We are not "nation building" in Syria


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This guy lays it out so succinctly that even a liberal can understand:

Thread by @drawandstrike: "Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do. When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it. We tracked the plan […]"

"Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do.

When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it.

We tracked the planes to/from the air base.

There's no guesswork involved here.

Quit looking for rationality where there isn't any. Hey, back in February, a 500 man Russian unit launched a THREE HOUR ATTACK on a US unit in Syria.

We spent 3 hours telling them to stop. They didn't. So we wiped them out with artillery and strategic bombers. The entire unit. We killed 200+ of them. Why would a Russian unit attack a US unit for 3 hours in Syria?

Well it goes like this: Putin isn't really there to destroy ISIS, we were doing too good a job destroying ISIS, so Russia needed our troops to retreat. Which they wouldn't do.

So the Russians attacked us. For the protection racket he runs in the region, Putin (and the Iranian mullahs) NEED a viable threat of ISIS/jihadist groups. Wiping them out is counterproductive to Russian/Iranian geopolitical plans in the region. Before Trump took over, Russians/Iranians brokered deals with ISIS/jihadist groups. Most of the 'fighting' was fake, ISIS/jihadis were allowed to retreat so they could stage a 'come back' later and start 'fighting' again.

The infamous bus convoys. That's why little/no progress was made destroying ISIS before Trump came into office last year.

Obama tacitly ACCEPTED the stasus quo on the ground: deals the Russians/Iranians were making with the terrorist groups for their own purposes. Maybe you missed it when the policy changed, but 1 of the first things Trump/Mad Dog Mattis did on taking over was end this absurd policy of standing by and letting these deals continue.

Let the enemy retreat? F***K THAT!

They can surrender or they can DIE. That led to fun media coverage about how SAVAGE the US military was now being, shooting these poor guys when they step off the bus in a convoy to take a leak just cuz they're armed n' stuff. 'They're retreating! They're leaving! Why you are shooting them!?' the stories went.

Well they weren't really leaving. It was all theater set up by the Iranians and the Russians.

We ended the theater.

We aren't there to 'help' Iran promote instability in the region. ISIS lost 97% of it's territory once Trump/Mattis took the reins because we reduced our role to a support role and we let the GCC and the locals know we are SERIOUS about ending the threat.

Unlike Obama, we aren't pursuing an Iran Deal. Obama did everything he could to stay out of Iran/Russia's way during his 8 years in office so he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his precious Iran Deal.

The word came down from the White House: don't you EVER do anything that would piss off Iran or Russia! NO INCIDENTS! And naturally, this affected everything that happened during Obama's 8 years in office in places like Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

And Putin & the Mullah's and Assad took full advantage of Obama's abject retreat at every single point of contention. Well f**k Obama. He's gone now.

Russia & the Mullah's & Assad are dealing with a new President now, and he's NOT interested in full, abject retreat at every point of contention. For 8 years these rogue regimes & bad actors in the Middle East got to pretty much do whatever they wanted.

And they've been running protection rackets using terrorist groups like ISIS as a threat.

And the GCC/US eliminating that threat is NOT A WELCOME DEVELOPMENT.
The rogue regimes do NOT want stability. They don't WANT the terrorists groups completely wiped out. They need a viable threat.

Well tough.

Trump doesn't want to hear it. I suspect Mohommad Bin Salman doesn't either.
THAT is why a Russian unit - knowing exactly what it was doing - attacked a US unit for 3 hours in Syria in February.

And that's why we destroyed it.

It's being made crystal clear to these rogue states: stop what you are doing and we are NOT kidding. Trump and the GCC are putting immense pressure on the rogue states by thwarting their plans in the region.

The Mullah's and Putin are under an increasing amount of pressure. So they had Assad do something to see if the old playbook will still work.

It won't. Unlike Obama, when Trump says 'stop that chemical weapons stuff!' he means it.

Obama drew a red line, then ignored it when Assad continued dropping chemical weapons on civilians.

He did it once under Trump & lost 20% of his air force. Rogue states will constantly test to see what they can get away with.

The Mullahs are facing regime change in Iran. So suddenly Houthis are shooting multiple missiles at a time at Saudi Arabia.

And now Assad resumes droping chem. weapons. Well Trump is not Bush 2.0.

There's going to be no invasion/occupation of Syria by US troops.

We're in a strict support role and the GCC is going to do the heavy lifting.

