We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

Why are either of those answers what I want to hear? Why do I care if he says he's innocent?

You really don't think things through.

Joe: Criminals are pleasers, they do what they think you want them to do

Yeah ...

Again, I'm sure if a gun nut asks them if they are afraid of guns... they'll tell them how manly they are with a gun that is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than him.

Then he'll snicker, wait until you're not home, and then help himself to a free gun.

You made up 43, it's not within 10 times that. Most of those are suicides not shooting a family member and they ignore where a gun provides defense without killing anyone.

Also, you're deflecting from your moonbat conspiracy theory that there's a national conspiracy of criminals trying to trick people into shooting each other and criminals are going to just take their guns. And remember your ridiculous claim you were in the military? Now you want to not be allowed to have a gun because you're going to shoot people like Yosemite Sam and criminals are going to take your gun from you.

And again, this is your standard, right? So abortions should be illegal for everyone because there are some stupid people out there who will abuse them, so we should all be prohibited from using them? That's what you just said.

No matter how you slice it, you're full of shit, Joe
No, so I googled them.

Looks pretty impressive. Below, they appear to have some kind of "initiation" for a new member, not unlike something we may have seen in "Animal House".

Here they are in a constructive conversation, er, violent street clash with members of another intellectual organization, Antifa:

Here's another meeting of the minds, committed to demonstrating the mature and rational conversation that - okay, no, it's actually another street fight:

And here is a fascinating expose on someone who appears to be a member of this Proud Boys think tank, and says: "I think being a man requires four things: You have to have broken a heart, you have to break someone's heart, you have to beat the shit out of someone, and you have to have the shit beaten out of you" - fascinating and challenging words of wisdom as we endeavor to create a better America:

Thanks for the tip. It's certainly good to have a new, thoughtful, reasonable, intellectual argument in the conversation.

That is Davin Mcinnes, founder of the group. I've seen him on a number of more formal discussion panels and he does hold his own on the thoughtful and serious intellectual arguments.

The group is primarily a male bonding and support thing. THe initiation seems relative harmless.

Their take on western chauvinism was more what I was referring to.

It answers some of the Anti-Americanism of the left's, encouraging "pride" for the most maligned group, ie straight white guys, while being completely accessible and open to any guy, regardless of race or sexual orientation to join in and be a member.

That is a refutation, of identity politics and a potentially unifying force as an idea.

I would think you would be intrigued.

No. Looking at their stuff, this is nothing more to me than a right wing Antifa.

Fighting and yelling and sloganeering inside a closed tribe only makes things worse. If this is the best people can come up with, it's clear to me that what I have read is true - it has been so long that we've communicated like adults that we've literally lost that skill. All we know how to do is scream and grunt.

That concerns me very much.

The Left has been yelling at us, for a long time now. We need people to yell back. Or we lose.

The Left has been fighting us, with violence. We need people to fight back. Or we lose.

Mcinnes, and from what little I've seen of others in this group, others, are certainly able to engage in serious debate.

Tell me what you think of this one. Less than three minutes.

I'm assuming the guy was being serious.

Holy shit, even Hannity was embarrassed. That's not easy to do.

If this bag of simplistic, ignorant generalizations is the best this guy has, I know all I need to know about this group.

You do know that one of the prime drivers of the "pay gap" is that women do more often choose family over career, right?

What McInnes said, was factually correct. That he said in completely unapologeticly and in her face, was a good thing.

Your point about even Hannity being embarrassed, is true. The regressive left has created a world were speaking the Truth is shocking.

Well, okay, if you think something is being improved somehow.

I'm the first to admit that I don't know what the actual goal of this stuff is.
That is Davin Mcinnes, founder of the group. I've seen him on a number of more formal discussion panels and he does hold his own on the thoughtful and serious intellectual arguments.

The group is primarily a male bonding and support thing. THe initiation seems relative harmless.

Their take on western chauvinism was more what I was referring to.

It answers some of the Anti-Americanism of the left's, encouraging "pride" for the most maligned group, ie straight white guys, while being completely accessible and open to any guy, regardless of race or sexual orientation to join in and be a member.

That is a refutation, of identity politics and a potentially unifying force as an idea.

I would think you would be intrigued.
No. Looking at their stuff, this is nothing more to me than a right wing Antifa.

Fighting and yelling and sloganeering inside a closed tribe only makes things worse. If this is the best people can come up with, it's clear to me that what I have read is true - it has been so long that we've communicated like adults that we've literally lost that skill. All we know how to do is scream and grunt.

That concerns me very much.

