We Bring Them Here to Give Them a New Life


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
And what do they do? :eusa_whistle:

Refugee Resettlement Watch cannot be considered unbiased. But, perhaps having one source to put all these stories together isn't a bad idea. The website is Refugee Resettlement Watch

But, the stories that drew my attention can be found @ Search Results Utah « Refugee Resettlement Watch and include – with links -

Utah Murder Trial for Burmese refugee
Dark side of Muslim refugees
Little girls suffered “excruciating pain” before dying
and on, and on, and on.

How much of this is going on where YOU live? That you either ignore or don't hear about because the local media is too afraid to report it?
White cultural genocide is what's going on...They want to wipe out our culture and replace it with the third world.
Well, for starters, WE don't bring them here. Who is this "we" I hear about so much? I don't hire illegal aliens. I lived with them, they hurt me. Physically and mentally . Oh, but that is ...anecdotal . Oh my god. But all the reasons supporting illegals, that is rock solid factual/ come on here. This wouldn't be an issue if Hispanics immigrated legally and acclimated. And we all know it.
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White cultural genocide is what's going on...They want to wipe out our culture and replace it with the third world.

Bull shit.

Why do people say such stupid things that they KNOW are a lie?


The US does hire illegals from many different countries and for different levels of employment. Big hotel chains hire for maids, maintenance, cooks, etc. Slaughterhouses (Smithfield, now owned by China, for example, actually advertises in Figi and Mexico), big corporations hire employ well educated people from other countries and, as we all know, the produce you buy may well have been harvested by illegals.

And, often, they come here legally and don't renew their visas.

Some illegals take the jobs Americans won't do and employers won't pay American wages for while other employers would hire Americans if they were applying for the high tech jobs. We don't invest in our people though. Some rw's would have voted for a Repub who actually wanted kids to be cleaning toilets instead of getting an education.
Well, for starters, WE don't bring them here. Who is this "we" I hear about so much? I don't hire illegal aliens. I lived with them, they hurt me. Physically and mentally . Oh, but that is ...anecdotal . Oh my god. But all the reasons supporting illegals, that is rock solid factual/ come on here. This wouldn't be an issue if Hispanics immigrated legally and acclimated. And we all know it.

We do bring them here when we do not enforce our immigration laws. Let them work and take care of their children. No one should be allowed to immigrate to this country unless they have something to offer. Offering millions of anchor babies do not count.
Well, for starters, WE don't bring them here. Who is this "we" I hear about so much? I don't hire illegal aliens. I lived with them, they hurt me. Physically and mentally . Oh, but that is ...anecdotal . Oh my god. But all the reasons supporting illegals, that is rock solid factual/ come on here. This wouldn't be an issue if Hispanics immigrated legally and acclimated. And we all know it.

We do bring them here when we do not enforce our immigration laws. Let them work and take care of their children. No one should be allowed to immigrate to this country unless they have something to offer. Offering millions of anchor babies do not count.

There is no such thing as "anchor babies." Those are US citizens you are talking about.
Well, for starters, WE don't bring them here. Who is this "we" I hear about so much? I don't hire illegal aliens. I lived with them, they hurt me. Physically and mentally . Oh, but that is ...anecdotal .

Why don't you have it tattooed on your forehead so you don't have to keep repeating your coy little reference on every other post?
In the small town I live by, there are Latinos, whites and Somali Africans. They all seem to live in harmony since the crime rate around here is pretty low.
There are murders, but mostly committed by whites.. in fact 99% are done by whites.
The Latinos get the most DWI's and the Somali folks have have a few incidents with domestic abuse...
Well, for starters, WE don't bring them here. Who is this "we" I hear about so much? I don't hire illegal aliens. I lived with them, they hurt me. Physically and mentally . Oh, but that is ...anecdotal . Oh my god. But all the reasons supporting illegals, that is rock solid factual/ come on here. This wouldn't be an issue if Hispanics immigrated legally and acclimated. And we all know it.

We do bring them here when we do not enforce our immigration laws. Let them work and take care of their children. No one should be allowed to immigrate to this country unless they have something to offer. Offering millions of anchor babies do not count.

There is no such thing as "anchor babies." Those are US citizens you are talking about.

They are children, birthed on US soil, by Illegal Aliens, oftentimes for the sole purpose of forcing the government to allow the parents to remain upon US soil, rather than being deported.

They are US citizens who carry the stigma of the label 'Anchor Baby'; thus named, because they serve to anchor the parents here, as well.

They are only US citizens because the People and the Congress of this country created a loophole for them to illicitly gain citizenship through a misuse of the 14th Amendment in ways never intended at the time of its adoption.

The Descriptor is entirely correct in many instances, and the high degree of dissatisfaction with the Federal government, in matters pertaining to the lack of enforcement of existing Immigration Law, serve to perpetuate the use of the phrase.
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White cultural genocide is what's going on...They want to wipe out our culture and replace it with the third world.

White culture genocide?:lol::lol::lol:

Tell you what ol lady....search 'mexico taking over California" and see exactly what the mex are saying. It might change your mind.
The mex want to turn the Pacific SW into "Aztlan" and over populate the whites out.
Then you can take a walk through LaPuente, Pico Rivera or El Monte with your whie ass , and see how you get treated.
We do bring them here when we do not enforce our immigration laws. Let them work and take care of their children. No one should be allowed to immigrate to this country unless they have something to offer. Offering millions of anchor babies do not count.

There is no such thing as "anchor babies." Those are US citizens you are talking about.

They are children, birthed on US soil, by Illegal Aliens, oftentimes for the sole purpose of forcing the government to allow the parents to remain upon US soil, rather than being deported.

They are US citizens who carry the stigma of the label 'Anchor Baby'; thus named, because they serve to anchor the parents here, as well.

They are only US citizens because the People and the Congress of this country created a loophole for them to illicitly gain citizenship through a misuse of the 14th Amendment in ways never intended at the time of its adoption.

The Descriptor is entirely correct in many instances, and the high degree of dissatisfaction with the Federal government, in matters pertaining to the lack of enforcement of existing Immigration Law, serve to perpetuate the use of the phrase.

Not just the parents! They can bring in up to their 4th cousins!! 1 anchor baby and 47 more follow.

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