We Defunded PP/Abortions !

Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer

Well you can't spin it because the country is already too broke to fund this.
Bug not too broke to give the defense budget a $54 billion increase

Good. Now run along.
Nice deflection. No. I won't run along, boy. So, you're ok with a defense budget increase of $54 BILLION, but think that cutting $500 MILLION (that's half of one of those billions) from PP is going to put the nation on the right track financially
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer

Well you can't spin it because the country is already too broke to fund this.
Bug not too broke to give the defense budget a $54 billion increase

Good. Now run along.
Nice deflection. No. I won't run along, boy. So, you're ok with a defense budget increase of $54 BILLION, but think that cutting $500 MILLION (that's half of one of those billions) from PP is going to put the nation on the right track financially
Oh I forgot I'm the actual senator working in D.C yeah dum dum. Why even waste time talking to you now?LOL
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
. Why not have a place in the hospital for this as well as at her local Doctor & other medical care facilities ??? Oh that's right, she can't get that abortion at the hospital or those other anti-abortion facilities.. Is that what they are calling abortions these days (birth control) ??? I thought gynecologist had their own women's clinics or practices for women's needs ? Ohhh wait, you're talking about those places that have those working for whom will kill a baby in a heartbeat, and especially if the mother gets scared or brainwashed into doing something stupid in her life or to take what is figured to be an easy way out.
You've been fooled....in to your excitement...

from my understanding, they cut title x funding which PP has only 15 of the 90 title x funded clinics in the USA, and their title x funding was around 50 million a year....

PP still gets the 450 million a year in MEDICAID reimbursement.

AND VERY SAD you cut title x funding....meant for women in poor areas that have no doctors or clinics to service these poor women's medical needs that are not on MEDICAID. :(
You've been fooled....in to your excitement...

from my understanding, they cut title x funding which PP has only 15 of the 90 title x funded clinics in the USA, and their title x funding was around 50 million a year....

PP still gets the 450 million a year in MEDICAID reimbursement.

AND VERY SAD you cut title x funding....meant for women in poor areas that have no doctors or clinics to service these poor women's medical needs that are not on MEDICAID. :(
. Need to cut all PP/Abortion funding period. Everyone needs to go back to living like the nation did for hundreds of years without such a thing.
Notice how conservatives believe in myth even when it is proven wrong. They need to feel validated so badly for their beliefs they will suspend reality and rational thinking to keep their fake bubble intact.

3% of what Planned Parenthood does is abortions, NONE of it funded by the federal government. NONE. It is against the law, except in the case of incest or rape, or the life of the mother, for federal funds to be used for abortions provided by Planned Parenthood.

The other 97% of their services are things like STD screening and treatment, PAP smears, and all other women's health issues. It is very good medical care for women that can't afford a doctor.

All the Republicans have done is once again stuck a knife in the back of poor women because the favorite thing for Republicans is putting their boot on the throat of those that can't fight back. Jesus helped the poor, Republicans worship the anti-Christ.
Amazing how the war on women endures into 2017
Wouldn't it be war on women and unborn babies?

Republicans just voted to spread STD's, cut access to contraceptives (meaning more abortions), and to increase cancer's mortality rate, among other health problems that PP helps with. Well, for 4 years at least until we get a government that does what's best for the nation instead of spreading extremist ideology.

So unless you have public funding to kill children stds and cancer will run wild...

Do you guys think about what you say?
Amazing how the war on women endures into 2017
Wouldn't it be war on women and unborn babies?

No. War on women . PP does all kinds of medical care . Abortions were never part of any fed funding .

That's just the start, big guy. And you mislead it like a tool. LOL


I mislead nothing . Trump and the GOP will pay . Ever hear of a "pyrrhic victory " ?

Actually we won't pay. We literally just passed a law saying we won't.
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
Planned Parenthood isn't the only resource that does this. They are the only ones who perform abortions with taxpayer money.
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?

Why do you conclude that parents don't care about their children?

Moreover why do you assume that without government funding these orgs won't be funded? Of they are so vital why can't they raise private funds?
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
Planned Parenthood isn't the only resource that does this. They are the only ones who perform abortions with taxpayer money.
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Condoms are still on sale
Condoms aren't a tool in diagnosing cancer
. They got doctors and hospitals for that.. Last I checked women were allowed to go to all nessesary medical facilities in which there are many, but that old murder plantation called Planned Parenthood might no longer be one of them.

You seem very enlightened.

So in your universe, some teen girl would walk into her local ER to inquire about birth control? For gynecologist appointments?
Planned Parenthood isn't the only resource that does this. They are the only ones who perform abortions with taxpayer money.
That's a LIE.

Planned parenthood does NOT perform abortions with federal tax payer's money. PERIOD.
Since that cannot be proven, I say they do. But if they don't, then the money won't be missed.

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