We attacked them first.

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?
Hard work, determination, freedom, innovation, a government who previously encouraged such thing, luck of the draw and capitalizing on your opportunities.

What's wrong with that? The world economy is NOT a zero sum game and it's nobody's responsibility to 'play fair' with those who don't bother to work and achieve.

Whine to mommy, the world doesn't owe you anything or give a fuck for it was here first.
Last edited:
Before Iraq invaded Kuaitt in their border and oil theft dispute Saddam inquired if the USA minded. Our response was that we took no position. It was the dishonesty Of Bush that led to that war. We supported Saddam in his war with Iran and his use of WMD's against the Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld personally handled the Chemical sales and the sale of the helecopter delivery systems when he was with Bektel.

There are a lot of chest thumping morons on this MB that reject truth and facts. You people make me puke. At least have enough self esteem to admitt that we did what we did. I don't really care about the war. To believe we were "right" is stupid dishonest and willfully ignorant.

There are consequenses to invading a country. That's reality..deal with it.

Smugly, you are an opinionated asshole. That's ok. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have your head so squarely and eternally up your ass. Assholes like you make maggots puke.
Before Iraq invaded Kuaitt in their border and oil theft dispute Saddam inquired if the USA minded. Our response was that we took no position. It was the dishonesty Of Bush that led to that war. We supported Saddam in his war with Iran and his use of WMD's against the Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld personally handled the Chemical sales and the sale of the helecopter delivery systems when he was with Bektel.

There are a lot of chest thumping morons on this MB that reject truth and facts. You people make me puke. At least have enough self esteem to admitt that we did what we did. I don't really care about the war. To believe we were "right" is stupid dishonest and willfully ignorant.

There are consequenses to invading a country. That's reality..deal with it.

Smugly, you are an opinionated asshole. That's ok. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have your head so squarely and eternally up your ass. Assholes like you make maggots puke.

Fascinating response! You nailed it!

Oh wait! You didn't dispute my post. You just proclaimed love unrequited...

Dazzle with brilliance? Baffle with bullshit? You be the judge!
Before Iraq invaded Kuaitt in their border and oil theft dispute Saddam inquired if the USA minded. Our response was that we took no position. It was the dishonesty Of Bush that led to that war. We supported Saddam in his war with Iran and his use of WMD's against the Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld personally handled the Chemical sales and the sale of the helecopter delivery systems when he was with Bektel.

There are a lot of chest thumping morons on this MB that reject truth and facts. You people make me puke. At least have enough self esteem to admitt that we did what we did. I don't really care about the war. To believe we were "right" is stupid dishonest and willfully ignorant.

There are consequenses to invading a country. That's reality..deal with it.

Smugly, you are an opinionated asshole. That's ok. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have your head so squarely and eternally up your ass. Assholes like you make maggots puke.

Fascinating response! You nailed it!

Oh wait! You didn't dispute my post. You just proclaimed love unrequited...

Dazzle with brilliance? Baffle with bullshit? You be the judge!

There is nothing of merit IN your post, Smugly. In your typically shallow opinionated way, you told everyone how much disagreement with your ill-informed view makes you puke. You shared youir opinion (erroneously based though it was) about President Bush. You made unsupported historical contentions and then you acted like you tend to always act. Arrogant and smug, but still shallow and worthless.

So, I already judged you. You came up empty.

Next time, Smugs, why not give some thought to actually backing up the bullshit you spew?

Oh wait. You can't. Sucks to be you.
Last edited:
Smugly, you are an opinionated asshole. That's ok. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have your head so squarely and eternally up your ass. Assholes like you make maggots puke.

Fascinating response! You nailed it!

Oh wait! You didn't dispute my post. You just proclaimed love unrequited...

Dazzle with brilliance? Baffle with bullshit? You be the judge!

