We Can Thank China for Covid, a Recession and Biden

China not only inflicted Biden on the US, but a pandemic on the world. I understand you are grateful for their help on electing Biden, but for killing millions of people in the world?
You may take your orders from China, but the 81 million Americans who voted to dump the Trump did not.

Did Loser's praise of Xi and his fake claim that he had the pandemic "under control!" as he falsely insisted that "Everybody's getting better!" before leading the US to over 27,000,000 confirmed cases and over 463,000 dead contribute to the consensus regarding his failure to lead?

Quite possibly.

Mewling that China made him do it is pathetic.
China not only inflicted Biden on the US, but a pandemic on the world. I understand you are grateful for their help on electing Biden, but for killing millions of people in the world?
You may take your orders from China, but the 81 million Americans who voted to dump the Trump did not.

Did Loser's praise of Xi and his fake claim that he had the pandemic "under control!" as he falsely insisted that "Everybody's getting better!" before leading the US to over 27,000,000 confirmed cases and over 463,000 dead contribute to the consensus regarding his failure to lead?

Quite possibly.

Mewling that China made him do it is pathetic.
I just don't get your love of China. Doesn't it bother you that they have essentially killed millions of people, or, in your mind, was that a fair price for getting Biden elected?
You may take your orders from China, but the 81 million Americans who voted to dump the Trump did not.

Did Loser's praise of Xi and his fake claim that he had the pandemic "under control!" as he falsely insisted that "Everybody's getting better!" before leading the US to over 27,000,000 confirmed cases and over 463,000 dead contribute to the consensus regarding his failure to lead?

Quite possibly.

Mewling that China made him do it is pathetic.
Trump was merely repeating what everyone was claiming at the time...Fauci, Pelosi, Cuomo, Schumer etc.
They were ALL claiming that everyone should go party in China town and this blip on the health radar screen
would work itself out.

Using your 20/20 hindsight to trash the person who lives rent free in the minds of leftists is disingenuous
to say the least. And then on top of that you begrudge Trump any credit at all for expediting a covid vaccine
for this Chinese based pandemic.

But even acknowledging all that, the sickest thing of all is the way the left is maniacally carrying out this
hate filled vendetta against the man they fear more than anyone. It's truly sick.
I just don't get your love of China.
I don't blame you. It is a figment of your imagination that you are entirely correct to question.

As I stated clearly earlier in this thread, "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China."

I thought Trump was blowing gas when he praised Xi:

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 10.45.25 AM.png

“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China.
He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus.
Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads
what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!”

I don't, of course, pretend that China is responsible for Trump's lies minimizing the threat from the pandemic that has subsequently ravaged the United States. His lies are well-documented -
What Donald Trump has said about Covid-19 – a recap
I just don't get your love of China.
I don't blame you. It is a figment of your imagination that you are entirely correct to question.

As I stated clearly earlier in this thread, "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China."

I thought Trump was blowing gas when he praised Xi:

View attachment 453877
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China.
He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus.
Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads
what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!”

I don't, of course, pretend that China is responsible for Trump's lies minimizing the threat from the pandemic that has subsequently ravaged the United States. His lies are well-documented -
What Donald Trump has said about Covid-19 – a recap
So, millions dead is OK since Trump praised Xi before the pandemic that got Biden elected?

You're pretty sick!
Trump was merely repeating what everyone was claiming at the time...Fauci, Pelosi, Cuomo, Schumer etc.
They were ALL claiming that everyone should go party in China town and this blip on the health radar screen​
would work itself out.
No, they were not.

On February 24, Speaker Pelosi said,

Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come. It’s lovely here. The food is delicious, the shops are prospering, the parade was great. Walking tours continue. Please come and visit and enjoy Chinatown.​
In fact, Chinatown did not constitute any special threat that would have distinguished it from any other popular tourist site.

China's culpability is in no way absolved by Trump's relentless lies, incompetence, and failure to lead over the months that the pandemic was raging and dire warnings by the medical community sounding..
On February 24, Speaker Pelosi said,

Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come. It’s lovely here. The food is delicious, the shops are prospering, the parade was great. Walking tours continue. Please come and visit and enjoy Chinatown.In fact, Chinatown did not constitute any special threat that would have distinguished it from any other popular tourist site.

China's culpability is in no way absolved by Trump's relentless lies, incompetence, and failure to lead over the months that the pandemic was raging and dire warnings by the medical community sounding..
So you are claiming Pelosi and the lot of those thieves didn't invite people to come visit Chinatown
(to please their allies in China, no doubt) and hang out yet you post a plea from Pelosi begging people
to do just that....don't stay at home and isolate yourself. forget social distancing.
Just come on down to Chinatown and have fun.

Trump never said that. Pelosi did. You should read what you post sometime.
So you are claiming Pelosi and the lot of those thieves didn't invite people to come visit Chinatown
No, you can claim that if you need to. I said what I said.

The reality that you seem incapable of accepting is that Americans largely concur that Trump's continually lying about the pandemic, minimizing its seriousness, and scoffing at sensible precautions to prevent its transmittal contributed to his making the U.S. the #1 nation in confirmed cases and deaths.

