We can't keep drugs out of prisons and guns out of criminals hands. But we are going to police abortions.

Anyone who knows where a murder is happening and does nothing is complicit. Sitting in front of a computer complaining about it only testifies to a lack of conviction.
Hmmm...so every time a mass murder in a school, movie theater, at a concert or in restaurant and those sitting in front of a computer screen opposing abortions and not realizing "shall not be infringed" kills innocent children.
Hmmm...so every time a mass murder in a school, movie theater, at a concert or in restaurant and those sitting in front of a computer screen opposing abortions and not realizing "shall not be infringed" kills innocent children.
you sound like a typical baby killer,,

guns save far more lives than they take,,
I see this going well. The government can't even uphold the laws we got on the books. We spent trillions on the war on drugs and that is a failure. Now you want to police women's bodies. 😂😂😂
Watching Baby Killer Cultist‘s heads explode is fun. Second pissy pants thread on this already today.

Why do you not count the nine months you were in the womb as how old you are?
Seriously? This is supposed to be an intelligent argument for when life starts?
And for the record: your age is based on how many BIRTHdays you've had, not how many "CONCEPTIONdays".
you sound like a typical baby killer,,

guns save far more lives than they take,,
IDIOT-GRAM ^^^; Variety Logical Fallacy, to wit:

Prove it. Name all of the three million saved by carrying a gun and using it to save themselves.
Here ya go……..but you will do what you always do, ignore links and facts.

I see this going well. The government can't even uphold the laws we got on the books. We spent trillions on the war on drugs and that is a failure. Now you want to police women's bodies. 😂😂😂
How did you come to that stupid conclusion?

I suspect that you are so stupid that you are simply parroting bullshit that the fake news media brainwashed you into believing.

You drank the grape kool-aid.

Maybe you ought to think before posting. What you call hypocrisy is foolish. Only someone such as you are so dumb as to believe taking protections from a virus is forced.

Common Sense isn't common in the life of many of those who are opposed to abortions and opposed to gun control. I hope that this comparison isn't too abstract.
Note how this left winger experiences severe butthurt when we point out the Dem hypocrisy. You can't tell a woman what to do with her body, unless it's Dems forcing women to take a vaccine or get fired from their job. Is there a Dem commission that decides when Dems can tell a woman what to do with her body??
Note how this left winger experiences severe butthurt when we point out the Dem hypocrisy. You can't tell a woman what to do with her body, unless it's Dems forcing women to take a vaccine or get fired from their job. Is there a Dem commission that decides when Dems can tell a woman what to do with her body??
Common Sense isn't common in the life of many of those who are opposed to abortions and opposed to gun control. I hope that this comparison isn't too abstract.

Are you incapable to comprehend something as simple as this abstraction: ... "those who are opposed to abortions and opposed to gun control" are hypocrites - or are you too embarrassed to admit this truth.

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