There is nothing of merit IN your post, Smugly. In your typically shallow opinionated way, you told everyone how much disagreement with your ill-informed view makes you puke. You shared youir opinion (erroneously based though it was) about President Bush. You made unsupported historical contentions and then you acted like you tend to always act. Arrogant and smug, but still shallow and worthless.

So, I already judged you. You came up empty.

Next time, Smugs, why not give some thought to actually backing up the bullshit you spew?

Oh wait. You can't. Sucks to be you.

Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.
Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?
You don't like it? Move. Quit bitching, man up, and go somewhere where everyone's equally poor.

But you won't. You're a coward. And you're too comfortable with all America offers to ever give it up, despite all your bitching about how unfair it all is.
You don't get it.

Maybe those inside the US Military can't even see it?

Empires destroy Democracies.

There won't be any need for foreign barbarians (or immigrants) we will kill each other for money and our richest will cheer us on.

Tell me what you think Einstein meant when he and Bertrand Russell wrote about a choice facing the world that is "stark, dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Or are you too comfortable enabling the killing of innocent human beings for Wall Street's bonus pool?
Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?
You don't like it? Move. Quit bitching, man up, and go somewhere where everyone's equally poor.

But you won't. You're a coward. And you're too comfortable with all America offers to ever give it up, despite all your bitching about how unfair it all is.
You don't get it.

Maybe those inside the US Military can't even see it?

Empires destroy Democracies.

There won't be any need for foreign barbarians (or immigrants) we will kill each other for money and our richest will cheer us on.

Tell me what you think Einstein meant when he and Bertrand Russell wrote about a choice facing the world that is "stark, dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Or are you too comfortable enabling the killing of innocent human beings for Wall Street's bonus pool?
Oh, I get it, all right.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
-- John Stuart Mill​
I get that Mill had your cowardly ass nailed to the wall.
Fascinating response! You nailed it!

Oh wait! You didn't dispute my post. You just proclaimed love unrequited...

Dazzle with brilliance? Baffle with bullshit? You be the judge!

There is nothing of merit IN your post, Smugly. In your typically shallow opinionated way, you told everyone how much disagreement with your ill-informed view makes you puke. You shared youir opinion (erroneously based though it was) about President Bush. You made unsupported historical contentions and then you acted like you tend to always act. Arrogant and smug, but still shallow and worthless.

So, I already judged you. You came up empty.

Next time, Smugs, why not give some thought to actually backing up the bullshit you spew?

Oh wait. You can't. Sucks to be you.

Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.

LOL. You may be good with it, but what you posted is meaningless. I don't give a fuck about your conflict with Kuwait. In your moronic universe this translates into "go ahead and invade!"

What a maroon.
Would there be any US military presence in the Middle East if all Arab oil was located in Texas?

Is it likely the attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if the US hadn't stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia before, during and after Desert Storm?

How does 4% of the planet's population amass 25% of the planet's wealth?

Compassionate conservatism?

Holy shit. What tired and trite Marxist rhetoric.

The fact is: the U.S. military presence in "the" middle east was minimal EXCEPT for Iraq and that could hardly be a valid basis for the Islamists to attack us since going after that murderous fucker, Saddam Hussein, was quite probably more beneficial to actual Muslims than it was anything else. And yes, of course there was a series of cases where the U.S. military DID attempt to defend Muslims from attacks against them based on their relgion/ethnicity. No doubt, helping to protect Muslims from other aggressors MUST surely have set off the Islamists. georgiporgiegull, you are a transparent lying fuck.

The U.S. acquisition of wealth is not a matter that justifies the Islamists' atrocities, either, you fucking scumbag moron.

Take your stale rhetoric to some smoke-filled tavern set in the early 1950's with other pseudo-intellectual college kids, you fuckstick.
In late April of 2003 the US pulled 5000 troops out of Saudi Arabia a country with about 28 million people. How would you feel about an appropriate sized Muslim military force in a country with 300 million people like this one?

Think most Americans would mind ~50,000 heavily armed Arabs guarding all the gold in the Empire State?

