We are going backwards to the middle ages

Hitler was a National Socialist, which was and still is an ultra-right wing movement more akin to Fascism than anything else. So make up your mind. Do you want to secede from the union, or do you want to rid the country of all people who are "not like you"?

You're a stupid little girl
What socialist economic ideas did you read?


Take your 'ideas' and stuff them up your ass.

Results are what counts.

The US has given more wealth to more people at the same time, or at ANY time, than any Country in the History of man. By a WIDE margin.

socialism has murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people

If you had any self respect, you'd remove yourself from the gene pool

But you don't

Who said they were my ideas? Those are real socialist ideas not the jibberish or ramblings "say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads..." of the OP.

You sure have a heightened anal fixation don't you? (Is it time you finally came out of the closet?) Or perhaps you could just "Blow it out your Ass"
The only reason capitalism is hurting is because socialists are getting their sickening claws in it. Socialism has never worked, only idiots believe otherwise.

Capitalism is not hurting. The 1% are gaining wealth at a faster rate than all others.
Capitalism is not hurting. The 1% are gaining wealth at a faster rate than all others.

Mostly just since the Lying Dicksucker in Chief has been infesting the White House.

THAT, is just a fact, dirtbag.
Hitler was a National Socialist, which was and still is an ultra-right wing movement more akin to Fascism than anything else. So make up your mind. Do you want to secede from the union, or do you want to rid the country of all people who are "not like you"?

It might be "ultra right wing" from your soiled matress, but they're still far to the left of me. I'd prefer if you bed wetters would just leave us the fuck alone in TX, you can destroy the rest of the world for all I care. You can ban everything you're programmed to hate, and force each other to do shit you like.

Just leave people who enjoy liberty a little space on the planet where sniveling nanny state douchebags like you don't exist. Is that really too much to ask?

dimocraps are some stupid bitches

No one is more of a stupid bitch than one who spout the "Goldberg Proposition" that Fascist/Hitler was a Socialist/Liberal meme.


The truth hurts moonbat, but the fact is that nazi policy is far, far closer to the democrook party agenda than anything those who oppose you stand for.
Your revisionist history lesson is lost on the facts. But hey, thanks for playing:

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazism (/ˈntsɪzm/) or National Socialism in full[1] (German: Nationalsozialismus), was the ideology and practice of the German Nazi Party and of Nazi Germany as a whole. Usually characterised as an offshoot of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism arose from pan-Germanism, the Völkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communist Freikorps after World War I.

Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. Germanic peoples (called the Nordic race) were depicted as the purest of the Aryan race, and were therefore the master race. Opposed to both capitalism and communism, it aimed to overcome social divisions, with all parts of a homogeneous society seeking national unity and traditionalism, and what it viewed as historically German territory as well as additional lands for expansion.

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

The Nazi Party was founded as the pan-German nationalist and antisemitic German Workers' Party on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, Adolf Hitler assumed control of the organisation, renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) to broaden its appeal. The National Socialist Program, adopted in 1920, called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship to Jews or those of Jewish descent, while also supporting land reform and the nationalisation of some industries. In Mein Kampf, written in 1924, Hitler outlined his antisemitism and anti-communism at the heart of his political philosophy, as well as his disdain for parliamentary democracy and his belief in Germany’s right to territorial expansion.

In 1933, with the support of more conservative elites, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and the Nazis gradually established a one-party state, under which Jews, political opponents and other "undesirables" elements were marginalised, with several millions eventually imprisoned and killed. Hitler purged the party’s more socially and economically radical factions in the mid-1934 Night of the Long Knives and, after the death of President Hindenburg, political power was concentrated in his hands, as Führer or "leader".

Now, do you want to secede from the union, or do you want to rid the country of all people who are "not like you"?
Hitler was a National Socialist, which was and still is an ultra-right wing movement more akin to Fascism than anything else. So make up your mind. Do you want to secede from the union, or do you want to rid the country of all people who are "not like you"?

It might be "ultra right wing" from your soiled matress, but they're still far to the left of me. I'd prefer if you bed wetters would just leave us the fuck alone in TX, you can destroy the rest of the world for all I care. You can ban everything you're programmed to hate, and force each other to do shit you like.

Just leave people who enjoy liberty a little space on the planet where sniveling nanny state douchebags like you don't exist. Is that really too much to ask?

