We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
We are a nation of centralist, people who do not post on political forums, demonstrate, call talk shows, and rarely state their opinion on political issues except with their immediate family and friends. Today 43% of Americans do not identify themselves with either party. They favor and oppose issues of both parties. These are the people who decide our elections. They may vote for a democrat in one election, a republican the next, and if they don't like the candidates, they don't vote.

I've been posting on USMB for about 9 years and believe me, the people on USMB are not representative of the general public. If they were, we would be in a civil war.
What has me concerned is that this behavior has clearly been spreading across our culture over the last few years. Partisan politics is everywhere now, you can't escape it.

Those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and hateful (I call them the Division Pimps) are getting exactly what they want, and we appear to be happy to give it to them.

I hope it's just my own perception. But I think a lot of people agree with me, the chasm is growing.
That is the picture of America as presented by the Media which grossly exaggerates almost everything. I have not seen that in my friends and acquaintances, both conservatives and liberals.
Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.

Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Because you cannot explain your statements?

I'm a heterosexual woman. I do fine. Why do you have to be such a coward to resort in sexual remarks rather than making your case? Have you no legitimate response? Go on. Show me the female involvement in any occasion that resulted in the deaths of male persons. Keep in mind the history of female citizens being permitted to vote in our respective countries.

Nope. Not falling for the bait. Please KYS. Thanks.

Feels bad knowing there are people like you out there. Damn ... no wonder men are paranoid these days.

I'll just leave this here as well, to answer your (really retarded) question:

White feather - Wikipedia

So we are revealing our cowards. So be it. Men who cannot be adult men: they can fuck and nothing other.. So disgusting. There are honorable heterosexual men in our country and in this whole world. Just not you. Tragedy.
Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.

Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Because you cannot explain your statements?

I'm a heterosexual woman. I do fine. Why do you have to be such a coward to resort in sexual remarks rather than making your case? Have you no legitimate response? Go on. Show me the female involvement in any occasion that resulted in the deaths of male persons. Keep in mind the history of female citizens being permitted to vote in our respective countries.

Nope. Not falling for the bait. Please KYS. Thanks.

Feels bad knowing there are people like you out there. Damn ... no wonder men are paranoid these days.

I'll just leave this here as well, to answer your (really retarded) question:

White feather - Wikipedia

So we are revealing our cowards. So be it. Men who cannot be adult men: they can fuck and nothing other.. So disgusting. There are honorable heterosexual men in our country and in this whole world. Just not you. Tragedy.

You asked what women had to do with war.

The answer? They condoned it. They liked it. Women have played a crucial role in all wars. They just don't fight because they suck at fighting. They also suck at the dangerous, dirty, and often poorly paid work that keeps the power on and the roads functional, which is why men have to do almost all of that too.

Sorry the truth hurts, you psychopath.
What has me concerned is that this behavior has clearly been spreading across our culture over the last few years. Partisan politics is everywhere now, you can't escape it.

Those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and hateful (I call them the Division Pimps) are getting exactly what they want, and we appear to be happy to give it to them.

I hope it's just my own perception. But I think a lot of people agree with me, the chasm is growing.

And the growth of the 'chasm' directly correlates with the growth in the scope and reach of government.

The biggest benefit of a constitutional democracy is that it allows a peaceful transfer of power. A constitution that maintains clear limits on government power gives us a bulwark that makes it reasonable to acquiesce when people you disagree with gain power - we can accept our opponents taking over because there's only so much they can do to impact our lives. But, as those limits have been eroded, and government has expanded to touch ever more significant aspects of our lives, it's become harder and harder to accept rule by the opposition.

This is further compounded by our winner-take-all election systems. Under such systems, up to 49% of the population isn't represented. It radicalizes parties and encourages slash and burn politics that push for the most radical things a party can squeeze under the wire (while they are in power), and promotes obstructionist tactics that push all the limits (when they're not).
Last edited:
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
We are a nation of centralist, people who do not post on political forums, demonstrate, call talk shows, and rarely state their opinion on political issues except with their immediate family and friends. Today 43% of Americans do not identify themselves with either party. They favor and oppose issues of both parties. These are the people who decide our elections. They may vote for a democrat in one election, a republican the next, and if they don't like the candidates, they don't vote.