His dismal record in confronting the pandemic was a major factor in his defeat that he was far too insecure to accept with grace and dignity. Rather, he only disgraced himself further following his defeat, deluding his goons with the absurd claim of a "landslide!" victory, threatening public servants of integrity if they did not falsify the vote for him, and inciting a deadly insurrection to prevent the proper conducting of democracy by Congress.

September 13, 2020
Most Americans are skeptical of Trump's performance on the coronavirus pandemic -- disapproving of his response, disbelieving of his rhetoric on the virus and critical of what they view as his lagging approach to containing it, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds.
Trump's approval for his handling of COVID-19 lands at 35% in the new survey, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, compared to 65% who disapprove. This marks the fourth straight poll with Trump's COVID response approval hovering in the low-to-mid 30s since early July.
Roughly two-thirds of the country think the president acted too slowly in responding to the outbreak and also distrust what he has said about the coronavirus -- a precarious reality for Trump who is facing reelection in less than two months in a campaign largely seen as a referendum on his response to the unprecedented crisis.
trump cultists have to have their boogiemen.
Scapegoats abound in TrumpWorld. An idol who is far to weak a character to ever honestly admit to failure requires a cult eager to lash out at others.
No, you can claim that if you need to. I said what I said.

I know. That's why I quoted you to show how contradictory and redundant your words were.

The reality that you seem incapable of accepting is that Americans largely concur that Trump's continually lying about the pandemic, minimizing its seriousness, and scoffing at sensible precautions to prevent its transmittal contributed to his making the U.S. the #1 nation in confirmed cases and deaths.
I know that too. Should I repeat how Trump's message, early on, was just the same as Nancy Pelosi's
i.e. to go out and mingle with others, have fun, spend money, etc.?
Your very own posting of Pelosi's words confirm that and I thank you for that. However why do you only mention what Trump said and not Pelosi, Fauci, Cuomo and the others who all had the same message?

Must be an oversight.

His dismal record in confronting the pandemic was a major factor in his defeat that he was far too insecure to accept with grace and dignity.
Nobody gets robbed and accepts it with
"grace and dignity".

Rather, he only disgraced himself further following his defeat, deluding his goons with the absurd claim of a "landslide!" victory, threatening public servants of integrity if they did not falsify the vote for him, and inciting a deadly insurrection to prevent the proper conducting of democracy by Congress.
Your talking points are old and stale, like your "humor". Trump threatened no one. Incited nothing.
And Trump was indeed cruising to a landslide win until the night all the vote counting stopped
mysteriously and without precedent.
There are many law suits still working their way through the courts. Some journalists like the ones at Time
are dissecting the anatomy of a crime and your childish version of what happened will slowly
correct itself as more facts emerge.
No, the communist Chinese cocksuckers aren’t telling you what they know about the virus. They are culpable.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
Coming from a guy who’s only making as much as you are because you’re in a fucking union.

Reagan was the first president to start breaking unions. Since him union membership has declined from 35% of our workforce to 10%. And since then wages haven’t kept up with inflation but non union ceos are making more than ever.

Can new teachers today make as much As you do? No? Do they get pensions like you do? no? Then blame reagaan.

And you should thank your union you ungrateful loser
I told you that you need to stop guessing, dumb ass.
Where was I wrong? You didn’t answer one question
You’re wasting your time. He doesn’t understand English.
He doesn’t know how to have a normal conversation. He’s like Kane on Kung fu. Only he’s Kung fool.
No, the communist Chinese cocksuckers aren’t telling you what they know about the virus. They are culpable.
A competent president would have been honest and prepared for the virus....Instead we had a virus denier who said over and over that COVID would miraculously go away. The science denier lied about everything from his miraculous cure to the use of masks. The virus...the recession...the deaths can be laid at trump's feet. That is why he is in Florida now...instead of the White House.
China wins with all three. The map to China's world domination and the decline of the West is clear. They are a brilliant people, you've got to give them that.
The recession is trumps fault. He knew the pandemic was serious in February last year and decided not to tell us. That’s what he told bob Woodward.

Do you ever blame trump for anything? Skata for brains.
sure do...for not running in 2012...that way barrag couldnt have donated millions to create the chinese flu
No, the communist Chinese cocksuckers aren’t telling you what they know about the virus. They are culpable.
A competent president would have been honest and prepared for the virus....Instead we had a virus denier who said over and over that COVID would miraculously go away. The science denier lied about everything from his miraculous cure to the use of masks. The virus...the recession...the deaths can be laid at trump's feet. That is why he is in Florida now...instead of the White House.
a competant AMERICAn wouldnt believe a fucking thing out of the quack dr fakey..or the demonRATs...they dont even believe themselves
China wins with all three. The map to China's world domination and the decline of the West is clear. They are a brilliant people, you've got to give them that.
Nah. Now they we have an adult leader again we will do well.
beijing xiden? lol..80 year old geriatric, dementia ridden, communist supporter, and treasonist...wow, you are 1 fucked up individual. dont forget the whore . 80 yr old piece of shit---the best the demonRATs have.....fucking scary thought
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
All on the backs of the American consumer and tax-payer moron.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
All on the backs of the American consumer and tax-payer moron.
Lol. You know nothing.

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