We could eliminate unemployment and reduce the debt

I agree that it is obscene. There is tons of fat that does little to defend our country, but national defense is one of those pesky enumerated powers granted Congress by the Constitution. Abortion on demand seems to be missing, at least in my copy.
We've got enough nukes to kill the population of the planet 37 times.

I think we're pretty safe.
General welfare does not mean giving you free food and birth control.
It means getting Americans back to work through infrastructure and construction projects. Because that is what is good for the country. Paying someone to build a bridge, is not giving away a freebee.
I agree that it is obscene. There is tons of fat that does little to defend our country, but national defense is one of those pesky enumerated powers granted Congress by the Constitution. Abortion on demand seems to be missing, at least in my copy.
We've got enough nukes to kill the population of the planet 37 times.

I think we're pretty safe.

Not any more.. Obama has been unilaterally disarming our nuclear arsenal.
Not any more.. Obama has been unilaterally disarming our nuclear arsenal.
So what. If anyone starts shooting their mouth off at us, we go park an aircraft carrier in their bay.

Not for long. Obama has also been unilaterally disarming our navy and airforce by cancelling the aircraft and ships that we need to replace our aging fleets. You can't remain at war for perpetuity. Our true enemies are smelling blood as we waste our resources in the deserts of the ME and spying on American Citizens.
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I agree that it is obscene. There is tons of fat that does little to defend our country, but national defense is one of those pesky enumerated powers granted Congress by the Constitution. Abortion on demand seems to be missing, at least in my copy.
We've got enough nukes to kill the population of the planet 37 times.

I think we're pretty safe.

We do. And we're relatively safe from any rationally led enemy.
That said, we have them. The majority are in secure storage. What do you propose we do with them? You do realize that rendering them harmless is both dangerous and very costly, do you not?

We cannot unspend the money, kind of like your Beanie Baby collection, we've got them. It makes sense to keep them in secure storage and in usable condition.
General welfare does not mean giving you free food and birth control.
It means getting Americans back to work through infrastructure and construction projects. Because that is what is good for the country. Paying someone to build a bridge, is not giving away a freebee.

Great idea, but with half the country not contributing, it puts an unfair burden on the responsible person who actually pays taxes.
Do they use infrastructure?

What progressives want to do is get a free happy meal at Mickey D's while others pay 5 bucks and still others pay 15.

Sorry! Everyone is free to use infrastructure and those of us paying in get a far smaller piece of the pie in return for our tax dollars.
Re-read your post. Your title says we could eliminate unemployment and reduce the debt, but you don't give any proposal on how to do that .

Sorry if I wasn't clear. Attracting manufacturers from all over the world to establish plants would create direct employment in those companies and additional business opportunities in the support services needed.
Why do you think they're not already being attracted or what do you think is currently keeping them away? And why do you consider foreign manufacturers more desirable than domestic? And why do you think attracting more foreign manufacturers by itself would be enough to eliminate unemployment? And how on earth could more manufacturing help with structural unemployment?

[If you read the linked articles, cheap energy presently available in the US (largely because of fracking) is the reason that billions are being invested in new manufacturing facilities in the US. Add some tax incentive to the equation and you have a strong draw for manufacturers to return to the US.
But you still haven't shown how that would eliminate unemployment or reduce the debt.[/QUOTE]

The fact is that our present advantage is based on a non-renewable source of energy. Like coal, fracking and traditional petroleum energy sources are considered dirty and undesirable in certain political circles. Renewable energy is desirable but is presently expensive. The reason our political leadership isn't pushing cheap energy in trying to attract more investment is because our advantage is based "dirty" energy sources. Sad but true.
Do they use infrastructure?

What progressives want to do is get a free happy meal at Mickey D's while others pay 5 bucks and still others pay 15.

Sorry! Everyone is free to use infrastructure and those of us paying in get a far smaller piece of the pie in return for our tax dollars.
What did we get in return for the $4 trillion we paid out for the Iraq war?
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Attracting manufacturers from all over the world to establish plants would create direct employment in those companies and additional business opportunities in the support services needed.
Why do you think they're not already being attracted or what do you think is currently keeping them away? And why do you consider foreign manufacturers more desirable than domestic? And why do you think attracting more foreign manufacturers by itself would be enough to eliminate unemployment? And how on earth could more manufacturing help with structural unemployment?

[If you read the linked articles, cheap energy presently available in the US (largely because of fracking) is the reason that billions are being invested in new manufacturing facilities in the US. Add some tax incentive to the equation and you have a strong draw for manufacturers to return to the US.
But you still haven't shown how that would eliminate unemployment or reduce the debt.

The fact is that our present advantage is based on a non-renewable source of energy. Like coal, fracking and traditional petroleum energy sources are considered dirty and undesirable in certain political circles. Renewable energy is desirable but is presently expensive. The reason our political leadership isn't pushing cheap energy in trying to attract more investment is because our advantage is based "dirty" energy sources. Sad but true.[/QUOTE]

We have spoken endlessly that many of the economic problems we presently face started with the loss of manufacturing jobs - some point to NAFTA as a starting point. Here is what some say we lost:

"There are roughly 5.1 million fewer American manufacturing jobs now than at the start of 2001. And China is to blame for more than one-third of that loss, says a new report."

Report: America Lost 2.7 Million Jobs to China in 10 Years - US News and World Report

The cost of Chinese labor is now on the rise and industries are looking to establish a competitive advantage on the basis of something other than just cheap labor.

Cheap energy is one such competitive advantage:

"Low gas prices are unquestionably fueling a resurgence of North American manufacturing where gas is a feedstock, most obviously agricultural chemicals. Low-cost gas makes high-energy-consuming industry more competitive and is beginning to influence decisions on reopening and locating chemical, glass, and metals manufacturing facilities in North America. Employment in construction and manufacturing immediately benefits, and lower-cost products benefit consumers."

Energy Expert: Why cheap natural gas is driving many plants' energy investment decisions
Do they use infrastructure?

What progressives want to do is get a free happy meal at Mickey D's while others pay 5 bucks and still others pay 15.

Sorry! Everyone is free to use infrastructure and those of us paying in get a far smaller piece of the pie in return for our tax dollars.
What did we get in return for the $4 trillion we paid out for the Iraq war?

The same thing we got out of the wars Obama started.
Ayup it sure does.
It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't make 90% of it up.

I assure you, my hate for the pansy is visceral and not made up. Mostly due to his attack on our economy. But if you meant the things he's done are made up.. rofl you mean like his BC or the stories his porn star mom made up about his communist fathers?
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I assure you, my hate for the pansy is visceral and not made up. Mostly due to his attack on our economy. But if you meant the things he's done are made up.. rofl you mean like his BC or the stories his porn star mom made up about his communist fathers?
Until you provide links to back up your claims, I don't see Obama tearing down the military.

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