We Can Thank China for Covid, a Recession and Biden

Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.

This is not 25 years ago. People know quite a bit now. Despite the CCP‘s efforts at censoring reality.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
They do this while ignoring the 16 years of D presidents, since Reagan. They’re almost as crazy as your belief that Dishonest Abe is great.
Biden is trying to help unions right now. Republicans will stop him. So we are right to blame republicans for being anti labor.
Lol. The Ds are just as much anti labor as the Rs. You partisans are so fucking blind and so easily duped by your party leadership.

It doesn't get any more anti-labor than flooding the country with untold millions of illegal immigrants to work under the table.

They wouldn't be coming here if they weren't being hired. Bipartisan, good cop bad cop.
You know...trump could have been re-elected if he had shown any degree of competence and empathy. All he had to do was to say, COVID is real and it is a danger. He knew that as early as December 2019. But he was more interested in his political future than he was in the well being of Americans. So...he lied and he denied and people died. Simple as that.

COVID may have started in China, but the denial and lies that trump made sealed the fate of thousands of Americans. History books will remember trump as the president who denied a deadly pandemic which resulted in the deaths of thousands.

I agree Trump was dismal in his entire public handling of Covid.

HOWEVER, it wouldn't have mattered what he would have done, and what measures were attempted, Americans last February, March, April would NEVER have been willing to comply with orders to mask up, stay at home, close all restaurants, etc etc etc.
The virus was going to quickly spread in the general population, regardless of who was in the WH. This is why the blame needs to be placed squarely on China.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
They do this while ignoring the 16 years of D presidents, since Reagan. They’re almost as crazy as your belief that Dishonest Abe is great.
Biden is trying to help unions right now. Republicans will stop him. So we are right to blame republicans for being anti labor.
Lol. The Ds are just as much anti labor as the Rs. You partisans are so fucking blind and so easily duped by your party leadership.

It doesn't get any more anti-labor than flooding the country with untold millions of illegal immigrants to work under the table.

They wouldn't be coming here if they weren't being hired. Bipartisan, good cop bad cop.
Yes. Illegal immigration is yet another issue both parties agree on.
You know...trump could have been re-elected if he had shown any degree of competence and empathy. All he had to do was to say, COVID is real and it is a danger. He knew that as early as December 2019. But he was more interested in his political future than he was in the well being of Americans. So...he lied and he denied and people died. Simple as that.

COVID may have started in China, but the denial and lies that trump made sealed the fate of thousands of Americans. History books will remember trump as the president who denied a deadly pandemic which resulted in the deaths of thousands.

I agree Trump was dismal in his entire public handling of Covid.

HOWEVER, it wouldn't have mattered what he would have done, and what measures were attempted, Americans last February, March, April would NEVER have been willing to comply with orders to mask up, stay at home, close all restaurants, etc etc etc.
The virus was going to quickly spread in the general population, regardless of who was in the WH. This is why the blame needs to be placed squarely on China.
Tens of Thousands if people died due to trump's incompetence. Do you need to see the study that showed the number? It was trump's incompetence that put us in the position we are in. VOTERS SAUD IT LOUD AND CLEAR!
China wins with all three. The map to China's world domination and the decline of the West is clear. They are a brilliant people, you've got to give them that.
Nah. Now they we have an adult leader again we will do well.
this is an authoritarian regime with global domination and America's collapse as it's only goal...we cannot turn a blind eye to it, my friends!
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
They do this while ignoring the 16 years of D presidents, since Reagan. They’re almost as crazy as your belief that Dishonest Abe is great.
Biden is trying to help unions right now. Republicans will stop him. So we are right to blame republicans for being anti labor.
Lol. The Ds are just as much anti labor as the Rs. You partisans are so fucking blind and so easily duped by your party leadership.
You conservatives can never admit when republicans are worse than democrats. In every situation where republicans are worse the best we can get from you is they are equally bad.

Youre a republican and can’t even admit it. sad.
The fact that "China wins all three"!

Awesome for them, maybe. I don't buy it either way.
Who said it’s 25 years ago statist dupe?

I said it is NOT, dumbass. YOU really need to work on your reading skills.
Gipper is a Lunatic
And unkotare is a hypocrite

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