All the fear mongers & doom criers will sell a US invasion.

It won't happen. Assad will lose more of his Iranian/Russia supplied air force and he'll be weaker than ever.

Eventually he will go and elections will be held and the locals will manage it.

We aren't invading and going in and setting up a gov't and occupying the place.
The lessons of Iraq have been learned.

The people around Trump learned those lessons and TRUMP HIMSELF was one of the people saying that while it was happening.

Doom criers will sell you that Trump is going to be 'tricked' into being Bush 2.0.

Don't buy in. So Trump will make sure Assad pays a price for following the orders of his Iranian/Russian masters, but there won't be an invasion by the US or an occupation.

Iran & Russia have to learn the hard way the old playbook doesn't work any more."
This guy lays it out so succinctly that even a liberal can understand:

Thread by @drawandstrike: "Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do. When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it. We tracked the plan […]"

"Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do.

When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it.

We tracked the planes to/from the air base.

There's no guesswork involved here.

Quit looking for rationality where there isn't any. Hey, back in February, a 500 man Russian unit launched a THREE HOUR ATTACK on a US unit in Syria.

We spent 3 hours telling them to stop. They didn't. So we wiped them out with artillery and strategic bombers. The entire unit. We killed 200+ of them. Why would a Russian unit attack a US unit for 3 hours in Syria?

Well it goes like this: Putin isn't really there to destroy ISIS, we were doing too good a job destroying ISIS, so Russia needed our troops to retreat. Which they wouldn't do.

So the Russians attacked us. For the protection racket he runs in the region, Putin (and the Iranian mullahs) NEED a viable threat of ISIS/jihadist groups. Wiping them out is counterproductive to Russian/Iranian geopolitical plans in the region. Before Trump took over, Russians/Iranians brokered deals with ISIS/jihadist groups. Most of the 'fighting' was fake, ISIS/jihadis were allowed to retreat so they could stage a 'come back' later and start 'fighting' again.

The infamous bus convoys. That's why little/no progress was made destroying ISIS before Trump came into office last year.

Obama tacitly ACCEPTED the stasus quo on the ground: deals the Russians/Iranians were making with the terrorist groups for their own purposes. Maybe you missed it when the policy changed, but 1 of the first things Trump/Mad Dog Mattis did on taking over was end this absurd policy of standing by and letting these deals continue.

Let the enemy retreat? F***K THAT!

They can surrender or they can DIE. That led to fun media coverage about how SAVAGE the US military was now being, shooting these poor guys when they step off the bus in a convoy to take a leak just cuz they're armed n' stuff. 'They're retreating! They're leaving! Why you are shooting them!?' the stories went.

Well they weren't really leaving. It was all theater set up by the Iranians and the Russians.

We ended the theater.

We aren't there to 'help' Iran promote instability in the region. ISIS lost 97% of it's territory once Trump/Mattis took the reins because we reduced our role to a support role and we let the GCC and the locals know we are SERIOUS about ending the threat.

Unlike Obama, we aren't pursuing an Iran Deal. Obama did everything he could to stay out of Iran/Russia's way during his 8 years in office so he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his precious Iran Deal.

The word came down from the White House: don't you EVER do anything that would piss off Iran or Russia! NO INCIDENTS! And naturally, this affected everything that happened during Obama's 8 years in office in places like Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

And Putin & the Mullah's and Assad took full advantage of Obama's abject retreat at every single point of contention. Well f**k Obama. He's gone now.

Russia & the Mullah's & Assad are dealing with a new President now, and he's NOT interested in full, abject retreat at every point of contention. For 8 years these rogue regimes & bad actors in the Middle East got to pretty much do whatever they wanted.

And they've been running protection rackets using terrorist groups like ISIS as a threat.

And the GCC/US eliminating that threat is NOT A WELCOME DEVELOPMENT.
The rogue regimes do NOT want stability. They don't WANT the terrorists groups completely wiped out. They need a viable threat.

Well tough.

Trump doesn't want to hear it. I suspect Mohommad Bin Salman doesn't either.
THAT is why a Russian unit - knowing exactly what it was doing - attacked a US unit for 3 hours in Syria in February.

And that's why we destroyed it.

It's being made crystal clear to these rogue states: stop what you are doing and we are NOT kidding. Trump and the GCC are putting immense pressure on the rogue states by thwarting their plans in the region.

