We are trying to impose our country on


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Mexican sovereingty.....words from Obama, liberals can you translate that for me? What the hell is he talking about? We would rather they stay over there, UNLESS they go through the process that everyone else goes through.
Mexican sovereingty.....words from Obama, liberals can you translate that for me? What the hell is he talking about? We would rather they stay over there, UNLESS they go through the process that everyone else goes through.

Ask the many Kotexans here - they are their neighbors for Christ's sake, and know everything anyway....................
I say the U.S. invades Mexico, ousts the cartels, and annexes the whole country. Who's with me!
I say the U.S. invades Mexico, ousts the cartels, and annexes the whole country. Who's with me!

Hehe, if we do that we will be flooded with so many refugees it will make our illegal immigration issue now look like a picnic.
Nobody has said what Obama said.

Obama has some issues, no question about it. Still, fucking it up describing what he said and its context isn't a real strong case against the man.
Text of Obama?s Speech in Mexico City - Washington Wire - WSJ

Despite the deep bonds and values we share, attitudes—in both countries—are sometimes trapped in old stereotypes. Some Americans only see the Mexico depicted in sensational headlines of violence and border crossings. Some Mexicans may think America disrespects Mexico, that we seek to impose ourselves on Mexican sovereignty, or, alternatively, wish to wall ourselves off. And in both countries, such distortions can breed myths and misunderstanding that only make it harder to make progress together

What the hell does that mean????????????????????????

We recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States. In America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms, and as President I swore an oath to uphold that right—and I always will. At the same time, as I’ve said back home, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common sense gun reforms that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people—reforms that will save lives in both our countries. Meanwhile, we’ll keep increasing the pressure on the gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico, and we’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong—behind bars

Lets investigate Fast and Furious....ok Der Obama

We’re grateful to Mexican Americans in every segment of our society—for teaching our children, running our companies, serving with honor in our military, making breakthroughs in science, and standing up for social justice. As Dr. Martin Luther King told Cesar Chavez, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.” Indeed, without the strong support of Hispanics, including so many Mexican Americans, I would not be standing before you today as President of the United States.

Shout out to the illegals! Thanks for making me Prez!

But we also know that, as a nation of immigrants, the immigration system we have in the United States now doesn’t reflect our values. It separates families when we should be reuniting them. It’s led to millions of people living in the shadows. It deprives us of the talents of so many young people—even though we know that immigrants have always been an engine of our economy; starting some of our greatest companies, pioneering new industries.

So our immigration policy should unit familes? So many things here, first I thought the left thinks that families are overrated? And second why in the hell do we have to unit families? And what values is he talking about?
As Dr. Martin Luther King told Cesar Chavez, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.” ?[/B]

Its funny that he said that, most Mexicans I met don't give 2 shits about Dr. Martin Luther King, I have had a few tell me he fought for Blacks only not Hispanics.:evil:
Some Mexicans may think America disrespects Mexico, that we seek to impose ourselves on Mexican sovereignty, or, alternatively, wish to wall ourselves off. And in both countries, such distortions can breed myths and misunderstanding that only make it harder to make progress together

What the hell does that mean????????????????????????

He seems to be summarizing the impression that some Mexicans have, and calling that impression a "distortion"

Obviously, it is not very distorted though, as mainstream Democrats and Neocons are all in on Merida, and "alternatively" the GOP Primary Debate field all talked about how they could build a bigger, better wall than the next guy.
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As Dr. Martin Luther King told Cesar Chavez, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.” ?[/B]

Its funny that he said that, most Mexicans I met don't give 2 shits about Dr. Martin Luther King, I have had a few tell me he fought for Blacks only not Hispanics.:evil:

yep the blacks, gays, hispanics, women, pretty soon we'll toss in asians, indians, transgendered and everyone all in the name of civil rights and really water down what blacks went through and the struggles they've had..........unbelievable.
Text of Obama?s Speech in Mexico City - Washington Wire - WSJ

Despite the deep bonds and values we share, attitudes—in both countries—are sometimes trapped in old stereotypes. Some Americans only see the Mexico depicted in sensational headlines of violence and border crossings. Some Mexicans may think America disrespects Mexico, that we seek to impose ourselves on Mexican sovereignty, or, alternatively, wish to wall ourselves off. And in both countries, such distortions can breed myths and misunderstanding that only make it harder to make progress together

What the hell does that mean????????????????????????

We recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States. In America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms, and as President I swore an oath to uphold that right—and I always will. At the same time, as I’ve said back home, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common sense gun reforms that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people—reforms that will save lives in both our countries. Meanwhile, we’ll keep increasing the pressure on the gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico, and we’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong—behind bars

Lets investigate Fast and Furious....ok Der Obama

We’re grateful to Mexican Americans in every segment of our society—for teaching our children, running our companies, serving with honor in our military, making breakthroughs in science, and standing up for social justice. As Dr. Martin Luther King told Cesar Chavez, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.” Indeed, without the strong support of Hispanics, including so many Mexican Americans, I would not be standing before you today as President of the United States.

Shout out to the illegals! Thanks for making me Prez!

But we also know that, as a nation of immigrants, the immigration system we have in the United States now doesn’t reflect our values. It separates families when we should be reuniting them. It’s led to millions of people living in the shadows. It deprives us of the talents of so many young people—even though we know that immigrants have always been an engine of our economy; starting some of our greatest companies, pioneering new industries.

So our immigration policy should unit familes? So many things here, first I thought the left thinks that families are overrated? And second why in the hell do we have to unit families? And what values is he talking about?

Thanks for posting those excerpts.

Admitting that I don't care enough to read the entire text, and knowing that excerpts can indicate bias that doesn't exist in the speech or in the excerpter, what it looks like is Obama is trying to undermine his credibility.

Anchor babies don't mean a fucking thing to most Americans other than to fuel legitimate anger at borders being functionally open to the scum of the earth for the purpose of undermining blue collar wage scales in the United States. A one pound bag can only hold one pound of shit. Someone needs to tell the people in charge of immigration about how that works and see if these filthy fucking government people can connect the dots.

Never liked Obama (yes, I loathe that ratfucking Bush League more, but will go to my grave loathing ALL OF the lowlife motherfuckers that re elected Reagan, Clinton and Junebug) and with Obamacare, the bogus stimulus and this open borders shit Obama is earning his place in the cesspool beside Reagan, Clinton and Junebug - the lowest performing presidents ever in terms of controlling national debt/national liquidity in periods without a declared war.
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Text of Obama?s Speech in Mexico City - Washington Wire - WSJ

Despite the deep bonds and values we share, attitudes—in both countries—are sometimes trapped in old stereotypes. Some Americans only see the Mexico depicted in sensational headlines of violence and border crossings. Some Mexicans may think America disrespects Mexico, that we seek to impose ourselves on Mexican sovereignty, or, alternatively, wish to wall ourselves off. And in both countries, such distortions can breed myths and misunderstanding that only make it harder to make progress together

What the hell does that mean????????????????????????

We recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States. In America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms, and as President I swore an oath to uphold that right—and I always will. At the same time, as I’ve said back home, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common sense gun reforms that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people—reforms that will save lives in both our countries. Meanwhile, we’ll keep increasing the pressure on the gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico, and we’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong—behind bars

Lets investigate Fast and Furious....ok Der Obama

We’re grateful to Mexican Americans in every segment of our society—for teaching our children, running our companies, serving with honor in our military, making breakthroughs in science, and standing up for social justice. As Dr. Martin Luther King told Cesar Chavez, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.” Indeed, without the strong support of Hispanics, including so many Mexican Americans, I would not be standing before you today as President of the United States.

Shout out to the illegals! Thanks for making me Prez!

But we also know that, as a nation of immigrants, the immigration system we have in the United States now doesn’t reflect our values. It separates families when we should be reuniting them. It’s led to millions of people living in the shadows. It deprives us of the talents of so many young people—even though we know that immigrants have always been an engine of our economy; starting some of our greatest companies, pioneering new industries.

So our immigration policy should unit familes? So many things here, first I thought the left thinks that families are overrated? And second why in the hell do we have to unit families? And what values is he talking about?

Thanks for posting those excerpts.

Admitting that I don't care enough to read the entire text, and knowing that excerpts can indicate bias that doesn't exist in the speech or in the excerpter, what it looks like is Obama is trying to undermine his credibility.

Anchor babies don't mean a fucking thing to most Americans other than to fuel legitimate anger at borders being functionally open to the scum of the earth for the purpose of undermining blue collar wage scales in the United States. A one pound bag can only hold one pound of shit. Someone needs to tell the people in charge of immigration about how that works and see if these filthy fucking government people can connect the dots.

Never liked Obama (yes, I loathe that ratfucking Bush League more, but will go to my grave loathing ALL OF the lowlife motherfuckers that re elected Reagan, Clinton and Junebug) and with Obamacare, the bogus stimulus and this open borders shit Obama is earning his place in the cesspool beside Reagan, Clinton and Junebug - the lowest performing presidents ever in terms of controlling national debt/national liquidity in periods without a declared war.

Earning his place? O moved below those three long ago.
I see Mexicans pushing their culture and life style on us, not the other way around. Just sayin.

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