We can create babies without men, claim scientists

Created in a completely different way then all other children ever created. There is simply no way to know what this life form would handle what comes upon them.

That is ridiculous. They would simply be their mothers' identical twins. You have absolutely no basis for any of that.

It would be another iteration of the GMO argument--it ain't natural..so it must be bad--the religious types would be in an uproar..woman..not born of man.

Gonna risk horrible effects cuz lesbians want it?

Ok, been 16 years since reported, and nada.


It's not because lesbians want it. Why the freakish interpretation?

And this is a current story. The other poster who said it was from 2001 was dead wrong, and must have seen an incorrect date.

Pregnancy Without Men? New Research Lets Us Make Babies From Skin Cells
Created in a completely different way then all other children ever created. There is simply no way to know what this life form would handle what comes upon them.

That is ridiculous. They would simply be their mothers' identical twins. You have absolutely no basis for any of that.

It would be another iteration of the GMO argument--it ain't natural..so it must be bad--the religious types would be in an uproar..woman..not born of man.

Gonna risk horrible effects cuz lesbians want it?

Ok, been 16 years since reported, and nada.

Well...not quite 'nada' they have cloned mammals...up to primates now..so...in 20 years? Who knows..but the Lesbian angle is not really the issue...the social ramifications of being able to create human life..without men---is just one issue...much bigger..will be when the artificial womb is perfected..and one can bring a baby to term..without a woman..other than the initial egg donor. When anyone can create a life..or 20 lives..or a thousand lives..when genetic alteration can be done 'in utero' with the access an artificial womb will give--than the shit will hit the fan for real. How many women will chose to carry a baby to birth..when they can just decant the child..no fuss, no muss?
Created in a completely different way then all other children ever created. There is simply no way to know what this life form would handle what comes upon them.

That is ridiculous. They would simply be their mothers' identical twins. You have absolutely no basis for any of that.

It would be another iteration of the GMO argument--it ain't natural..so it must be bad--the religious types would be in an uproar..woman..not born of man.

Gonna risk horrible effects cuz lesbians want it?

Ok, been 16 years since reported, and nada.


It's not because lesbians want it. Why the freakish interpretation?

And this is a current story. The other poster who said it was from 2001 was dead wrong, and must have seen an incorrect date.

Pregnancy Without Men? New Research Lets Us Make Babies From Skin Cells

Cloning is cloning. They can’t even get it right in other animals:

Human Clone Health Warning

They died early, had faulty immune systems, aged rapidly and other abnormalities.

Yes, put a baby through that and you should be hanged.
Yeah right. Like a world of 7 billion women,all riding the cotton pony at the SAME TIME, could ever survive. You think Orange Jezus and Rocket Man are a problem ? SHEEEEEEEEEEEI

This is excellent news! The more girl in the world, the more sex we guys get. Let them continue.

Too bad, a female needs two chromosomes, XX. Those that have only one X, happens in nature by accident, never become women, remain pre puberty children forever, and mostly full of disabilities.

British reproduction has always been ridden with disabilities, because no soul would want to be born in a newly predatorial police state.
This is excellent news! The more girl in the world, the more sex we guys get. Let them continue.

Too bad, a female needs two chromosomes, XX. Those that have only one X, happens in nature by accident, never become women, remain pre puberty children forever, and mostly full of disabilities.

British reproduction has always been ridden with disabilities, because no soul would want to be born in a newly predatorial police state.
These babies would have two X chromosomes.
Brave new world...

We can create babies without men, claim scientists | Daily Mail Online

"Fertility specialists have found a way for women to have babies without men.
It involves a cocktail of chemicals acting as an 'artificial sperm' to trick a human egg into forming an embryo.
The stunning discovery has alarmed medical ethics campaigners, who described it as turning nature on its head. Researchers say the groundbreaking technology could be used to help women whose husbands are infertile but who do not want to use donor sperm.
Any babies born from the process would be female and genetically identical to their mother.
Taken to its extreme, it could lead to the science fiction nightmare of a female-dominated society where men have little or no role.
The news also creates a legal minefield for UK authorities which govern fertility treatments, because British laws do not cover the creation of an embryo without sperm.
The discovery was made by researchers from the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Genetics in Los Angeles."


We can create babies without men, claim scientists

I love men and children need fathers, so I tell scientists to :fu:

I was in a discussion about this several years ago.

a Couple of issues? Who would want to be the person that takes men no longer a requirement to procreation.

Dude would have a target the size of a dump truck on his back. Enjoy your research, your time on this planet would be short.

"Who would want to be the person that takes men no longer a requirement to procreation."

Well it's not just that, it's this also:

"Any babies born from the process would be female and genetically identical to their mother.
Taken to its extreme, it could lead to the science fiction nightmare of a female-dominated society where men have little or no role."

