We attacked them first.


Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what you're saying is that 9/11 is a result of the Gulf War?

We protect muslims from a secular dictator and that's a war against Muslims?

After 7 years of people whining about Iraq not being responsible for 9/11 (which of course, no one has claimed until now) you have decided to claim that 9/11 was caused by Iraq.

I just cant help but find this amusing.
Corporations wage these wars,for the protection and advancement of corporate interest..

Facially false and amazingly stupid. id-eots has been reading "lib" literature again.

GM, Ford, Exxon, HP. Not armed. No armies. They do not wage wars because, obviously, they couldn't even if they wished to do so.

And the claim of the hate-America liberoidal morons, like id-eots, that the U.S. Government fights wars as a proxy for such corporate entities is not just unsupported, but unsupportable.

Thus, retarded libs, like id-eots, make lots of noise SAYING such drivel, but never begin to rise to the challenge of backing it up.
we most certainly did attack first, you think we would have given two shits about Sadam invading Kuwait if Kuwait didn't have billions of barrells of oil? LOFL
we most certainly did attack first, you think we would have given two shits about Sadam invading Kuwait if Kuwait didn't have billions of barrells of oil? LOFL

You are a massive piece of shit and a retarded douche bag. If Saddam marched into Kuwait before we went into iraq (and in response to it) then Saddam attacked first and we responded. And if oil was a strong motivator -- that's ok, too, stupid.

Take your head out of your own asshole someday. Breath some real air, you fucking hate America first, last and always shit bag.

The Islamofascist scum attacked us on 9/11, shit brain. We had not attacked them. Fucking lying imbecile lie-berals like you need to stick the enema nozzle in your ears.
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we most certainly did attack first, you think we would have given two shits about Sadam invading Kuwait if Kuwait didn't have billions of barrells of oil? LOFL

You are a massive piece of shit and a retarded douche bag. If Saddam marched into Kuwait before we went into iraq (and in response to it) then Saddam attacked first and we responded. And if oil was a strong motivator -- that's ok, too, stupid.

Take your head out of your own asshole someday. Breath some real air, you fucking hate America first last and always shit bag.

The Islamofascist scum attached us on 9/11, shit brain. we had not attacked them. Fucking lying imbecile lie-berals like you need to stick the enema nozzle in your ears.

No family. You fucking sofa general. :cuckoo:
we most certainly did attack first, you think we would have given two shits about Sadam invading Kuwait if Kuwait didn't have billions of barrells of oil? LOFL

You are a massive piece of shit and a retarded douche bag. If Saddam marched into Kuwait before we went into iraq (and in response to it) then Saddam attacked first and we responded. And if oil was a strong motivator -- that's ok, too, stupid.

Take your head out of your own asshole someday. Breath some real air, you fucking hate America first last and always shit bag.

The Islamofascist scum attached us on 9/11, shit brain. we had not attacked them. Fucking lying imbecile lie-berals like you need to stick the enema nozzle in your ears.

No family. You fucking sofa general. :cuckoo:


You are a pussy, flopsweat, and we all know you'd wet your panties, you insufferable hate America piece of shit uber-lib scumbag.

You internet tough guys make the rest of us laugh, you rancid drippy twat stain.

In the meanwhile, your internet macho displays notwithstanding, it is CLEAR THAT you cannot defend your claim.

That's right shithole, you deflect because you make entirely empty claims and run when challenged.

You are not just a piece of shit, but a cowardly lying pussy. Now, go eat another chickenshit sandwich and wash it down with Osama bin Laden's jism, again.
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Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what you're saying is that 9/11 is a result of the Gulf War?

We protect muslims from a secular dictator and that's a war against Muslims?

After 7 years of people whining about Iraq not being responsible for 9/11 (which of course, no one has claimed until now) you have decided to claim that 9/11 was caused by Iraq.

I just cant help but find this amusing.

So, wouldn't that mean that when/if (more likely when) we roll into Tehran with our M1's, we'll be justified because they took 53 Americans Hostage for 444 days during the Carter Administration and all we're doing is retaliating...finally?

The OP is so cartoonish it's borderline cruelty to respond
Corporations wage these wars,for the protection and advancement of corporate interest..

Facially false and amazingly stupid. id-eots has been reading "lib" literature again.

GM, Ford, Exxon, HP. Not armed. No armies. They do not wage wars because, obviously, they couldn't even if they wished to do so.

And the claim of the hate-America liberoidal morons, like id-eots, that the U.S. Government fights wars as a proxy for such corporate entities is not just unsupported, but unsupportable.

Thus, retarded libs, like id-eots, make lots of noise SAYING such drivel, but never begin to rise to the challenge of backing it up.
War is a Racket.

"Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people – didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something?

"How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation. Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn't much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it.

"Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918. Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent.

"Take one of our little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside the making of rails and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials. Well, their 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $6,000,000. Then came the war. And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly turned to munitions making. Did their profits jump – or did they let Uncle Sam in for a bargain? Well, their 1914-1918 average was $49,000,000 a year!

"Or, let's take United States Steel. The normal earnings during the five-year period prior to the war were $105,000,000 a year. Not bad. Then along came the war and up went the profits. The average yearly profit for the period 1914-1918 was $240,000,000. Not bad.

"There you have some of the steel and powder earnings. Let's look at something else. A little copper, perhaps. That always does well in war times.

