We are seeing a total US Capitulation to Russia




The Ukraine


Total acceptance of Russia attacking our election process

The US, under Trump and the Republicans have become subordinate to Russia making them the world's only super power.
We are seeing a total US Capitulation to Russia
Syria The Ukraine Crimea Total acceptance of Russia attacking our election process
The US, under Trump and the Republicans have become subordinate to Russia making them the world's only super power.
We are seeing a total loss of little rdean's mind.

(can he lose something he never had?)

The Ukraine


Total acceptance of Russia attacking our election process

The US, under Trump and the Republicans have become subordinate to Russia making them the world's only super power.
Boy, Communists/Progressives really have lost it. All this Warmongering is so bizarre. Risking WWIII because they lost an Election? Makes no sense. Hopefully, sane rational folks will prevail.

Russia is no threat to the US. It isn't interested in a war it knows it can't win. The Democrat and Neocon Republican Warmongering is so out of control. God help us.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.
No threat, if you consider sabotaging our free election and inserting a puppet into the Presidency as "no threat." You dumb fucking rube.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.

They never recovered from the Reagan years...the cold war is long over
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.

They never recovered from the Reagan years...the cold war is long over

All anyone has to do is crunch the numbers. Russia has an annual military budget of $47 Billion. That's compared to a massive US $700 Billion budget. And the US has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3.

And then you have very powerful NATO nations' militaries too. It's a huge mismatch. Russia couldn't possibly win a conflict with the US. It's not interested in war. This Democrat and Neocon Warmongering is ludicrous.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.

They never recovered from the Reagan years...the cold war is long over
Except they've succeeded at something that the Soviet Union could only ever dream of. They successfully placed a plant in the Presidency.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.

They never recovered from the Reagan years...the cold war is long over

All anyone has to do is crunch the numbers. Russia has an annual military budget of $47 Billion. That's compared to a massive US $700 Billion budget. And the US has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3.

And then you have very powerful NATO nations' militaries too. It's a huge mismatch. Russia couldn't possibly win a conflict with the US. It's not interested in war. This Democrat and Neocon Warmongering is ludicrous.
Not all threats are military nitwit.
If you can get a Manchurian Candidate into office, you can win without firing a shot.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.

They never recovered from the Reagan years...the cold war is long over

All anyone has to do is crunch the numbers. Russia has an annual military budget of $47 Billion. That's compared to a massive US $700 Billion budget. And the US has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3.

And then you have very powerful NATO nations' militaries too. It's a huge mismatch. Russia couldn't possibly win a conflict with the US. It's not interested in war. This Democrat and Neocon Warmongering is ludicrous.
Not all threats are military nitwit.
If you can get a Manchurian Candidate into office, you can win without firing a shot.

Wow, y'all Democrats really have lost it. WWIII just because you lost an Election. Insane. :cuckoo:
Boy, Communists/Progressives really have lost it. All this Warmongering is so bizarre. Risking WWIII because they lost an Election? Makes no sense. Hopefully, sane rational folks will prevail.
Your positing of sane, rational folks among the remaining Communists/Progressives in the Democrat party is really "Hopeful".

All they have left is people like Schumer, Durbin, Warren, Maxine Waters, Pelosi, little rdean, theoldschool, and the rest who can do nothing but call names, spew insults, and repeat old, tired, long-debunked fibs.

You can't expect such people to save the Democrat party when they're the ones who destroyed it.
Putin buzzed a Destroyer of ours today, sent a spy ship to our coast, and deployed illegal missiles. Looks like Trump's in trouble with him now. Will Trump come clean for the sake of the U.S., or continue siding with Putin?

Russia is no threat to the US. Don't believe the Warmonger hype. Just do your own research. The two can't even compare economically and militarily. Russia is vastly out-manned and outgunned by the US. It doesn't want war. It knows it can't win. All this Warmongering really is unnecessary.
No threat, if you consider sabotaging our free election and inserting a puppet into the Presidency as "no threat." You dumb fucking rube.

Sabotaged our election? no, that's more like the Left wing media's constant talking point they would not let go of since day one. The fact Some Russian hacked a democrat computer or were given a password hardly equates to 'Hacking an Election'

There were plenty of information sources to listen to pro and con from both sides during the election process. Hacking an Election is a weak ass excuse for a sorry candidate like Hillary who didn't campaign well enough in key areas. One source of negative info on Hillary is hardly enough to swing an election.
All three places went to hell under obie. How are you blaming it on Trump?
It's Russia that backed up Assad.
The Ukraine was invaded by Russia.
Crimea was annexed by Russia.

Why do you think Russia wanted Trump and Flynn promised the sanctions would be lifted? You know, the sanctions put in place by Obama.

Time to get over the dumbfuckery. Your stretch was simply too much.


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