We can't keep drugs out of prisons and guns out of criminals hands. But we are going to police abortions.

Common Sense isn't common in the life of many of those who are opposed to abortions and opposed to gun control. I hope that this comparison isn't too abstract.

Are you incapable to comprehend something as simple as this abstraction: ... "those who are opposed to abortions and opposed to gun control" are hypocrites - or are you too embarrassed to admit this truth.
the two have no comparison,,

its just another excuse baby killers like you use to relieve your guilt of being a baby killer,,
the two have no comparison,,

its just another excuse baby killers like you use to relieve your guilt of being a baby killer,,
I pity you. You call "baby killers" who are aborted, and 5 & 6 old children shot to death in their classroom not comparable. Either you are really dumb or really dishonest.
I pity you. You call "baby killers" who are aborted, and 5 & 6 old children shot to death in their classroom not comparable. Either you are really dumb or really dishonest.
both happened because of lack of respect for human life and doesnt have anything to do with gun control since criminals dont obey the law

careful who you call dumb or dishonest,,
I pity you. You call "baby killers" who are aborted, and 5 & 6 old children shot to death in their classroom not comparable. Either you are really dumb or really dishonest.
tell us oh great one,,
what gun control laws are going to stop a criminal from shooting up a school??
Here ya go……..but you will do what you always do, ignore links and facts.

Just as I predicted. Rye Catcher asks for a link, I supply 3, and he just ignores them.

What a clown.
"Unborn person" is an oxymoron.
No one is pushing for abortion.
No one is forcing anyone to abort.
If the majority decides to impose restrictions on a woman's choice, it will only be another manifestation of social repression of a group. It will cause other problems, as such repression always does.
Personally, the entire question does not concern me directly. It is just mysterious to me that so many militants insist that the minority of fertile humans must conform to a limited, hypocritical interpretation of life.

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