The Mullah's and Putin are under an increasing amount of pressure. So they had Assad do something to see if the old playbook will still work.

It won't. Unlike Obama, when Trump says 'stop that chemical weapons stuff!' he means it.

Obama drew a red line, then ignored it when Assad continued dropping chemical weapons on civilians.

He did it once under Trump & lost 20% of his air force. Rogue states will constantly test to see what they can get away with.

The Mullahs are facing regime change in Iran. So suddenly Houthis are shooting multiple missiles at a time at Saudi Arabia.

And now Assad resumes droping chem. weapons. Well Trump is not Bush 2.0.

There's going to be no invasion/occupation of Syria by US troops.

We're in a strict support role and the GCC is going to do the heavy lifting.

All the fear mongers & doom criers will sell a US invasion.

It won't happen. Assad will lose more of his Iranian/Russia supplied air force and he'll be weaker than ever.

Eventually he will go and elections will be held and the locals will manage it.

We aren't invading and going in and setting up a gov't and occupying the place.
The lessons of Iraq have been learned.

The people around Trump learned those lessons and TRUMP HIMSELF was one of the people saying that while it was happening.

Doom criers will sell you that Trump is going to be 'tricked' into being Bush 2.0.

Don't buy in. So Trump will make sure Assad pays a price for following the orders of his Iranian/Russian masters, but there won't be an invasion by the US or an occupation.

Iran & Russia have to learn the hard way the old playbook doesn't work any more."
Stop spreading lies.

US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
This guy lays it out so succinctly that even a liberal can understand:

Thread by @drawandstrike: "Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do. When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it. We tracked the plan […]"

"Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do.

When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it.

We tracked the planes to/from the air base.

There's no guesswork involved here.

Quit looking for rationality where there isn't any. Hey, back in February, a 500 man Russian unit launched a THREE HOUR ATTACK on a US unit in Syria.

We spent 3 hours telling them to stop. They didn't. So we wiped them out with artillery and strategic bombers. The entire unit. We killed 200+ of them. Why would a Russian unit attack a US unit for 3 hours in Syria?

Well it goes like this: Putin isn't really there to destroy ISIS, we were doing too good a job destroying ISIS, so Russia needed our troops to retreat. Which they wouldn't do.

So the Russians attacked us. For the protection racket he runs in the region, Putin (and the Iranian mullahs) NEED a viable threat of ISIS/jihadist groups. Wiping them out is counterproductive to Russian/Iranian geopolitical plans in the region. Before Trump took over, Russians/Iranians brokered deals with ISIS/jihadist groups. Most of the 'fighting' was fake, ISIS/jihadis were allowed to retreat so they could stage a 'come back' later and start 'fighting' again.

The infamous bus convoys. That's why little/no progress was made destroying ISIS before Trump came into office last year.

Obama tacitly ACCEPTED the stasus quo on the ground: deals the Russians/Iranians were making with the terrorist groups for their own purposes. Maybe you missed it when the policy changed, but 1 of the first things Trump/Mad Dog Mattis did on taking over was end this absurd policy of standing by and letting these deals continue.

Let the enemy retreat? F***K THAT!

They can surrender or they can DIE. That led to fun media coverage about how SAVAGE the US military was now being, shooting these poor guys when they step off the bus in a convoy to take a leak just cuz they're armed n' stuff. 'They're retreating! They're leaving! Why you are shooting them!?' the stories went.

Well they weren't really leaving. It was all theater set up by the Iranians and the Russians.

We ended the theater.

We aren't there to 'help' Iran promote instability in the region. ISIS lost 97% of it's territory once Trump/Mattis took the reins because we reduced our role to a support role and we let the GCC and the locals know we are SERIOUS about ending the threat.

Unlike Obama, we aren't pursuing an Iran Deal. Obama did everything he could to stay out of Iran/Russia's way during his 8 years in office so he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his precious Iran Deal.

The word came down from the White House: don't you EVER do anything that would piss off Iran or Russia! NO INCIDENTS! And naturally, this affected everything that happened during Obama's 8 years in office in places like Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

And Putin & the Mullah's and Assad took full advantage of Obama's abject retreat at every single point of contention. Well f**k Obama. He's gone now.

Russia & the Mullah's & Assad are dealing with a new President now, and he's NOT interested in full, abject retreat at every point of contention. For 8 years these rogue regimes & bad actors in the Middle East got to pretty much do whatever they wanted.