So just to be clear. You see yourself as far right of Adolf Hitler, but agree that his "final solution" is the way to go. Got it.
dimocraps are some stupid bitches

No one is more of a stupid bitch than one who spout the "Goldberg Proposition" that Fascist/Hitler was a Socialist/Liberal meme.


The truth hurts moonbat, but the fact is that nazi policy is far, far closer to the democrook party agenda than anything those who oppose you stand for.

Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats resemble the Nazi party. I oppose hyperbole and extreme partisanship. I support dialog and compromise.
Hitler was a National Socialist, which was and still is an ultra-right wing movement more akin to Fascism than anything else. So make up your mind. Do you want to secede from the union, or do you want to rid the country of all people who are "not like you"?

You're a stupid little girl

Oh gee, your breaking my heart with your school yard tantrums.
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats resemble the Nazi party. I oppose hyperbole and extreme partisanship. I support dialog and compromise.

The biggest difference between the scum of the earth dimocrap party and the Nazis is that scumbag dimocraps just don't have the power the Nazis had. If you did, you'd be just like them.

Every time we turn around we hear or read about some poor slob gettinf fired for having the wrong opinion on something. People losing their businesses because they don't want to cater a gay buttwad wedding.

dimocrap SCUM will counter with, "But, the Law!" Just like Nazis did.

The Nazis had laws, too. The Nazis were just enforcing their laws like you're enforcing yours.

If we listed every injustice in here at the hands of dimocrap scum every day, there wouldn't any room for anything else.

dimocraps are Nazis without the power. No more complicated than that.

I don't expect FILTH like you to see it. You're part of it.

I want everyone else to see what scum dimocraps are.
And within minutes of me writing that.....

EPA Chief To Americans Not On Board With New Climate Agenda: “I’m Going To Come Knocking On Their Doors To Tell Them They’re Mistaken”…

I’ll be right back, someone is knocking on my door….

Via Western Journalism:

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy sent a message to those Americans who do not want to get on board with the Obama administration’s environmental agenda.

Speaking at George Washington University’s GreenGov symposium on Wednesday, the federal government’s top environmental enforcer said: “If you are selling to somebody a product, and you can assure them that that product was produced in the most environmentally responsible way, I will guarantee you that they will value that product more highly.”

She took it a step further, adding: “I can guarantee you because if they don’t, I’m going to knock on their door and I’m going to tell them why they are mistaken.”

McCarthy used much of her remarks to discuss the EPA’s new proposed regulations to cut carbon emissions (CO2) under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The plan calls for a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide by the nation’s power industry by 2030.

Keep reading…

dimocraps are Nazis.

That simple. Just wait until they have the power Hitler had.
So just to be clear. You see yourself as far right of Adolf Hitler, but agree that his "final solution" is the way to go. Got it.

Yeah sure bed wetter...

I encourage moonbats to get abortions, and that makes me a genocidal leftist despot.

If people as stupid as you had not defied Darwin's theory of natural selection, there would be no need for abortions.

If we were going backwards, we'd be entering a stage of neo-feudalism, which is what a lot anarcho capitalists want really badly.
And within minutes of me writing that.....

EPA Chief To Americans Not On Board With New Climate Agenda: “I’m Going To Come Knocking On Their Doors To Tell Them They’re Mistaken”…

I’ll be right back, someone is knocking on my door….

Via Western Journalism:

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy sent a message to those Americans who do not want to get on board with the Obama administration’s environmental agenda.

Speaking at George Washington University’s GreenGov symposium on Wednesday, the federal government’s top environmental enforcer said: “If you are selling to somebody a product, and you can assure them that that product was produced in the most environmentally responsible way, I will guarantee you that they will value that product more highly.”

She took it a step further, adding: “I can guarantee you because if they don’t, I’m going to knock on their door and I’m going to tell them why they are mistaken.”

McCarthy used much of her remarks to discuss the EPA’s new proposed regulations to cut carbon emissions (CO2) under the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The plan calls for a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide by the nation’s power industry by 2030.

Keep reading…

dimocraps are Nazis.

That simple. Just wait until they have the power Hitler had.

She'll be in for a suprise if she comes to TX.
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
Seriously, that is two OP's of yours I read in the past five minutes that not only have incomplete sentences, but reference socialism and Obama while failing to state what you consider socialistic, which would in itself be pathetic, but if you read the news, you might notice he and the gop congress are attempting to revive a free trade agreement.

Grammar lord speaks....

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