We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

Bush-43 brought us two recessions, two wars, let a major city get rendered uninhabitable, gave us the biggest economic crash in 80 years, I found myself with a 25% income reduction, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

How specifically did Bush43 cause you a 25% income reduction ?
Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you want to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

It's women fighting to get in the army, to work for a living and on sports fields

And what about that? Desiring to defend our nation or to work for a living is wrong??? Sports has nothing to do with it. Sports are entertainment, same as acting in movies or appearing on Broadway. BTW: female humans are not any strangers to hard work. Want your babies grown in utero, birthed, cleaned up, watched over?Want your house cleaned by somebody with a mop and a bucket and bottles of disinfectant? Just who laundered the clean clothes that you put on in the morning? If you have children, just who do you think birthed them, fed them, cleaned them up, kept them from sticking their fingers in electrical sockets?
No, not really.

You see, if the NRA was honest, it would tell people straight up that gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Of course, they don't tell you that. That would be bad for business. They'd also tell their members there's really no point in having a gun to fights them the gummit because the gummit has tanks.

Planned Parenthood tells girls how to use birth control to avoid being preggers, but if that fails, they'll do the abortion.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the difference.

Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

You're a bigot. You know nothing about Christians. You just hate them and make up stupid shit because you're an angry, hateful little girl

I not only was raised in one of the Christian faiths, of which there are many, I also majored in European history in college. Please state which of the Christian faiths you are from? Roman Catholic? Orthodox? Methodist? Lutheran? Episcopalian? Presbyterian? Quaker? Baptist (which conference)?

I notice, little boy, that you did not respond to the substance of my comment. Do some members of some of the religions that make up "Christianity" do these things or not? Guilty of what I said or not?

kaz: you're a little girl

Lysistrata: I've got nothing. I'm just going to repeat back to you what you said to me. You're a little boy ...
Fake news, liar. Consent Consment .... Just further proof leftists aren't just wrong, you're immoral

Meh, can't get worked up about what two consenting adults do.

What I remember about Clinton today was that we had peace, prosperity, my income went up, my property values doubled.

Bush-43 brought us two recessions, two wars, let a major city get rendered uninhabitable, gave us the biggest economic crash in 80 years, I found myself with a 25% income reduction, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

But Gosh darn, That Bush didn't fuck around behind Laura's back... that's the important thing..

No. No, not really.

JoeB: "Meh, can't get worked up about what two consenting adults do." And by that I mean I don't care if the woman actually consented or not. Bitch is standing between me and a welfare check. Fuck her
You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you want to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

It's women fighting to get in the army, to work for a living and on sports fields

And what about that? Desiring to defend our nation or to work for a living is wrong??? Sports has nothing to do with it. Sports are entertainment, same as acting in movies or appearing on Broadway. BTW: female humans are not any strangers to hard work. Want your babies grown in utero, birthed, cleaned up, watched over?Want your house cleaned by somebody with a mop and a bucket and bottles of disinfectant? Just who laundered the clean clothes that you put on in the morning? If you have children, just who do you think birthed them, fed them, cleaned them up, kept them from sticking their fingers in electrical sockets?

You convinced me. You should fuck and pop out babies. I don't see any other purpose in life you serve just like you don't
Unfortunately, the right-wingers actually want girls to get pregnant. It's part of their sick brand of "religion," which requires that females, but not males, be punished for having sex. According to them, females should be asexual, or else!

You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

You're a bigot. You know nothing about Christians. You just hate them and make up stupid shit because you're an angry, hateful little girl

I not only was raised in one of the Christian faiths, of which there are many, I also majored in European history in college. Please state which of the Christian faiths you are from? Roman Catholic? Orthodox? Methodist? Lutheran? Episcopalian? Presbyterian? Quaker? Baptist (which conference)?

I notice, little boy, that you did not respond to the substance of my comment. Do some members of some of the religions that make up "Christianity" do these things or not? Guilty of what I said or not?

kaz: you're a little girl

Lysistrata: I've got nothing. I'm just going to repeat back to you what you said to me. You're a little boy ...
Stupid. You refuse to stand up and explain anything. This is what I was asking for. Got anything of substance? Do you want to explain marrying penis worship with a belief in a Supreme Being? Now is your chance.
So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you want to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

It's women fighting to get in the army, to work for a living and on sports fields

And what about that? Desiring to defend our nation or to work for a living is wrong??? Sports has nothing to do with it. Sports are entertainment, same as acting in movies or appearing on Broadway. BTW: female humans are not any strangers to hard work. Want your babies grown in utero, birthed, cleaned up, watched over?Want your house cleaned by somebody with a mop and a bucket and bottles of disinfectant? Just who laundered the clean clothes that you put on in the morning? If you have children, just who do you think birthed them, fed them, cleaned them up, kept them from sticking their fingers in electrical sockets?