I've been posting on USMB for about 9 years and believe me, the people on USMB are not representative of the general public. If they were, we would be in a civil war.
What has me concerned is that this behavior has clearly been spreading across our culture over the last few years. Partisan politics is everywhere now, you can't escape it.

Those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and hateful (I call them the Division Pimps) are getting exactly what they want, and we appear to be happy to give it to them.

I hope it's just my own perception. But I think a lot of people agree with me, the chasm is growing.
That is the picture of America as presented by the Media which grossly exaggerates almost everything. I have not seen that in my friends and acquaintances, both conservatives and liberals.
I don't pay much attention to the media. This is just my own observation.
What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.

Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Because you cannot explain your statements?

I'm a heterosexual woman. I do fine. Why do you have to be such a coward to resort in sexual remarks rather than making your case? Have you no legitimate response? Go on. Show me the female involvement in any occasion that resulted in the deaths of male persons. Keep in mind the history of female citizens being permitted to vote in our respective countries.

Nope. Not falling for the bait. Please KYS. Thanks.

Feels bad knowing there are people like you out there. Damn ... no wonder men are paranoid these days.

I'll just leave this here as well, to answer your (really retarded) question:

White feather - Wikipedia

So we are revealing our cowards. So be it. Men who cannot be adult men: they can fuck and nothing other.. So disgusting. There are honorable heterosexual men in our country and in this whole world. Just not you. Tragedy.

You asked what women had to do with war.

The answer? They condoned it. They liked it. Women have played a crucial role in all wars. They just don't fight because they suck at fighting. They also suck at the dangerous, dirty, and often poorly paid work that keeps the power on and the roads functional, which is why men have to do almost all of that too.

Sorry the truth hurts, you psychopath.

You tell me how the conflicts are ginned up that result in armed conflicts. Any women there? How was the power turned off and the roads rendered dysfunctional in the first place that someone had to "free" them"? Women? You males create these problems and then set yourselves up as some sort of "heroes." No human being can spent her life, or give his own, for your fantasy of what it means to be a person with a penis.
Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Because you cannot explain your statements?

I'm a heterosexual woman. I do fine. Why do you have to be such a coward to resort in sexual remarks rather than making your case? Have you no legitimate response? Go on. Show me the female involvement in any occasion that resulted in the deaths of male persons. Keep in mind the history of female citizens being permitted to vote in our respective countries.

Nope. Not falling for the bait. Please KYS. Thanks.

Feels bad knowing there are people like you out there. Damn ... no wonder men are paranoid these days.

I'll just leave this here as well, to answer your (really retarded) question:

White feather - Wikipedia

So we are revealing our cowards. So be it. Men who cannot be adult men: they can fuck and nothing other.. So disgusting. There are honorable heterosexual men in our country and in this whole world. Just not you. Tragedy.

You asked what women had to do with war.

The answer? They condoned it. They liked it. Women have played a crucial role in all wars. They just don't fight because they suck at fighting. They also suck at the dangerous, dirty, and often poorly paid work that keeps the power on and the roads functional, which is why men have to do almost all of that too.

Sorry the truth hurts, you psychopath.

You tell me how the conflicts are ginned up that result in armed conflicts. Any women there? How was the power turned off and the roads rendered dysfunctional in the first place that someone had to "free" them"? Women? You males create these problems and then set yourselves up as some sort of "heroes." No human being can spent her life, or give his own, for your fantasy of what it means to be a person with a penis.

You're really trying to tell me that women have had no part in ginning up conflict over the ages? Talk about delusional, lol.

Also, you do realize that our roads and power grids require MAINTENANCE, do you not? They don't just run great into perpetuity unless someone fucks something up.

God, you are an idiot. And it has nothing to do with your genitals. Unlike you, I'm not a judgmental piece of shit that way.
So do you want to talk infrastructure? Do you want to talk power grids (I come from the northeast). Do you want to talk clear water.. If you are in California, Arizona, why have not desalizanation plants been built to service your needs for pure water..