And they've been running protection rackets using terrorist groups like ISIS as a threat.

And the GCC/US eliminating that threat is NOT A WELCOME DEVELOPMENT.
The rogue regimes do NOT want stability. They don't WANT the terrorists groups completely wiped out. They need a viable threat.

Well tough.

Trump doesn't want to hear it. I suspect Mohommad Bin Salman doesn't either.
THAT is why a Russian unit - knowing exactly what it was doing - attacked a US unit for 3 hours in Syria in February.

And that's why we destroyed it.

It's being made crystal clear to these rogue states: stop what you are doing and we are NOT kidding. Trump and the GCC are putting immense pressure on the rogue states by thwarting their plans in the region.

The Mullah's and Putin are under an increasing amount of pressure. So they had Assad do something to see if the old playbook will still work.

It won't. Unlike Obama, when Trump says 'stop that chemical weapons stuff!' he means it.

Obama drew a red line, then ignored it when Assad continued dropping chemical weapons on civilians.

He did it once under Trump & lost 20% of his air force. Rogue states will constantly test to see what they can get away with.

The Mullahs are facing regime change in Iran. So suddenly Houthis are shooting multiple missiles at a time at Saudi Arabia.

And now Assad resumes droping chem. weapons. Well Trump is not Bush 2.0.

There's going to be no invasion/occupation of Syria by US troops.

We're in a strict support role and the GCC is going to do the heavy lifting.

All the fear mongers & doom criers will sell a US invasion.

It won't happen. Assad will lose more of his Iranian/Russia supplied air force and he'll be weaker than ever.

Eventually he will go and elections will be held and the locals will manage it.

We aren't invading and going in and setting up a gov't and occupying the place.
The lessons of Iraq have been learned.

The people around Trump learned those lessons and TRUMP HIMSELF was one of the people saying that while it was happening.

Doom criers will sell you that Trump is going to be 'tricked' into being Bush 2.0.

Don't buy in. So Trump will make sure Assad pays a price for following the orders of his Iranian/Russian masters, but there won't be an invasion by the US or an occupation.

Iran & Russia have to learn the hard way the old playbook doesn't work any more."
Putin’s not there to take out ISIS, Assad is bad, and letting Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah have their way in Syria is bad? Are you a Hillary voter?
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This guy lays it out so succinctly that even a liberal can understand:

Thread by @drawandstrike: "Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do. When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it. We tracked the plan […]"

"Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do.

When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it.

We tracked the planes to/from the air base.

There's no guesswork involved here.

Quit looking for rationality where there isn't any. Hey, back in February, a 500 man Russian unit launched a THREE HOUR ATTACK on a US unit in Syria.

We spent 3 hours telling them to stop. They didn't. So we wiped them out with artillery and strategic bombers. The entire unit. We killed 200+ of them. Why would a Russian unit attack a US unit for 3 hours in Syria?

Well it goes like this: Putin isn't really there to destroy ISIS, we were doing too good a job destroying ISIS, so Russia needed our troops to retreat. Which they wouldn't do.

So the Russians attacked us. For the protection racket he runs in the region, Putin (and the Iranian mullahs) NEED a viable threat of ISIS/jihadist groups. Wiping them out is counterproductive to Russian/Iranian geopolitical plans in the region. Before Trump took over, Russians/Iranians brokered deals with ISIS/jihadist groups. Most of the 'fighting' was fake, ISIS/jihadis were allowed to retreat so they could stage a 'come back' later and start 'fighting' again.

The infamous bus convoys. That's why little/no progress was made destroying ISIS before Trump came into office last year.

Obama tacitly ACCEPTED the stasus quo on the ground: deals the Russians/Iranians were making with the terrorist groups for their own purposes. Maybe you missed it when the policy changed, but 1 of the first things Trump/Mad Dog Mattis did on taking over was end this absurd policy of standing by and letting these deals continue.

Let the enemy retreat? F***K THAT!

They can surrender or they can DIE. That led to fun media coverage about how SAVAGE the US military was now being, shooting these poor guys when they step off the bus in a convoy to take a leak just cuz they're armed n' stuff. 'They're retreating! They're leaving! Why you are shooting them!?' the stories went.

Well they weren't really leaving. It was all theater set up by the Iranians and the Russians.

We ended the theater.

We aren't there to 'help' Iran promote instability in the region. ISIS lost 97% of it's territory once Trump/Mattis took the reins because we reduced our role to a support role and we let the GCC and the locals know we are SERIOUS about ending the threat.