You convinced me. You should fuck and pop out babies. I don't see any other purpose in life you serve just like you don't

Why are you here, except to fuck up the planet? From your words, you are useless and purposeless on the planet. A person who does not have any purpose on the planet Earth. I and millions of other women appreciate a good penis from time to time, let me say. but what good are you?
Trump has never been a conservative and I have stated that since day one, he is whatever you want him to be which puts him on the right or the left depending on what he thinks will accomplish his goal. That’s why I didn’t vote for him. There is a big difference between conservatives, liberals and then the right and the left, you are on the left which makes you as stupid as those on the right. Liberals and conservatives are more closely aligned with each other than one would think, it is the left and the right that are divisive.

blah, blah, blah, the point is you clowns on the Right get on here and defend him no matter what outrageous thing he does, every day. I just don't want to hear it.

Lol! That is one funny post! Thanks for the laugh.
I thought you were fired because you got ill or something BS like that.

That just made me the guy who was targeted... If Bush hadn't created such a crappy economy, I could have easily gotten something that paid better long before it got that far.

I guess I need to explain this again, because you are fucking stupid.

In 2007, I destroyed my knee slipping on some ice going into work to work on a Saturday, because that's the kind of workload they hit me with. Racked up about $50,000 in medical bills. Cigna fought me tooth and nail on every expense.

Then we lost our biggest customer, because our wonderful management didn't treat them right. Hired some sales woman who they paid six figures and never visited the customer before she quit. But even though I had seniority in the office, my wonderful boss decided to put me in a position that basically didn't even utilize my talents. The goal was to get me to quit on my own, and by God, I tried, but the economy was already starting to suck. (It also didn't help I still required a walker to get around at that point). When I pointed out the inequities, my boss pretty much admitted to age discrimination and then stated, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

Yup....This is when I started turning from Republican to Democrat, when I realized which party was on MY side, and which party was on HIS side. All this shit about abortion and gay marriage and who has to make a fucking cake... none of this shit really matter after that.

Anyway, by 2008, the economy was completely tanking, and they had to start letting people go who hadn't been able to quit on their own. So I ended up taking a job that I had turned down three months earlier, which paid- wait for it - 25% less. Of course, a month later, the stock market crashed, and I felt lucky to have a job.

Now since real life isn't exactly cut and dry, I admit that I actually did vote for McCain in 2008. Because after a primary that involved the kind of religious crazy of Romney and Huckabee arguing over whether or not Jesus and Satan were brothers (Which is like arguing whether Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are drinking buddies, as far as I'm concerned), they actually seemed to get it.

By 2010, though, it was clear the GOP was full-on crazy.
Last edited:
You have serious mental issues. Get help

So what is your story? Come on. Explain patriarchal religions. The entire attack on PP is meant to establish a regime in which females either abstain from sexual activity until they enter a legal relationship in which they must have sex on command of a master and bear forth the sperm of this despicable individual or face the consequences. Please start explaining why you think that female humans are expendable.

You obviously do not believe in the concept of liberty among humans, even as you folks talk about "liberty" and "freedom." For yourselves only?

You're a bigot. You know nothing about Christians. You just hate them and make up stupid shit because you're an angry, hateful little girl

I not only was raised in one of the Christian faiths, of which there are many, I also majored in European history in college. Please state which of the Christian faiths you are from? Roman Catholic? Orthodox? Methodist? Lutheran? Episcopalian? Presbyterian? Quaker? Baptist (which conference)?

I notice, little boy, that you did not respond to the substance of my comment. Do some members of some of the religions that make up "Christianity" do these things or not? Guilty of what I said or not?

kaz: you're a little girl

Lysistrata: I've got nothing. I'm just going to repeat back to you what you said to me. You're a little boy ...
Stupid. You refuse to stand up and explain anything. This is what I was asking for. Got anything of substance? Do you want to explain marrying penis worship with a belief in a Supreme Being? Now is your chance.