Shed a little light on the "series of cases where the US military DID attempt to defend Muslims from attack against them based on their religion/ethnicity.

How many Muslims has the US military killed since August of 1991? How many have been maimed, displaced, imprisoned and tortured? Has the number of "terrorist incidents" worldwide increased or decreased since Bush drew his line in the sand?

How about the gap between the richest 1% of humanity and the rest?

The US acquisition of wealth stems directly from spending more on 'defense" than virtually the entire remaining 96% of humanity and the willingness to kill indiscriminately thousands of miles from our borders.

Maybe you need a career change?
You're losing your edge as a propagandist.

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are an idiot.

The government of those Muslim lands asked us to be there, and still want us there. We were not attacked because we invaded Iraq, we were attacked because we had troops in Saudi Arabia to help defend it from Saddam Hussein.

By the way. We did not attack Iraq in the first Gulf War. We liberated Kuwait, with the backing of the UN, and the gratitude of the people of Kuwait.

I have not read the thread, so I am probably repeating things that others have said, but this needs to be said as often as possible.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v2JcpolIQU]YouTube - We Didn't Start The Fire![/ame]
There is nothing of merit IN your post, Smugly. In your typically shallow opinionated way, you told everyone how much disagreement with your ill-informed view makes you puke. You shared youir opinion (erroneously based though it was) about President Bush. You made unsupported historical contentions and then you acted like you tend to always act. Arrogant and smug, but still shallow and worthless.

So, I already judged you. You came up empty.

Next time, Smugs, why not give some thought to actually backing up the bullshit you spew?

Oh wait. You can't. Sucks to be you.

Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.

LOL. You may be good with it, but what you posted is meaningless. I don't give a fuck about your conflict with Kuwait. In your moronic universe this translates into "go ahead and invade!"

What a maroon.

It was none of our business. There are consequences going to war when it is not in defense of your own country. One of those consequences was the attack on 9/11. Before that invasion Osama Bin Ladin was one of our Allies in removing the Russians from Afgahnistan. Do you believe he would have planned and carried out the attacks of 9/11 if we had not invaded Iraq and put our military forces permanently in Saudi Arabia? Nevermind...you are more interested in being an asshole than discussing fact.
You don't like it? Move. Quit bitching, man up, and go somewhere where everyone's equally poor.

But you won't. You're a coward. And you're too comfortable with all America offers to ever give it up, despite all your bitching about how unfair it all is.
You don't get it.

Maybe those inside the US Military can't even see it?

Empires destroy Democracies.

There won't be any need for foreign barbarians (or immigrants) we will kill each other for money and our richest will cheer us on.

Tell me what you think Einstein meant when he and Bertrand Russell wrote about a choice facing the world that is "stark, dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Or are you too comfortable enabling the killing of innocent human beings for Wall Street's bonus pool?
Oh, I get it, all right.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
-- John Stuart Mill​
I get that Mill had your cowardly ass nailed to the wall.
Do Wars of Aggression fall under Mill's harm principle?

"One argument that Mill develops further than any previous philosopher is the harm principle. The harm principle holds that each individual has the right to act as he wants, so long as these actions do not harm others." (Wiki)

Are the actions that you and your brothers and sisters in arms enable in Iraq and Afghanistan harming innocent human beings?
Fascinating response! You nailed it!

Oh wait! You didn't dispute my post. You just proclaimed love unrequited...

Dazzle with brilliance? Baffle with bullshit? You be the judge!

There is nothing of merit IN your post, Smugly. In your typically shallow opinionated way, you told everyone how much disagreement with your ill-informed view makes you puke. You shared youir opinion (erroneously based though it was) about President Bush. You made unsupported historical contentions and then you acted like you tend to always act. Arrogant and smug, but still shallow and worthless.

So, I already judged you. You came up empty.

Next time, Smugs, why not give some thought to actually backing up the bullshit you spew?

