Zone1 We Can't Get Past It If We Won't Get Past It

You don't think black men get grief from other blacks for dating or marrying white women?
It does seem wealthy black men prefer white women and I doubt it is because they can cook.
If you ever left the bunker and experienced anything of the world you would realize that when it comes right down to it all people are essentially the same. Do you know what "essentially" means?
It's funny, when I read the OP, I was sure this troll would show up. Every time someone creates a thread of the form "How can people be so shitty?" - BL shows up and says "Like this! Hold my beer."

I should know better than to ask, but what the hell:

Does anyone have a problem with interracial adoption?

"When white parents adopt a Black or biracial child, they are giving that child a home and a family. They are also establishing a situation that risks repeating a dangerous narrative: White people are the benevolent rescuers and patrons of needy Black people. So it is important to say right at the start that when white parents adopt a child of another race or ethnicity, they are depriving that child of a profoundly valuable resource: a mother and/or father who can guide that child in navigating U.S. culture as a minority and can also connect that child to the rich cultural heritage that is their birthright."

This is a tough question, best solutions are not always available,
And so much depends on the quality of the parents. Best choice would of course be a willing family member.

I should know better than to ask, but what the hell:

Does anyone have a problem with interracial adoption?

"When white parents adopt a Black or biracial child, they are giving that child a home and a family. They are also establishing a situation that risks repeating a dangerous narrative: White people are the benevolent rescuers and patrons of needy Black people. So it is important to say right at the start that when white parents adopt a child of another race or ethnicity, they are depriving that child of a profoundly valuable resource: a mother and/or father who can guide that child in navigating U.S. culture as a minority and can also connect that child to the rich cultural heritage that is their birthright."

What a woke shitty article. Real life doesn't work like that.

I had a friend that foster parented 29 kids. He was black, all the kids he was a dad to weren't.

He was just such a good man. They just ain't makin' 'em like that anymore.
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That's a lie. I get tired of white supremacists making these kinds of claims. First off, we can't get past racism as long as whites are practicing it. I have known white women who were disowned by their families for seeing black men.
Blacks need whites to blame their problems on because they cannot solve them themselves. Black problems are cause by genetically caused black deficiencies, and the high crime rates of other blacks. Blacks would be worse off without whites to pay their welfare checks, and to police their neighborhoods to keep them from killing each other even more frequently than they do. .
Anywhere you go, you will find that most people want to work hard to support and protect their families. All people laugh, cry, get angry, are hopeful at times and discouraged at others. The basics of being human and living life are essentially the same for all of us. Everywhere you go you will find some criminals and cowards, but for the most part most people just want to love their families and live their lives in peace and hopefully prosperity. America is the greatest country on earth because we offer the opportunity to make and have that for each person according to their guts, ambition, ability, and grit. That's one of many reasons why people from ever corner of the earth want to come here.
Democrats and local governments are killing the American Dream.

Oh, and big banks being allowed to own single family homes. Corporate home ownership.

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