The Left has been yelling at us, for a long time now. We need people to yell back. Or we lose.

The Left has been fighting us, with violence. We need people to fight back. Or we lose.

Mcinnes, and from what little I've seen of others in this group, others, are certainly able to engage in serious debate.

Tell me what you think of this one. Less than three minutes.

I'm assuming the guy was being serious.

Holy shit, even Hannity was embarrassed. That's not easy to do.

If this bag of simplistic, ignorant generalizations is the best this guy has, I know all I need to know about this group.

That's why she told Hannity to stop laughing? He was embarassed? Did you watch the whole video?

I don't know if he was serious or not. Certainly his view was way exaggerated. But the fact is that women in the workplace overall do make the choice to limit their hours for the family more than men do. She would have made a far better argument for her position if she acknowledged that but said his statement of it was hyperbole, which it was. Denying it made her look as ignorant as he is. I don't get why the left insists on being so black and white about everything
That is Davin Mcinnes, founder of the group. I've seen him on a number of more formal discussion panels and he does hold his own on the thoughtful and serious intellectual arguments.

The group is primarily a male bonding and support thing. THe initiation seems relative harmless.

Their take on western chauvinism was more what I was referring to.

It answers some of the Anti-Americanism of the left's, encouraging "pride" for the most maligned group, ie straight white guys, while being completely accessible and open to any guy, regardless of race or sexual orientation to join in and be a member.

That is a refutation, of identity politics and a potentially unifying force as an idea.

I would think you would be intrigued.
No. Looking at their stuff, this is nothing more to me than a right wing Antifa.

Fighting and yelling and sloganeering inside a closed tribe only makes things worse. If this is the best people can come up with, it's clear to me that what I have read is true - it has been so long that we've communicated like adults that we've literally lost that skill. All we know how to do is scream and grunt.

That concerns me very much.

The Left has been yelling at us, for a long time now. We need people to yell back. Or we lose.

The Left has been fighting us, with violence. We need people to fight back. Or we lose.

Mcinnes, and from what little I've seen of others in this group, others, are certainly able to engage in serious debate.

Tell me what you think of this one. Less than three minutes.

I'm assuming the guy was being serious.

Holy shit, even Hannity was embarrassed. That's not easy to do.

If this bag of simplistic, ignorant generalizations is the best this guy has, I know all I need to know about this group.

You do know that one of the prime drivers of the "pay gap" is that women do more often choose family over career, right?

What McInnes said, was factually correct. That he said in completely unapologeticly and in her face, was a good thing.

Your point about even Hannity being embarrassed, is true. The regressive left has created a world were speaking the Truth is shocking.

Well, okay, if you think something is being improved somehow.

I'm the first to admit that I don't know what the actual goal of this stuff is.

You called what he said, "bag of simplistic, ignorant generalizations"

Why? Surely you've heard those points being made before. SO you know that they are, even if you don't agree with them, valid points.

We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.

It is a good thing.
We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.
It is a good thing.
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.
We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.
It is a good thing.
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.
It is a good thing.
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
McInnes was telling other people, particularly women, what they think, what they should think, and how to live their lives. For their own good. I think we have more than enough authoritarians running around.

We have decided that attacks, hyperbole and violence are the only way to achieve our goals (and I'm still not sure what those are). I don't how that can be intelligently defended. If we're giving up on using our minds, let's at least admit it.
We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.
It is a good thing.
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
McInnes was telling other people, particularly women, what they think, what they should think, and how to live their lives. For their own good. I think we have more than enough authoritarians running around.

He made a correct point about how and why women, generally make certain choices (is family over career), and gave his opinion on what that means. He did not give his advice to that specific woman, until she literally asked for it.

It would have been Authoritarian, if he wanted government policy to force that. Which he does not.

It is feminists who want to use government power to force equality of outcome that most women do not want.

We have decided that attacks, hyperbole and violence are the only way to achieve our goals (and I'm still not sure what those are). I don't how that can be intelligently defended. If we're giving up on using our minds, let's at least admit it.

He made an intelligent point, and argued it intelligently. The woman is the one that flipped out and started attacking him.
We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.
It is a good thing.
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
McInnes was telling other people, particularly women, what they think, what they should think, and how to live their lives. For their own good. I think we have more than enough authoritarians running around.

He made a correct point about how and why women, generally make certain choices (is family over career), and gave his opinion on what that means. He did not give his advice to that specific woman, until she literally asked for it.

It would have been Authoritarian, if he wanted government policy to force that. Which he does not.

It is feminists who want to use government power to force equality of outcome that most women do not want.