^^^^ This is what the Radical Militant Feminists would like, they hate men the ugly, hairy arm-pitted, angry Men-Hating Radical Militant Feminists if they could would like to just eradicate men completely from the planet.

The “child” would have to be monitored it’s entire life. It would be, by any standard, a new life form.

And what happens if it breeds with a normal human?

No insurance company in the world would take that risk. And without that, no lab in the world would touch it.

"And what happens if it breeds with a normal human?"

Well if taken to the ultimate extreme and there were only females around it wouldn't be able to breed. These scientists are to be considered dangerous to life on this planet, these scientists and also the ones involved with the Sex Robot things, they seem determined to end life on this planet in some way eg. humans can only breed with humans, humans cannot breed with Sex Robots so that would eventually end life on this planet because there would be no new humans being bred.
No, this sort of rightwing stupidity should be considered dangerous to life on this planet.
Brave new world...

We can create babies without men, claim scientists | Daily Mail Online

"Fertility specialists have found a way for women to have babies without men.
It involves a cocktail of chemicals acting as an 'artificial sperm' to trick a human egg into forming an embryo.
The stunning discovery has alarmed medical ethics campaigners, who described it as turning nature on its head. Researchers say the groundbreaking technology could be used to help women whose husbands are infertile but who do not want to use donor sperm.
Any babies born from the process would be female and genetically identical to their mother.
Taken to its extreme, it could lead to the science fiction nightmare of a female-dominated society where men have little or no role.
The news also creates a legal minefield for UK authorities which govern fertility treatments, because British laws do not cover the creation of an embryo without sperm.
The discovery was made by researchers from the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Genetics in Los Angeles."


How does this not further prove that a child's life begins at conception?
“We now understand why clones fail, which can lead to improvements in the process of cloning of animals,” said Lewin. But, he cautioned, “Our discoveries also reinforce the need for a strict ban on human cloning for any purposes.”

Cow Gene Study Shows Why Most Clones Fail

Only a monster would advocate for putting a human through this.
Brave new world...

We can create babies without men, claim scientists | Daily Mail Online

"Fertility specialists have found a way for women to have babies without men.
It involves a cocktail of chemicals acting as an 'artificial sperm' to trick a human egg into forming an embryo.
The stunning discovery has alarmed medical ethics campaigners, who described it as turning nature on its head. Researchers say the groundbreaking technology could be used to help women whose husbands are infertile but who do not want to use donor sperm.
Any babies born from the process would be female and genetically identical to their mother.
Taken to its extreme, it could lead to the science fiction nightmare of a female-dominated society where men have little or no role.
The news also creates a legal minefield for UK authorities which govern fertility treatments, because British laws do not cover the creation of an embryo without sperm.
The discovery was made by researchers from the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Genetics in Los Angeles."


How does this not further prove that a child's life begins at conception?
So..you are willing to state that a child conceived this way is a life..for all legal and religious purposes. That the child conceived in this way has a soul..and should be legally protected? Despite not having a Father at all?

Or..did you just see this as a chance to bang your drum?
“We now understand why clones fail, which can lead to improvements in the process of cloning of animals,” said Lewin. But, he cautioned, “Our discoveries also reinforce the need for a strict ban on human cloning for any purposes.”

Cow Gene Study Shows Why Most Clones Fail

Only a monster would advocate for putting a human through this.

You didnt read a single word of that article, did you? Nope, you didnt. You used a narrowly tailored Google search to find an agreeable headline in hopes of presenting "evidence" for an opinion you had already formed without evidence. That alone is dishonest, but it gets beter. The article talks about pregnancy failures, not defects in adult clones. Which you might have known, had you read a single word of it.
“We now understand why clones fail, which can lead to improvements in the process of cloning of animals,” said Lewin. But, he cautioned, “Our discoveries also reinforce the need for a strict ban on human cloning for any purposes.”

Cow Gene Study Shows Why Most Clones Fail

Only a monster would advocate for putting a human through this.

You didnt read a single word of that article, did you? Nope, you didnt. You used a narrowly tailored Google search to find an agreeable headline in hopes of presenting "evidence" for an opinion you had already formed without evidence. That alone is dishonest, but it gets beter. The article talks about pregnancy failures, not defects in adult clones. Which you might have known, had you read a single word of it.

Lets see, I should believe you over scientists who have studied this for over a decade and who state:

“Our discoveries also reinforce the need for a strict ban on human cloning for any purposes.”
Well, I think it is kind of unethical. I am not religious and my opinion is not based on religious reasons. I just don't think it is a very good idea to produce even more people. Enough people are created the old fashioned way! Why do you want to add to our problems by creating more of them with "unnatural" processes?
Well, I think it is kind of unethical. I am not religious and my opinion is not based on religious reasons. I just don't think it is a very good idea to produce even more people. Enough people are created the old fashioned way! Why do you want to add to our problems by creating more of them with "unnatural" processes?