Unlike Obama, we aren't pursuing an Iran Deal. Obama did everything he could to stay out of Iran/Russia's way during his 8 years in office so he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his precious Iran Deal.

The word came down from the White House: don't you EVER do anything that would piss off Iran or Russia! NO INCIDENTS! And naturally, this affected everything that happened during Obama's 8 years in office in places like Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

And Putin & the Mullah's and Assad took full advantage of Obama's abject retreat at every single point of contention. Well f**k Obama. He's gone now.

Russia & the Mullah's & Assad are dealing with a new President now, and he's NOT interested in full, abject retreat at every point of contention. For 8 years these rogue regimes & bad actors in the Middle East got to pretty much do whatever they wanted.

And they've been running protection rackets using terrorist groups like ISIS as a threat.

And the GCC/US eliminating that threat is NOT A WELCOME DEVELOPMENT.
The rogue regimes do NOT want stability. They don't WANT the terrorists groups completely wiped out. They need a viable threat.

Well tough.

Trump doesn't want to hear it. I suspect Mohommad Bin Salman doesn't either.
THAT is why a Russian unit - knowing exactly what it was doing - attacked a US unit for 3 hours in Syria in February.

And that's why we destroyed it.

It's being made crystal clear to these rogue states: stop what you are doing and we are NOT kidding. Trump and the GCC are putting immense pressure on the rogue states by thwarting their plans in the region.

The Mullah's and Putin are under an increasing amount of pressure. So they had Assad do something to see if the old playbook will still work.

It won't. Unlike Obama, when Trump says 'stop that chemical weapons stuff!' he means it.

Obama drew a red line, then ignored it when Assad continued dropping chemical weapons on civilians.

He did it once under Trump & lost 20% of his air force. Rogue states will constantly test to see what they can get away with.

The Mullahs are facing regime change in Iran. So suddenly Houthis are shooting multiple missiles at a time at Saudi Arabia.

And now Assad resumes droping chem. weapons. Well Trump is not Bush 2.0.

There's going to be no invasion/occupation of Syria by US troops.

We're in a strict support role and the GCC is going to do the heavy lifting.

All the fear mongers & doom criers will sell a US invasion.

It won't happen. Assad will lose more of his Iranian/Russia supplied air force and he'll be weaker than ever.

Eventually he will go and elections will be held and the locals will manage it.

We aren't invading and going in and setting up a gov't and occupying the place.
The lessons of Iraq have been learned.

The people around Trump learned those lessons and TRUMP HIMSELF was one of the people saying that while it was happening.

Doom criers will sell you that Trump is going to be 'tricked' into being Bush 2.0.

Don't buy in. So Trump will make sure Assad pays a price for following the orders of his Iranian/Russian masters, but there won't be an invasion by the US or an occupation.

Iran & Russia have to learn the hard way the old playbook doesn't work any more."
Putin’s not there to take out ISIS, Assad is bad, and letting Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah have their way in Syria is bad? Are you a Hillary voter?

Of course not. Hillary was the one most responsible for the clusterfuck in Syria today. Along with Obama.
This guy lays it out so succinctly that even a liberal can understand:

Thread by @drawandstrike: "Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do. When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it. We tracked the plan […]"

"Assad is an Iranian puppet. He'll do what he's told to do.

When he was told to drop chemical bombs last year, he did it.

We tracked the planes to/from the air base.

There's no guesswork involved here.

Quit looking for rationality where there isn't any. Hey, back in February, a 500 man Russian unit launched a THREE HOUR ATTACK on a US unit in Syria.

We spent 3 hours telling them to stop. They didn't. So we wiped them out with artillery and strategic bombers. The entire unit. We killed 200+ of them. Why would a Russian unit attack a US unit for 3 hours in Syria?

Well it goes like this: Putin isn't really there to destroy ISIS, we were doing too good a job destroying ISIS, so Russia needed our troops to retreat. Which they wouldn't do.

So the Russians attacked us. For the protection racket he runs in the region, Putin (and the Iranian mullahs) NEED a viable threat of ISIS/jihadist groups. Wiping them out is counterproductive to Russian/Iranian geopolitical plans in the region. Before Trump took over, Russians/Iranians brokered deals with ISIS/jihadist groups. Most of the 'fighting' was fake, ISIS/jihadis were allowed to retreat so they could stage a 'come back' later and start 'fighting' again.