We have decided that attacks, hyperbole and violence are the only way to achieve our goals (and I'm still not sure what those are). I don't how that can be intelligently defended. If we're giving up on using our minds, let's at least admit it.

He made an intelligent point, and argued it intelligently. The woman is the one that flipped out and started attacking him.
Okay. I realize there are people who agree with him and his approach.
We are seeing a new generation of people who are refusing to be intimidated by the Regressive Left.
It is a good thing.
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
McInnes was telling other people, particularly women, what they think, what they should think, and how to live their lives. For their own good. I think we have more than enough authoritarians running around.

He made a correct point about how and why women, generally make certain choices (is family over career), and gave his opinion on what that means. He did not give his advice to that specific woman, until she literally asked for it.

It would have been Authoritarian, if he wanted government policy to force that. Which he does not.

It is feminists who want to use government power to force equality of outcome that most women do not want.

We have decided that attacks, hyperbole and violence are the only way to achieve our goals (and I'm still not sure what those are). I don't how that can be intelligently defended. If we're giving up on using our minds, let's at least admit it.

He made an intelligent point, and argued it intelligently. The woman is the one that flipped out and started attacking him.
Okay. I realize there are people who agree with him and his approach.

Ok, so I take it you do believe that women are seriously discriminated against in the work place, causing the "pay gap".

Have you at least heard the arguments for his position, and realize that they are not unreasonable?

I'm really having a problem with you dismissing him as " simplistic, ignorant ".

YOu can't have "compromise" or "cooperation" if you just dismiss people.

Especially if you are doing it, because you are accepting without question that the liberal position is so right that no one can reasonable disagree.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

Can you honestly Mac, look at what the left is doing and saying today, and say it's both parties that are the problem?
There's more than one way to do that. But if this group thinks that violence and hyperbole are the way to do it, there's nothing I can do about it. As I said, I think this is the best people can do at this point. We've just devolved to this.

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
McInnes was telling other people, particularly women, what they think, what they should think, and how to live their lives. For their own good. I think we have more than enough authoritarians running around.

He made a correct point about how and why women, generally make certain choices (is family over career), and gave his opinion on what that means. He did not give his advice to that specific woman, until she literally asked for it.

It would have been Authoritarian, if he wanted government policy to force that. Which he does not.

It is feminists who want to use government power to force equality of outcome that most women do not want.

We have decided that attacks, hyperbole and violence are the only way to achieve our goals (and I'm still not sure what those are). I don't how that can be intelligently defended. If we're giving up on using our minds, let's at least admit it.

He made an intelligent point, and argued it intelligently. The woman is the one that flipped out and started attacking him.
Okay. I realize there are people who agree with him and his approach.

Ok, so I take it you do believe that women are seriously discriminated against in the work place, causing the "pay gap".

Have you at least heard the arguments for his position, and realize that they are not unreasonable?

I'm really having a problem with you dismissing him as " simplistic, ignorant ".

YOu can't have "compromise" or "cooperation" if you just dismiss people.

Especially if you are doing it, because you are accepting without question that the liberal position is so right that no one can reasonable disagree.
I said nothing about the pay gap.

What I saw and heard, in my opinion, was a guy of below-average intelligence blurting out a string of simplistic generalizations so shallow that (a) even Hannity laughed and (b) I wasn't even sure if he was goofing around, maybe playing the role of stereotypical Archie Bunker neanderthal.

There. You asked. I'm not trying to anger or insult you. I was just leaving this alone. That was just my impression. And it is supported by the other videos I posted.

Maybe your guys will beat up enough people and cause enough damage that minds will change.

I have no idea what's going on at this point. I'm just the kid in the cafeteria, trying to eat his lunch during a food fight.
I will walk you though this slowly, using small words, as though you are a dim witted child.

No. You won't. You aren't qualified to extract air from a paper bag, jethro. Your adolescent partisan cheer leading has grown tiresome. Nothing coming out of your uneducated maw concerns me. Do you get it now, Sally? Or shall I draw pictures in crayon (more your speed, I'm sure)?

1. You claimed that the jobs would not, could not come back, because those jobs were lost to automation.

No, I did not claim anything of the sort, you lying maggot. I stated that while output in manufacturing jobs is up, that actual jobs are at 1940s levels. This is due to automation. A fact. I even provided a link to support it. If you continue to be disingenuous and stupid, off to ignoreville you go. I have better people to converse with.

2. I pointed to an example of another First World nation, that has twice the level of those jobs than we do.

No, you used 'whataboutism', the only move from supporters of the cult of The Orange Virus when the ridiculousness of this administration's policies is pointed out.

