We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

You made up 43, it's not within 10 times that. Most of those are suicides not shooting a family member and they ignore where a gun provides defense without killing anyone.

Um, actually that came from the Kellerman Study. And when the NRA heard about the Kellerman study, they rushed off right to Congress and INSISTED the CDC never, ever do a study like that again!!!

Also, you're deflecting from your moonbat conspiracy theory that there's a national conspiracy of criminals trying to trick people into shooting each other and criminals are going to just take their guns. And remember your ridiculous claim you were in the military? Now you want to not be allowed to have a gun because you're going to shoot people like Yosemite Sam and criminals are going to take your gun from you.

Here's the thing. Before I was allowed to have a gun in the military, I was put through 8 weeks of intensive training. I was only allowed to have the gun and ammunition in very controlled circumstances under the strict supervision of superior officers. You could even say my weapon usage was "Well-Regulated".

Of course, the National Rampage Association wants crooks and crazies to have guns. That way the rest of you tiny dicked fools will be scared and want them, too.

And again, this is your standard, right? So abortions should be illegal for everyone because there are some stupid people out there who will abuse them, so we should all be prohibited from using them? That's what you just said.

Naw, I want stupid people to get abortions. I'm all for the stupids aborting themselves out of the gene pool.

Normally, I'd have no problem with the stupid people offing themselves with guns, but too many of them end up shooting kids in schools or folks who just went out to see a movie.

Kellerman wasn't a real study. It was an attempt to support a predetermined outcome.

And so just to be clear. Your rights, including your right to protect yourself, your home, and your family can be void if someone produces a study. That's what you're arguing, you stand behind that.

I do like though your admission gun expert (sic) that you're actually Yosemite Sam who just shoots up your neighborhood
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think
Take out the numbers of ethic on ethnic gun crime in the metro areas and gun crime is no more than anywhere else

Ah, the "It's okay, it's only Darkies shooting each other">

Ever notice how quickly the right slips into casual racism when making arguments.

We have 33,000 gun deaths a year. Most countries only have a few hundred.
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think

This is my issue with lefties and righties, they switch with the whim of the party. Conservatives and liberals have values in place that move them in principled decisions based on their values. The lefties and righties jump all over the place and they have the philosophy of do as I say, not as I do.
There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think

There's a huge difference... I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand it.

This is my issue with lefties and righties, they switch with the whim of the party. Conservatives and liberals have values in place that move them in principled decisions based on their values. The lefties and righties jump all over the place and they have the philosophy of do as I say, not as I do.

Again, watching Conservatives at the Cult of Trump.

Christians support a pussy-grabbing womanizer
Free Market types now support protectionism
"Libertarians" are now excusing throwing children into concentration camps.
Defense hawks are now dissing our allies and chumming up to our enemies...

Again, not sure how far you guys are going to support your cult, but do keep on.

I don't oppose Trump because of policies, I oppose him because he's an awful human being who makes us all worse by leading us.
There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think

There's a huge difference... I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand it.

This is my issue with lefties and righties, they switch with the whim of the party. Conservatives and liberals have values in place that move them in principled decisions based on their values. The lefties and righties jump all over the place and they have the philosophy of do as I say, not as I do.

Again, watching Conservatives at the Cult of Trump.

Christians support a pussy-grabbing womanizer
Free Market types now support protectionism
"Libertarians" are now excusing throwing children into concentration camps.
Defense hawks are now dissing our allies and chumming up to our enemies...

Again, not sure how far you guys are going to support your cult, but do keep on.

I don't oppose Trump because of policies, I oppose him because he's an awful human being who makes us all worse by leading us.

Why do you allow yourself to be led by a person you believe to be an awful human being? Oh, and BTW, Bill Clinton wasn't an awful human being? Yet the left idolized him.
Why do you allow yourself to be led by a person you believe to be an awful human being? Oh, and BTW, Bill Clinton wasn't an awful human being? Yet the left idolized him.

I didn't. Back int he 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed for his impeachment.

I still think he was an awful person. Nowhere near as awful as Trump, and maybe that's our fault as a nation that we didn't make him resign for his transgressions, now we have something much worse.
There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think

There's a huge difference... I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand it.

This is my issue with lefties and righties, they switch with the whim of the party. Conservatives and liberals have values in place that move them in principled decisions based on their values. The lefties and righties jump all over the place and they have the philosophy of do as I say, not as I do.

Again, watching Conservatives at the Cult of Trump.

Christians support a pussy-grabbing womanizer
Free Market types now support protectionism
"Libertarians" are now excusing throwing children into concentration camps.
Defense hawks are now dissing our allies and chumming up to our enemies...

Again, not sure how far you guys are going to support your cult, but do keep on.

I don't oppose Trump because of policies, I oppose him because he's an awful human being who makes us all worse by leading us.

So you decided to switch subject, SOP for you.
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It is amazing what they came up with during the 113 days of the Constitutional Convention and their ability to compromise over the contentions existing back in their day. It does put to shame today's elected Senators and Representatives.
It is amazing what they came up with during the 113 days of the Constitutional Convention and their ability to compromise over the contentions existing back in their day. It does put to shame today's elected Senators and Representatives.

I agree so much work to do and to let petty politics and BS control the politics of today.
Any crook or crazy worth shooting is worth shooting twice.

Yeah, the problem is, they end up shooting a lot of people, and rarely are shot by the "good guy with a gun" who isn't a police officer.

Actually it's almost always criminals who do that. You know, the ones you have no actual plan to disarm.

It's just that every time you see a gun you cry
So Planned Parenthood is "tricking" people into getting abortions. The ACLU is tricking people into committing crimes. Got it.

No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help
There is no difference, you're a hypocrite. Your standard on issues changes based on what the Democrats tell you to think

I understand it perfectly fine.

Joe: Groups I oppose are tricking the people who support them

Joe: Groups I support are honest, down to the earth good people who only care about doing the right thing

You're a hypocrite
So you decided to switch subject, SOP for you.

Nope... didn't at all.
Conservatives have completely drank deep of the Trump Koolaid. Oh, I'm sure after he wrecks the economy, you will all claim he wasn't a real conservative, like you do for every other Republican who fails miserably.
I understand it perfectly fine.

Joe: Groups I oppose are tricking the people who support them

Joe: Groups I support are honest, down to the earth good people who only care about doing the right thing

You're a hypocrite

The NRA sells a dangerous product to people who have no business having them.

PP provides health care to women...

If you can't see the moral difference, that's on you.

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