Oh wait. You can't. Sucks to be you.

Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.

Not according to her:

During the run-up to the war, the Iraqi government released a transcript of Glaspie's meeting with Hussein on July 25, 1990, which suggested that she gave tacit approval for an invasion. Glaspie managed to convince lawmakers that the transcript was inaccurate and that she had forcefully warned Hussein not to invade. But her credibility eroded after the leak of her classified cable to the State Department about the meeting, which suggested a more conciliatory conversation with Hussein.

In the interview, Glaspie insisted that the Iraq transcript "was invented by Tariq Aziz," the deputy prime minister. "Tariq was a master of words as a previous Minister of Information and editor of a newspaper," she said. Glaspie asserted that she told Hussein to "keep your hands off this country."

Ex-Envoy Details Hussein Meeting - washingtonpost.com
There is nothing of merit IN your post, Smugly. In your typically shallow opinionated way, you told everyone how much disagreement with your ill-informed view makes you puke. You shared youir opinion (erroneously based though it was) about President Bush. You made unsupported historical contentions and then you acted like you tend to always act. Arrogant and smug, but still shallow and worthless.

So, I already judged you. You came up empty.

Next time, Smugs, why not give some thought to actually backing up the bullshit you spew?

Oh wait. You can't. Sucks to be you.

Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.

Not according to her:

During the run-up to the war, the Iraqi government released a transcript of Glaspie's meeting with Hussein on July 25, 1990, which suggested that she gave tacit approval for an invasion. Glaspie managed to convince lawmakers that the transcript was inaccurate and that she had forcefully warned Hussein not to invade. But her credibility eroded after the leak of her classified cable to the State Department about the meeting, which suggested a more conciliatory conversation with Hussein.

In the interview, Glaspie insisted that the Iraq transcript "was invented by Tariq Aziz," the deputy prime minister. "Tariq was a master of words as a previous Minister of Information and editor of a newspaper," she said. Glaspie asserted that she told Hussein to "keep your hands off this country."

Ex-Envoy Details Hussein Meeting - washingtonpost.com

There was some ambiguity in what her words were in the transcript. I concede that. I choose to believe she was conciliatory before she lied. We can put an asterisk next to her statement(s). That still does not change the fact that the Kuwaitis were cross drilling under the border with Iraq and that theft of oil was plenty enough provocation to get their asses kicked. It was none of our business.
Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.

Not according to her:

During the run-up to the war, the Iraqi government released a transcript of Glaspie's meeting with Hussein on July 25, 1990, which suggested that she gave tacit approval for an invasion. Glaspie managed to convince lawmakers that the transcript was inaccurate and that she had forcefully warned Hussein not to invade. But her credibility eroded after the leak of her classified cable to the State Department about the meeting, which suggested a more conciliatory conversation with Hussein.

In the interview, Glaspie insisted that the Iraq transcript "was invented by Tariq Aziz," the deputy prime minister. "Tariq was a master of words as a previous Minister of Information and editor of a newspaper," she said. Glaspie asserted that she told Hussein to "keep your hands off this country."

Ex-Envoy Details Hussein Meeting - washingtonpost.com

There was some ambiguity in what her words were in the transcript. I concede that. I choose to believe she was conciliatory before she lied. We can put an asterisk next to her statement(s). That still does not change the fact that the Kuwaitis were cross drilling under the border with Iraq and that theft of oil was plenty enough provocation to get their asses kicked. It was none of our business.
uh, no
there was no approval you mean

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The American forces were invited by the Saudi Government to be there. Why do you think being invited guests in Saudi Arabia is worthy of being attacked the way we were on 9/11?

I think your syphilis has driven you insane you stupid whore.
Taken from April Glaspie/Suddam Hussein meeting 1990:

"transcript has Glaspie saying: "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."

An overview of IraqGate wiki:

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm good with MY information.