3. That disproves your claim. That is why it is relevant.

You've disproved nothing, especially facts. Stop lying.

4. That you had to have this explained to you, shows you to be incredibly dense.

Now you're a lying troll. Go away.

"Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another ...
Too often ending in the loss of both."

1. I not trying to derail your thread, but you are aware of the validity of the point McInnes raised, right? I think that is important to know. If you are dismissing him as ignorant, for no reason. That is wrong.

2. There is not more than one way to do that. Every other way has failed. People have been talking, for a long time in different ways, and the Left's monopoly on force and the threat of force has not budged until now. Antifa has taken a serious hit.

3 This is not devolution. This is an healthy response to an threat to a society.
McInnes was telling other people, particularly women, what they think, what they should think, and how to live their lives. For their own good. I think we have more than enough authoritarians running around.

He made a correct point about how and why women, generally make certain choices (is family over career), and gave his opinion on what that means. He did not give his advice to that specific woman, until she literally asked for it.

It would have been Authoritarian, if he wanted government policy to force that. Which he does not.

It is feminists who want to use government power to force equality of outcome that most women do not want.

We have decided that attacks, hyperbole and violence are the only way to achieve our goals (and I'm still not sure what those are). I don't how that can be intelligently defended. If we're giving up on using our minds, let's at least admit it.

He made an intelligent point, and argued it intelligently. The woman is the one that flipped out and started attacking him.
Okay. I realize there are people who agree with him and his approach.

Ok, so I take it you do believe that women are seriously discriminated against in the work place, causing the "pay gap".

Have you at least heard the arguments for his position, and realize that they are not unreasonable?

I'm really having a problem with you dismissing him as " simplistic, ignorant ".

YOu can't have "compromise" or "cooperation" if you just dismiss people.

Especially if you are doing it, because you are accepting without question that the liberal position is so right that no one can reasonable disagree.
I said nothing about the pay gap.

What I saw and heard, in my opinion, was a guy of below-average intelligence blurting out a string of simplistic generalizations so shallow that (a) even Hannity laughed and (b) I wasn't even sure if he was goofing around, maybe playing the role of stereotypical Archie Bunker neanderthal.

There. You asked. I'm not trying to anger or insult you. I was just leaving this alone. That was just my impression. And it is supported by the other videos I posted.

Maybe your guys will beat up enough people and cause enough damage that minds will change.

I have no idea what's going on at this point. I'm just the kid in the cafeteria, trying to eat his lunch during a food fight.

1. The Pay Gap is a generalization. Any point relevant to it, will be a generalization.

2. There is nothing unintelligent about pointing out the different choices women make, in the context of the Pay Gap debate.

3. Hannity did laugh. Because in our current political climate, hearing someone loudly and unabashedly stating the obvious truth, is shocking. I'm sure people gasped and laughed when the child pointed out that the Emperor was not wearing clothes.

4. I'm trying to help you understand. ANd the rise of the Proud Boys is a good thing. This is Middle America refusing to be marginalized by the Regressive Left.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

Can you honestly Mac, look at what the left is doing and saying today, and say it's both parties that are the problem?
Well yes, obviously.

Is this a trick question?

No, it's not a trick question and your answer is quite a disappointment. I'm trying to decide if it's worth trying to reason with you on it.
I will walk you though this slowly, using small words, as though you are a dim witted child.

No. You won't. You aren't qualified to extract air from a paper bag, jethro. Your adolescent partisan cheer leading has grown tiresome. Nothing coming out of your uneducated maw concerns me. Do you get it now, Sally? Or shall I draw pictures in crayon (more your speed, I'm sure)?

1. You claimed that the jobs would not, could not come back, because those jobs were lost to automation.

No, I did not claim anything of the sort, you lying maggot. I stated that while output in manufacturing jobs is up, that actual jobs are at 1940s levels. This is due to automation. A fact. I even provided a link to support it. If you continue to be disingenuous and stupid, off to ignoreville you go. I have better people to converse with.

2. I pointed to an example of another First World nation, that has twice the level of those jobs than we do.

No, you used 'whataboutism', the only move from supporters of the cult of The Orange Virus when the ridiculousness of this administration's policies is pointed out.

3. That disproves your claim. That is why it is relevant.

You've disproved nothing, especially facts. Stop lying.

4. That you had to have this explained to you, shows you to be incredibly dense.

Now you're a lying troll. Go away.

Explain why Germany can have twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do, in the environment of automation.

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