We Defunded PP/Abortions !

So being a Democrat is genetic?
There is a chance that being a Democrat is NOT genetic. But if abortion were universal for that ilk and, of course government-paid, then we'd know in the second generation. But, wait, there wouldn't BE a second generation - so it really wouldn't matter!

I live in a liberal country where abortion is free. Our rate of abortion is half that of the United States.

Abortion has nothing to do with being liberal and EVERYTHING to do with being poor. Poor women have abortions because they can't afford another child.
How do poor women afford abortions?

I don't know. I'm not a poor woman and I've never had an abortion. Of course, living in Canada, if i needed an abortion, my government funded health care would pay for it. All of it - no co-pay, no deductible. According to conservatives here, no liberal woman would ever have a baby if abortions were free, and yet, here in Canada abortions are free and women still have babies. Amazing isn't it!!!
Here in a free country like the usa taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for the slaughtering of babies by others. By the way if your health care is so great why do you all keep coming here for procedures?

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So being a Democrat is genetic?
There is a chance that being a Democrat is NOT genetic. But if abortion were universal for that ilk and, of course government-paid, then we'd know in the second generation. But, wait, there wouldn't BE a second generation - so it really wouldn't matter!

I live in a liberal country where abortion is free. Our rate of abortion is half that of the United States.

Abortion has nothing to do with being liberal and EVERYTHING to do with being poor. Poor women have abortions because they can't afford another child.

"I live in a liberal country where abortion is free. Our rate of abortion is half that of the United States."

I'll go out on a limb and guess you don't have many low grade Blacks and Hispanics in Canada? (you've been cued to cry racist)
I wonder if that has anything to do with our statistical differences?

"Abortion has nothing to do with being liberal and EVERYTHING to do with being poor."

Hmmm, here in Southern California Liberal ideology is loved by the poor...they love the excuse making you provide and that red carpet you loons roll out for them. So I'd say that here the poor are Liberals.
Our poor is awfully ignorant...they use abortion as a contraceptive...you know how difficult it is to take that pill everyday....they find it much easier to have a stranger did in their vagina to kill a baby once in a while.
Again, it goes back to low iQ and zero self accountability. Nothing new here..just more of the same.
So being a Democrat is genetic?
There is a chance that being a Democrat is NOT genetic. But if abortion were universal for that ilk and, of course government-paid, then we'd know in the second generation. But, wait, there wouldn't BE a second generation - so it really wouldn't matter!

I live in a liberal country where abortion is free. Our rate of abortion is half that of the United States.

Abortion has nothing to do with being liberal and EVERYTHING to do with being poor. Poor women have abortions because they can't afford another child.

Ah, yes. The leftist theory of "If you make something free, it will make fewer people want it!" If your pissant country has fewer abortions, good for you, but it isn't because they're free. Keep that shit thinking there . . . and have I mentioned yet today that literally NO ONE wants or is interested in your opinion of how to run a country you don't live in?

Abortion has everything to do with being leftist, and nothing to do with being poor, other than the desire of leftists to keep the underclass right where it is by indoctrinating them into shit thinking.
So being a Democrat is genetic?
There is a chance that being a Democrat is NOT genetic. But if abortion were universal for that ilk and, of course government-paid, then we'd know in the second generation. But, wait, there wouldn't BE a second generation - so it really wouldn't matter!

I live in a liberal country where abortion is free. Our rate of abortion is half that of the United States.

Abortion has nothing to do with being liberal and EVERYTHING to do with being poor. Poor women have abortions because they can't afford another child.
How do poor women afford abortions?

I don't know. I'm not a poor woman and I've never had an abortion. Of course, living in Canada, if i needed an abortion, my government funded health care would pay for it. All of it - no co-pay, no deductible. According to conservatives here, no liberal woman would ever have a baby if abortions were free, and yet, here in Canada abortions are free and women still have babies. Amazing isn't it!!!

"Abortions are free here, the government pays for them." Typical leftist logic. Tell me, oh poster child for misogyny, does your government have an orchard of money trees they're just harvesting for that?

What conservative has EVER argued that abortions should be free so that leftist women won't have babies? If you can't even muster to brain power to comprehend who says what and why, maybe you should take that as a hint that you have no business talking.

Not that you have any business talking about how other people's countries are run, anyway. What really amazes me is your persistent delusion that people are hungry for your input.
Abortion if proof progressives hate women and minorities since it is used to cut down the population of both and enslave both

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So being a Democrat is genetic?
There is a chance that being a Democrat is NOT genetic. But if abortion were universal for that ilk and, of course government-paid, then we'd know in the second generation. But, wait, there wouldn't BE a second generation - so it really wouldn't matter!

I live in a liberal country where abortion is free. Our rate of abortion is half that of the United States.

Abortion has nothing to do with being liberal and EVERYTHING to do with being poor. Poor women have abortions because they can't afford another child.
. Then poor women should keep their legs closed even tighter, and that way they won't find themselves killing babies. Beat poverty first, and start a life that is rewarding, and not so shameful. The people who are leading these poor women into doing an evil thing, they shall meet with their demise soon enough.

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