backwards to the middle ages

What socialist economic ideas did you read?


Take your 'ideas' and stuff them up your ass.

Results are what counts.

The US has given more wealth to more people at the same time, or at ANY time, than any Country in the History of man. By a WIDE margin.

socialism has murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people

If you had any self respect, you'd remove yourself from the gene pool

But you don't

Who said they were my ideas? Those are real socialist ideas not the jibberish or ramblings "say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads..." of the OP.

You sure have a heightened anal fixation don't you? (Is it time you finally came out of the closet?) Or perhaps you could just "Blow it out your Ass"
The only reason capitalism is hurting is because socialists are getting their sickening claws in it. Socialism has never worked, only idiots believe otherwise.

Capitalism is not hurting. The 1% are gaining wealth at a faster rate than all others.

I miss the days when there were so many jobs that we can provide jobs for Americans and illegals. Now we can only provide jobs for illegals. Viva la Mexico
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats resemble the Nazi party. I oppose hyperbole and extreme partisanship. I support dialog and compromise.

The biggest difference between the scum of the earth dimocrap party and the Nazis is that scumbag dimocraps just don't have the power the Nazis had. If you did, you'd be just like them.

Every time we turn around we hear or read about some poor slob gettinf fired for having the wrong opinion on something. People losing their businesses because they don't want to cater a gay buttwad wedding.

dimocrap SCUM will counter with, "But, the Law!" Just like Nazis did.

The Nazis had laws, too. The Nazis were just enforcing their laws like you're enforcing yours.

If we listed every injustice in here at the hands of dimocrap scum every day, there wouldn't any room for anything else.

dimocraps are Nazis without the power. No more complicated than that.

I don't expect FILTH like you to see it. You're part of it.

I want everyone else to see what scum dimocraps are.

People get fired all the time. The most common reason people get fired is because they are assholes, sort of like you.
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages did not encompass the 5th century.....

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