"Anaconda, for instance. Average yearly earnings during the pre-war years 1910-1914 of $10,000,000. During the war years 1914-1918 profits leaped to $34,000,000 per year.

"Or Utah Copper. Average of $5,000,000 per year during the 1910-1914 period. Jumped to an average of $21,000,000 yearly profits for the war period."

Now convince us you know more about war than Smedley Butler.

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me get this straight. Our presence in the Middle East is an insult to Islam but if we are against a mosque being built by ground zero we are STILL in the wrong.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Regarding the Gulf War: Iraq attacked Kuwait and the coalition went in to push them back and we did WITHOUT taking over Iraq.:cuckoo::lol:
If anything started anything it was Sadamm invading Kuwait and the UN responded issuing sanctions and then the US and a coalition responded....They went in, kicked Sadamm's ass and got the hell out of Dodge.
How did we attack first.
First, Hussein had a legitimate reason for wanting to attack Kuwait. He presented our Ambassador, April Glaspie, with geological evidence that Kuwaiti corporations had for years been drilling diagonally into Iraqi oil pockets and defiantly violating Iraqi borders. When he complained to the Kuwaiti government he was rudely ignored and the theft continued. He told Glaspie that he wanted to attack Kuwait but he did not wish to conflict with any unseen U.S. interests. He asked her to find out if the U.S. government was opposed to his intention, clearly indicating that he had no wish to engender hostilities with us.

Glaspie responed to Hussein's inquiry with the following: "I have a direct instruction from the President to seek better relations with Iraq. [...] I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait."
Saddam Hussein ? United States relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Believing the U.S. was not concerned with his intention to retaliate against Kuwait's theft of Iraq's oil Hussein launched his attack. Only then did H.W. Bush decide to effect through devious betrayal and massive military intervention what could have been peacefully achieved through diplomatic channels, the obvious purpose being to eliminate the most menacing threat to the Bush Dynasty's close friend, the Saudi Royal Family.

That is how and why the Bush family launched its military aggressions against Iraq.
Using your "logic" we should be able to attack Mexico because they are invading us with their illegals.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No... no. It goes farther back than that.

Try Jimmeh Carter helping depose the Shah of Iran and allowing radical islamists to gain control of a nation.

That is the root of most modern islamic terrorism, but it goes back even FURTHER to the Arab Brotherhood which stretches it's history back to the Transjordan afte WW1, which flared even more hatred towards the west when Israel was formed and took back their rightful land islam was squatting on for a millenia and a half.

And ultimately, you know what? It goes back into the crusades for over 1000 years!!!!! So, what's your friggen point?!

I guess what revolts me more is that it seems... SEEMS you're making an excuse for the deaths of 2000 Americans 9 years ago today for their barbarity.
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Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?
Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?
You don't like it? Move. Quit bitching, man up, and go somewhere where everyone's equally poor.

But you won't. You're a coward. And you're too comfortable with all America offers to ever give it up, despite all your bitching about how unfair it all is.
Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?

Holy shit. What tired and trite Marxist rhetoric.

The fact is: the U.S. military presence in "the" middle east was minimal EXCEPT for Iraq and that could hardly be a valid basis for the Islamists to attack us since going after that murderous fucker, Saddam Hussein, was quite probably more beneficial to actual Muslims than it was anything else. And yes, of course there was a series of cases where the U.S. military DID attempt to defend Muslims from attacks against them based on their relgion/ethnicity. No doubt, helping to protect Muslims from other aggressors MUST surely have set off the Islamists. georgiporgiegull, you are a transparent lying fuck.

The U.S. acquisition of wealth is not a matter that justifies the Islamists' atrocities, either, you fucking scumbag moron.

Take your stale rhetoric to some smoke-filled tavern set in the early 1950's with other pseudo-intellectual college kids, you fuckstick.
Before Iraq invaded Kuaitt in their border and oil theft dispute Saddam inquired if the USA minded. Our response was that we took no position. It was the dishonesty Of Bush that led to that war. We supported Saddam in his war with Iran and his use of WMD's against the Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld personally handled the Chemical sales and the sale of the helecopter delivery systems when he was with Bektel.

There are a lot of chest thumping morons on this MB that reject truth and facts. You people make me puke. At least have enough self esteem to admitt that we did what we did. I don't really care about the war. To believe we were "right" is stupid dishonest and willfully ignorant.

There are consequenses to invading a country. That's reality..deal with it.
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Before Iraq invaded Kuaitt in their border and oil theft dispute Saddam inquired if the USA minded. Our response was that we took no position. It was the dishonesty Of Bush that led to that war. We supported Saddam in his war with Iran and his use of WMD's against the Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld personally handled the Chemical sales and the sale of the helecopter delivery systems when he was with Bektel.

There are a lot of chest thumping morons on this MB that reject truth and facts. You people make me puke. At least have enough self esteem to admitt that we did what we did. I don't really care about the war. To believe we were "right" is stupid dishonest and willfully ignorant.

There are consequenses to invading a country. That's reality..deal with it.

thats pretty much the story of 9/11 right there.:clap2:
Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?

well said.too bad they will cover their ears and close their eyes to this.

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually Muslims attacked us first in the early 1800's, or have you never heard of the Barbary Pirates?

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