The infamous bus convoys. That's why little/no progress was made destroying ISIS before Trump came into office last year.

Obama tacitly ACCEPTED the stasus quo on the ground: deals the Russians/Iranians were making with the terrorist groups for their own purposes. Maybe you missed it when the policy changed, but 1 of the first things Trump/Mad Dog Mattis did on taking over was end this absurd policy of standing by and letting these deals continue.

Let the enemy retreat? F***K THAT!

They can surrender or they can DIE. That led to fun media coverage about how SAVAGE the US military was now being, shooting these poor guys when they step off the bus in a convoy to take a leak just cuz they're armed n' stuff. 'They're retreating! They're leaving! Why you are shooting them!?' the stories went.

Well they weren't really leaving. It was all theater set up by the Iranians and the Russians.

We ended the theater.

We aren't there to 'help' Iran promote instability in the region. ISIS lost 97% of it's territory once Trump/Mattis took the reins because we reduced our role to a support role and we let the GCC and the locals know we are SERIOUS about ending the threat.

Unlike Obama, we aren't pursuing an Iran Deal. Obama did everything he could to stay out of Iran/Russia's way during his 8 years in office so he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his precious Iran Deal.

The word came down from the White House: don't you EVER do anything that would piss off Iran or Russia! NO INCIDENTS! And naturally, this affected everything that happened during Obama's 8 years in office in places like Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

And Putin & the Mullah's and Assad took full advantage of Obama's abject retreat at every single point of contention. Well f**k Obama. He's gone now.

Russia & the Mullah's & Assad are dealing with a new President now, and he's NOT interested in full, abject retreat at every point of contention. For 8 years these rogue regimes & bad actors in the Middle East got to pretty much do whatever they wanted.

And they've been running protection rackets using terrorist groups like ISIS as a threat.

And the GCC/US eliminating that threat is NOT A WELCOME DEVELOPMENT.
The rogue regimes do NOT want stability. They don't WANT the terrorists groups completely wiped out. They need a viable threat.

Well tough.

Trump doesn't want to hear it. I suspect Mohommad Bin Salman doesn't either.
THAT is why a Russian unit - knowing exactly what it was doing - attacked a US unit for 3 hours in Syria in February.

And that's why we destroyed it.

It's being made crystal clear to these rogue states: stop what you are doing and we are NOT kidding. Trump and the GCC are putting immense pressure on the rogue states by thwarting their plans in the region.

The Mullah's and Putin are under an increasing amount of pressure. So they had Assad do something to see if the old playbook will still work.

It won't. Unlike Obama, when Trump says 'stop that chemical weapons stuff!' he means it.

Obama drew a red line, then ignored it when Assad continued dropping chemical weapons on civilians.

He did it once under Trump & lost 20% of his air force. Rogue states will constantly test to see what they can get away with.

The Mullahs are facing regime change in Iran. So suddenly Houthis are shooting multiple missiles at a time at Saudi Arabia.

And now Assad resumes droping chem. weapons. Well Trump is not Bush 2.0.

There's going to be no invasion/occupation of Syria by US troops.

We're in a strict support role and the GCC is going to do the heavy lifting.

All the fear mongers & doom criers will sell a US invasion.

It won't happen. Assad will lose more of his Iranian/Russia supplied air force and he'll be weaker than ever.

Eventually he will go and elections will be held and the locals will manage it.

We aren't invading and going in and setting up a gov't and occupying the place.
The lessons of Iraq have been learned.

The people around Trump learned those lessons and TRUMP HIMSELF was one of the people saying that while it was happening.

Doom criers will sell you that Trump is going to be 'tricked' into being Bush 2.0.

Don't buy in. So Trump will make sure Assad pays a price for following the orders of his Iranian/Russian masters, but there won't be an invasion by the US or an occupation.

Iran & Russia have to learn the hard way the old playbook doesn't work any more."
Putin’s not there to take out ISIS, Assad is bad, and letting Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah have their way in Syria is bad? Are you a Hillary voter?

Of course not. Hillary was the one most responsible for the clusterfuck in Syria today. Along with Obama.
Clusterfuck? I thought you just said Assad is bad and letting his country be a puppet for Iran, Russia and Hezbollah is bad. That’s how things were before Obama and Hillary tried to change that, but now you say that’s bad too? :cuckoo:

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