We build big gun to shoot at China's big gun

Can't we all just agree that everyone stop building these stupid expensive weapons that will probably never be used?
China is not going to start a war with the United States, their entire economy would collapse if they had no market to sell all their cheap Wal-Mart shit.
its best to alway be prepared for War though a big gun seems to be a step backwards as Nuke and even conventional non nuke missile seem to be better BRook .
Can't we all just agree that everyone stop building these stupid expensive weapons that will probably never be used?

Tis better to have a big fuckin gun and not need it than need a big fuckin gun and not have one.
It has literally become a dick measuring contest.

Hell, if my wang shot wars as far as that thing shoots projectiles I could bukakki the queen of England! All kidding aside, why a gun? Seems like they are taking a step back to WW1 with all the big guns they bused back then. Do missiles suck that bad now?
Can't we all just agree that everyone stop building these stupid expensive weapons that will probably never be used?

Tis better to have a big fuckin gun and not need it than need a big fuckin gun and not have one.
That's always the argument so we now spend more money on military than the next 8 nations combined.

Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined

It's always the argument because it's true.

There's a lot that's included in the military budget besides things that go pew pew pew.

I've no doubt that budget could be trimmed in a lot of ways.
Can't we all just agree that everyone stop building these stupid expensive weapons that will probably never be used?

No. You are an idealistic dreamer. In a perfect world, yes, but we are still a long long way off to living in harmony and global peace. Man is territorial, driven by wealth, power, greed and control, and so it comes down to DETERRENT power, because if you show weakness, the other side will simply exploit you.

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