Not according to her:

During the run-up to the war, the Iraqi government released a transcript of Glaspie's meeting with Hussein on July 25, 1990, which suggested that she gave tacit approval for an invasion. Glaspie managed to convince lawmakers that the transcript was inaccurate and that she had forcefully warned Hussein not to invade. But her credibility eroded after the leak of her classified cable to the State Department about the meeting, which suggested a more conciliatory conversation with Hussein.

In the interview, Glaspie insisted that the Iraq transcript "was invented by Tariq Aziz," the deputy prime minister. "Tariq was a master of words as a previous Minister of Information and editor of a newspaper," she said. Glaspie asserted that she told Hussein to "keep your hands off this country."

Ex-Envoy Details Hussein Meeting - washingtonpost.com

There was some ambiguity in what her words were in the transcript. I concede that. I choose to believe she was conciliatory before she lied. We can put an asterisk next to her statement(s). That still does not change the fact that the Kuwaitis were cross drilling under the border with Iraq and that theft of oil was plenty enough provocation to get their asses kicked. It was none of our business.

A resource and border dispute justifies annexing Kuwait as the 13th Province of Iraq? It became our business when the Emir of Kuwait and the King of Saudi Arabia asked us to intervene. Do you think we should have refused? Would Bin Laden have left us alone?

There was some ambiguity in what her words were in the transcript. I concede that. I choose to believe she was conciliatory before she lied. We can put an asterisk next to her statement(s). That still does not change the fact that the Kuwaitis were cross drilling under the border with Iraq and that theft of oil was plenty enough provocation to get their asses kicked. It was none of our business.
uh, no
there was no approval you mean

Uh..no. That's not what I said. I believe there was approval...or at least ambivalence. The transcript says one thing and she later denied it. Unlike you I am not going to go into a twenty page he said/ she said..no she didn't..yes she did.. waste of time. There is evidence if you believe her to see it both ways. I can be intellectually honest enough to look at the whole body of evidence surrounding her statements and concede that she is all over the board....meaning I'll go with the transcript and acknowledge she denies the validity of the transcript. That doesn't change the fact that it was none of our business.
There was some ambiguity in what her words were in the transcript. I concede that. I choose to believe she was conciliatory before she lied. We can put an asterisk next to her statement(s). That still does not change the fact that the Kuwaitis were cross drilling under the border with Iraq and that theft of oil was plenty enough provocation to get their asses kicked. It was none of our business.
uh, no
there was no approval you mean

Uh..no. That's not what I said. I believe there was approval...or at least ambivalence. The transcript says one thing and she later denied it. Unlike you I am not going to go into a twenty page he said/ she said..no she didn't..yes she did.. waste of time. There is evidence if you believe her to see it both ways. I can be intellectually honest enough to look at the whole body of evidence surrounding her statements and concede that she is all over the board....meaning I'll go with the transcript and acknowledge she denies the validity of the transcript. That doesn't change the fact that it was none of our business.
the transcript says "we dont have an opinion on your border dispute"
how the FUCK do you say that was ambiguous?
There was some ambiguity in what her words were in the transcript. I concede that. I choose to believe she was conciliatory before she lied. We can put an asterisk next to her statement(s). That still does not change the fact that the Kuwaitis were cross drilling under the border with Iraq and that theft of oil was plenty enough provocation to get their asses kicked. It was none of our business.
uh, no
there was no approval you mean

Uh..no. That's not what I said. I believe there was approval...or at least ambivalence. The transcript says one thing and she later denied it. Unlike you I am not going to go into a twenty page he said/ she said..no she didn't..yes she did.. waste of time. There is evidence if you believe her to see it both ways. I can be intellectually honest enough to look at the whole body of evidence surrounding her statements and concede that she is all over the board....meaning I'll go with the transcript and acknowledge she denies the validity of the transcript. That doesn't change the fact that it was none of our business.

So some poor woman is getting beat down in a parking lot and you just casually stroll on by like a coward because its "none of our business"? Why dont you just shut up, pussy.

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