We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think

There's a huge difference... I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand it.

This is my issue with lefties and righties, they switch with the whim of the party. Conservatives and liberals have values in place that move them in principled decisions based on their values. The lefties and righties jump all over the place and they have the philosophy of do as I say, not as I do.

Again, watching Conservatives at the Cult of Trump.

Christians support a pussy-grabbing womanizer
Free Market types now support protectionism
"Libertarians" are now excusing throwing children into concentration camps.
Defense hawks are now dissing our allies and chumming up to our enemies...

Again, not sure how far you guys are going to support your cult, but do keep on.

I don't oppose Trump because of policies, I oppose him because he's an awful human being who makes us all worse by leading us.

Why do you allow yourself to be led by a person you believe to be an awful human being? Oh, and BTW, Bill Clinton wasn't an awful human being? Yet the left idolized him.

The left idolize a sexual predator and his hoe who enabled him and attacked his victims again. Oh, and they're the party for women ...
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Why do you allow yourself to be led by a person you believe to be an awful human being? Oh, and BTW, Bill Clinton wasn't an awful human being? Yet the left idolized him.

I didn't. Back int he 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed for his impeachment.

I still think he was an awful person. Nowhere near as awful as Trump, and maybe that's our fault as a nation that we didn't make him resign for his transgressions, now we have something much worse.

You never voted Republican in your life. That's just a lame story that you tell because you're too stupid to know how lame it sounds.

You don't even know what the Republican positions are. If you actually were a Republican, you could address Republicans with their actual views. All you do is parrot the talking points the Democrat party taught you like every other leftist.

Why you think that claiming to have been a Republican until one day you woke up and realized government is the solution to all our problems gives you some sort of credibility is just that you're not very smart.

I actually was a Republican. But I left the party because they don't do what they say on fiscal issues and they're wrong on the military and social issues. Again, you don't even know what Republican positions are and you couldn't address their actual views to save your life
Christians support a pussy-grabbing womanizer

Leftists support an actual sexual predator and his hoe who attacks her husband's victims again.

Trump had consent, Bill often didn't. That's an entirely different level
I understand it perfectly fine.

Joe: Groups I oppose are tricking the people who support them

Joe: Groups I support are honest, down to the earth good people who only care about doing the right thing

You're a hypocrite

The NRA sells a dangerous product to people who have no business having them.

PP provides health care to women...

If you can't see the moral difference, that's on you.

The NRA saves lives. Planned Parenthood takes lives
So you decided to switch subject, SOP for you.

Nope... didn't at all.
Conservatives have completely drank deep of the Trump Koolaid. Oh, I'm sure after he wrecks the economy, you will all claim he wasn't a real conservative, like you do for every other Republican who fails miserably.

The guy who parrots every Democrat position on every subject for the exact same reason as every other Democrat is talking about kool-aid ...
The left idolize a sexual predator and his hoe who enabled him and attacked his victims again. Oh, and they're the party for women ...

All the women who Clinton banged wanted to get banged... can't get worked up about that.

The guy who parrots every Democrat position on every subject for the exact same reason as every other Democrat is talking about kool-aid ...

Meh, not really...

Most of those issues I don't care about other than to piss your side off.
So you decided to switch subject, SOP for you.

Nope... didn't at all.
Conservatives have completely drank deep of the Trump Koolaid. Oh, I'm sure after he wrecks the economy, you will all claim he wasn't a real conservative, like you do for every other Republican who fails miserably.

We were talking guns and birth control and you went off on Trump as the new subject.

Trump has never been a conservative and I have stated that since day one, he is whatever you want him to be which puts him on the right or the left depending on what he thinks will accomplish his goal. That’s why I didn’t vote for him. There is a big difference between conservatives, liberals and then the right and the left, you are on the left which makes you as stupid as those on the right. Liberals and conservatives are more closely aligned with each other than one would think, it is the left and the right that are divisive.
Take out the numbers of ethic on ethnic gun crime in the metro areas and gun crime is no more than anywhere else

Ah, the "It's okay, it's only Darkies shooting each other">

Ever notice how quickly the right slips into casual racism when making arguments.

We have 33,000 gun deaths a year. Most countries only have a few hundred.

Post the ethnic break downs
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
We are a nation of centralist, people who do not post on political forums, demonstrate, call talk shows, and rarely state their opinion on political issues except with their immediate family and friends. Today 43% of Americans do not identify themselves with either party. They favor and oppose issues of both parties. These are the people who decide our elections. They may vote for a democrat in one election, a republican the next, and if they don't like the candidates, they don't vote.

I've been posting on USMB for about 9 years and believe me, the people on USMB are not representative of the general public. If they were, we would be in a civil war.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
We are a nation of centralist, people who do not post on political forums, demonstrate, call talk shows, and rarely state their opinion on political issues except with their immediate family and friends. Today 43% of Americans do not identify themselves with either party. They favor and oppose issues of both parties. These are the people who decide our elections. They may vote for a democrat in one election, a republican the next, and if they don't like the candidates, they don't vote.

I've been posting on USMB for about 9 years and believe me, the people on USMB are not representative of the general public. If they were, we would be in a civil war.
What has me concerned is that this behavior has clearly been spreading across our culture over the last few years. Partisan politics is everywhere now, you can't escape it.

Those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and hateful (I call them the Division Pimps) are getting exactly what they want, and we appear to be happy to give it to them.

I hope it's just my own perception. But I think a lot of people agree with me, the chasm is growing.
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you want to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.
No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.
Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.
You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.

Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Also, I hope you don't have a son. If you do, get an abortion. You will ruin his life. Thanks.

Actually, don't have a girl either. We don't need any more people like you around. You'll only turn her into a miserable mess of a creature like yourself anyway.
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  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Talk about twisting, you nuts have to be extreme to make a point, once you do that, you have no point.
So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.

Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Because you cannot explain your statements?

I'm a heterosexual woman. I do fine. Why do you have to be such a coward to resort in sexual remarks rather than making your case? Have you no legitimate response? Go on. Show me the female involvement in any occasion that resulted in the deaths of male persons. Keep in mind the history of female citizens being permitted to vote in our respective countries.
Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you wand to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

Wow. You must have a fulfilling love life.

What does my love life have to do with anything? Please explain.

Well you're clearly a man-hater. So nah; don't think I need to explain anything to you. Not worth the time or effort.

Because you cannot explain your statements?

I'm a heterosexual woman. I do fine. Why do you have to be such a coward to resort in sexual remarks rather than making your case? Have you no legitimate response? Go on. Show me the female involvement in any occasion that resulted in the deaths of male persons. Keep in mind the history of female citizens being permitted to vote in our respective countries.

Nope. Not falling for the bait. Please KYS. Thanks.

Feels bad knowing there are people like you out there. Damn ... no wonder men are paranoid these days.

I'll just leave this here as well, to answer your (really retarded) question:

White feather - Wikipedia
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It is amazing what they came up with during the 113 days of the Constitutional Convention and their ability to compromise over the contentions existing back in their day. It does put to shame today's elected Senators and Representatives.
They didn't compromise. They negotiated. There's a big difference. In a negotiation, each party gets something in exchange for giving something the other party wants. In a compromise, neither partner actually gets what they want. They often settle on some middle ground between two ends of an issue which often produces bad legislation.

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