Do you want to talk Vietnam? Those 55,000 plus dead U.S. males lying in their graves?
The left idolize a sexual predator and his hoe who enabled him and attacked his victims again. Oh, and they're the party for women ...

All the women who Clinton banged wanted to get banged... can't get worked up about that.

Fake news, liar. Consent Consment .... Just further proof leftists aren't just wrong, you're immoral

The guy who parrots every Democrat position on every subject for the exact same reason as every other Democrat is talking about kool-aid ...

Meh, not really...

Most of those issues I don't care about other than to piss your side off.

Mostly people just laugh at you. I engage you for fun, that's the only reason. You provide nothing else
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

You're a bigot. You know nothing about Christians. You just hate them and make up stupid shit because you're an angry, hateful little girl
No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you want to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

It's women fighting to get in the army, to work for a living and on sports fields
Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

She owns a lot of cats ...
It is amazing what they came up with during the 113 days of the Constitutional Convention and their ability to compromise over the contentions existing back in their day. It does put to shame today's elected Senators and Representatives.
They didn't compromise. They negotiated. There's a big difference. In a negotiation, each party gets something in exchange for giving something the other party wants. In a compromise, neither partner actually gets what they want. They often settle on some middle ground between two ends of an issue which often produces bad legislation.

Poppycock. Compromise is the result of negotiation.

Three Fifths Compromise - constitution | Laws.com
It is amazing what they came up with during the 113 days of the Constitutional Convention and their ability to compromise over the contentions existing back in their day. It does put to shame today's elected Senators and Representatives.
They didn't compromise. They negotiated. There's a big difference. In a negotiation, each party gets something in exchange for giving something the other party wants. In a compromise, neither partner actually gets what they want. They often settle on some middle ground between two ends of an issue which often produces bad legislation.

Poppycock. Compromise is the result of negotiation.

Three Fifths Compromise - constitution | Laws.com

I'm not a big fan of compromise or negotiation. The only bills that should become law are those both parties can agree to.
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

You're a bigot. You know nothing about Christians. You just hate them and make up stupid shit because you're an angry, hateful little girl

I not only was raised in one of the Christian faiths, of which there are many, I also majored in European history in college. Please state which of the Christian faiths you are from? Roman Catholic? Orthodox? Methodist? Lutheran? Episcopalian? Presbyterian? Quaker? Baptist (which conference)?

I notice, little boy, that you did not respond to the substance of my comment. Do some members of some of the religions that make up "Christianity" do these things or not? Guilty of what I said or not?
Trump has never been a conservative and I have stated that since day one, he is whatever you want him to be which puts him on the right or the left depending on what he thinks will accomplish his goal. That’s why I didn’t vote for him. There is a big difference between conservatives, liberals and then the right and the left, you are on the left which makes you as stupid as those on the right. Liberals and conservatives are more closely aligned with each other than one would think, it is the left and the right that are divisive.

blah, blah, blah, the point is you clowns on the Right get on here and defend him no matter what outrageous thing he does, every day. I just don't want to hear it.
Those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and hateful (I call them the Division Pimps) are getting exactly what they want, and we appear to be happy to give it to them.

Yawn, Stormy Mac, you keep acting like this is anything knew.

Guy, I lived through the 1960's. We are NOWHERE NEAR what we went through then.

There are no "division pimps", "PC Police" "Regressives" or any other groups you think are out there.

There are just liberals who think, unlike you, WE DON'T NEED TWO REPUBLICAN PARTIES! One is doing plenty of damage, all by itself, thank you.
Fake news, liar. Consent Consment .... Just further proof leftists aren't just wrong, you're immoral

Meh, can't get worked up about what two consenting adults do.

What I remember about Clinton today was that we had peace, prosperity, my income went up, my property values doubled.

Bush-43 brought us two recessions, two wars, let a major city get rendered uninhabitable, gave us the biggest economic crash in 80 years, I found myself with a 25% income reduction, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

But Gosh darn, That Bush didn't fuck around behind Laura's back... that's the important thing..

No. No, not really.

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