It makes no sense unless it is for devious or downright evil purposes. Creating exact duplicates in the hope for immortality, for exact duplicates for organ transplants, or so that lesbians can claim they have children with only their DNA.

Hell, it was even addressed by the United Nations:


But I guess there is a mindset out there that thinks because something can be done, it should be. Even if that "thing" could result in suffering infants born with maladies that would result in certain painful death.
Well, I think it is kind of unethical. I am not religious and my opinion is not based on religious reasons. I just don't think it is a very good idea to produce even more people. Enough people are created the old fashioned way! Why do you want to add to our problems by creating more of them with "unnatural" processes?

It makes no sense unless it is for devious or downright evil purposes. Creating exact duplicates in the hope for immortality, for exact duplicates for organ transplants, or so that lesbians can claim they have children with only their DNA.

Hell, it was even addressed by the United Nations:


But I guess there is a mindset out there that thinks because something can be done, it should be. Even if that "thing" could result in suffering infants born with maladies that would result in certain painful death.
A bit of a mish-mash. For sure, your concerns about cloning for organ donation..or even brain transplants in the hope of immortality, are valid. I hope more for the cloning of individual organs as an ethical way to use this emerging tech. I think the whole lesbian thing is distraction--how many lesbians would rather an expensive cloning process than a simple in utero fertilization?

All science suggests that a clone would have no additional defects...if done correctly...the real horror story might be in how many iterations are needed before a viable healthy fetus is created. Do you just flush the mistakes?
Well, I think it is kind of unethical. I am not religious and my opinion is not based on religious reasons. I just don't think it is a very good idea to produce even more people. Enough people are created the old fashioned way! Why do you want to add to our problems by creating more of them with "unnatural" processes?
So that lesbians can make men irrelevant.
Well, I think it is kind of unethical. I am not religious and my opinion is not based on religious reasons. I just don't think it is a very good idea to produce even more people. Enough people are created the old fashioned way! Why do you want to add to our problems by creating more of them with "unnatural" processes?

It makes no sense unless it is for devious or downright evil purposes. Creating exact duplicates in the hope for immortality, for exact duplicates for organ transplants, or so that lesbians can claim they have children with only their DNA.

Hell, it was even addressed by the United Nations:


But I guess there is a mindset out there that thinks because something can be done, it should be. Even if that "thing" could result in suffering infants born with maladies that would result in certain painful death.
A bit of a mish-mash. For sure, your concerns about cloning for organ donation..or even brain transplants in the hope of immortality, are valid. I hope more for the cloning of individual organs as an ethical way to use this emerging tech. I think the whole lesbian thing is distraction--how many lesbians would rather an expensive cloning process than a simple in utero fertilization?

All science suggests that a clone would have no additional defects...if done correctly...the real horror story might be in how many iterations are needed before a viable healthy fetus is created. Do you just flush the mistakes?

You don't find it rather cruel to create a person by unnatural means for the sole purpose of organ donation?
So, these would be human beings with all of the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. You can't just use them to harvest their organs. That is extremely unethical, IMO. They would have to be adults of consenting and able to sign a legal contract and willingly donate their organs in any case. Of course, organ donation while you are living comes with many risks to your own health. Not something to be taken lightly.
Well, I think it is kind of unethical. I am not religious and my opinion is not based on religious reasons. I just don't think it is a very good idea to produce even more people. Enough people are created the old fashioned way! Why do you want to add to our problems by creating more of them with "unnatural" processes?

It makes no sense unless it is for devious or downright evil purposes. Creating exact duplicates in the hope for immortality, for exact duplicates for organ transplants, or so that lesbians can claim they have children with only their DNA.

Hell, it was even addressed by the United Nations:


But I guess there is a mindset out there that thinks because something can be done, it should be. Even if that "thing" could result in suffering infants born with maladies that would result in certain painful death.
A bit of a mish-mash. For sure, your concerns about cloning for organ donation..or even brain transplants in the hope of immortality, are valid. I hope more for the cloning of individual organs as an ethical way to use this emerging tech. I think the whole lesbian thing is distraction--how many lesbians would rather an expensive cloning process than a simple in utero fertilization?

All science suggests that a clone would have no additional defects...if done correctly...the real horror story might be in how many iterations are needed before a viable healthy fetus is created. Do you just flush the mistakes?

You don't find it rather cruel to create a person by unnatural means for the sole purpose of organ donation?
I do..find it completely wrong..where in my post did you derive that I thought it was right??

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