You think all Christians are like the most extreme zealot of a Christian you can imagine in your feeble little mind. You think Christians have lizard tails and eat babies. They shoot hobos for fun and set birdhouses on fire.

Two words. You're a big-ot. And like all bigots, you're dumb as a brick. Hillary's right, at least about you. Let your husband do the thinking for you, you suck at it
I call it long term memory

Naw, then you'd remember the things I actually say, rather than what you imagine wanking off in the bushes at night.

Again, the neighbors have been complaining.

I've repeatedly proven I'm right with quotes. You still don't grasp the site has a search function. Just like you don't know was Google is
Males have always been the expendable sex. Give me a fucking break.

See; war casualties, workplace casualties. All casualties, more or less.

Give me some evidence that you male folks ever refused to participate. Give me some evidence that females directed you male folks to do this kind of thing. Give me some evidence that the female half of the species played any part in creating the conflicts in which male individuals have lost their lives. History shows no female participation when you idiots stoke up a conflict and then go fighting about it to the point at which male folks die.

You male morons determine what you want to fight and die about. We women have no say. You monkeys kill yourselves.

It's women fighting to get in the army, to work for a living and on sports fields

And what about that? Desiring to defend our nation or to work for a living is wrong??? Sports has nothing to do with it. Sports are entertainment, same as acting in movies or appearing on Broadway. BTW: female humans are not any strangers to hard work. Want your babies grown in utero, birthed, cleaned up, watched over?Want your house cleaned by somebody with a mop and a bucket and bottles of disinfectant? Just who laundered the clean clothes that you put on in the morning? If you have children, just who do you think birthed them, fed them, cleaned them up, kept them from sticking their fingers in electrical sockets?

You convinced me. You should fuck and pop out babies. I don't see any other purpose in life you serve just like you don't

Why are you here, except to fuck up the planet? From your words, you are useless and purposeless on the planet. A person who does not have any purpose on the planet Earth. I and millions of other women appreciate a good penis from time to time, let me say. but what good are you?

Lysistrata: I have nothing. I'm just going to repeat back to you what you said to me ...
've repeatedly proven I'm right with quotes. You still don't grasp the site has a search function. Just like you don't know was Google is

Uh, yeah, if your example of you claiming I said something I clearly didn't say is the best you could come up with... that's kind of sad.

Never said what you claimed I did.

You made a claim, I didn't clearly contradict you, and you called that proof.
I thought you were fired because you got ill or something BS like that.

That just made me the guy who was targeted... If Bush hadn't created such a crappy economy, I could have easily gotten something that paid better long before it got that far.

I guess I need to explain this again, because you are fucking stupid.

In 2007, I destroyed my knee slipping on some ice going into work to work on a Saturday, because that's the kind of workload they hit me with. Racked up about $50,000 in medical bills. Cigna fought me tooth and nail on every expense.

Then we lost our biggest customer, because our wonderful management didn't treat them right. Hired some sales woman who they paid six figures and never visited the customer before she quit. But even though I had seniority in the office, my wonderful boss decided to put me in a position that basically didn't even utilize my talents. The goal was to get me to quit on my own, and by God, I tried, but the economy was already starting to suck. (It also didn't help I still required a walker to get around at that point). When I pointed out the inequities, my boss pretty much admitted to age discrimination and then stated, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

Yup....This is when I started turning from Republican to Democrat, when I realized which party was on MY side, and which party was on HIS side. All this shit about abortion and gay marriage and who has to make a fucking cake... none of this shit really matter after that.

Anyway, by 2008, the economy was completely tanking, and they had to start letting people go who hadn't been able to quit on their own. So I ended up taking a job that I had turned down three months earlier, which paid- wait for it - 25% less. Of course, a month later, the stock market crashed, and I felt lucky to have a job.

Now since real life isn't exactly cut and dry, I admit that I actually did vote for McCain in 2008. Because after a primary that involved the kind of religious crazy of Romney and Huckabee arguing over whether or not Jesus and Satan were brothers (Which is like arguing whether Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are drinking buddies, as far as I'm concerned), they actually seemed to get it.

By 2010, though, it was clear the GOP was full-on crazy.

I never read your fucking story, dumbass, the only post I ever read is you somehow claim you were fired because you got hurt or sick and the insurance company made them fire you. I’m not reading your silly story because you lie so damn much there is no truth in it and the other reason is, I don’t care, just like you don’t care.

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